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need to throw this stuff on git

Amélia Liao 4 years ago
21 changed files with 1911 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 1
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.gitignore View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 30
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright Abigail Magalhães (c) 2020
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Abigail Magalhães nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

+ 1
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# setoid

+ 2
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Setup.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

+ 2
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hie.yaml View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 36
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setoid.cabal View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
name: setoid
-- synopsis:
-- description:
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Abigail Magalhães
maintainer: [email protected]
copyright: 2020 Abigail Magalhães
category: Web
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable setoid
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: mtl
, syb
, base
, text
, ghc-prim
, containers
, unordered-containers
other-modules: Syntax
, Syntax.Pretty
, Presyntax
, Evaluate
, Elaboration
, Value
, Presyntax.Lexer
, Presyntax.Parser
, Elaboration.Monad

+ 253
- 0
src/Elaboration.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Elaboration where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import Data.Text (Text)
import Elaboration.Monad
import Evaluate
import Presyntax
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeDupablePerformIO )
import Value
elabNext :: MVar Int
elabNext = unsafeDupablePerformIO (newMVar 0)
{-# NOINLINE elabNext #-}
freshMeta :: Value -> ElabM Term
freshMeta expected = do
ctx <- ask
names <- getNames
thisMeta <- liftIO $ do
m <- modifyMVar elabNext $ \x -> pure (x + 1, x)
modifyMVar_ elabMetas $ pure . IntMap.insert m (Unsolved names expected)
pure m
pure $ NewMeta (MV thisMeta) (elabBound ctx)
insert :: Term -> VTy -> ElabM (Term, VTy)
insert f (VPi Im _ d r) = do
t <- freshMeta d
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
insert (App Im f t) (r $$ t_nf)
insert f x = pure (f, x)
insert' :: Term -> VTy -> ElabM (Term, VTy)
insert' t@(Lam Im _ _) ty = pure (t, ty)
insert' t ty = insert t ty
infer :: RawExpr -> ElabM (Term, VTy)
infer (RSrcPos start end expr) = local (\st -> st { elabSourcePos = (start, end) }) (infer expr)
infer (Rvar name) = ask >>= lookup where
lookup ElabState{elabNames, elabConstrs, elabLevel} =
case HashMap.lookup name elabNames of
Just (l, t) -> pure (Bv (lvl2Ix elabLevel l), t)
Nothing ->
case HashMap.lookup name elabConstrs of
Just t -> pure (Con name, t)
Nothing -> typeError (NotInScope name)
infer (Rapp p x y) = do
(x, x_ty) <-
infer x >>= \(x, x_ty) ->
case p of
Ex -> insert x x_ty
_ -> pure (x, x_ty)
(_, d, r) <- isPiType p x_ty
y <- check y d
y_nf <- asks (flip evaluate y . elabEnv)
pure (App p x y, r $$ y_nf)
infer (Rpi e v d r) = do
d <- check d VType
d_nf <- asks (flip evaluate d . elabEnv)
assumeLocal v d_nf $ do
r <- check r VType
pure (Pi e v d r, VType)
infer (Rsigma v d r) = do
d <- check d VType
d_nf <- asks (flip evaluate d . elabEnv)
assumeLocal v d_nf $ do
r <- check r VType
pure (Sigma v d r, VType)
infer (Rlet v t d b) = do
t <- check t VType
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
d <- check d t_nf
d_nf <- asks (flip evaluate d . elabEnv)
defineLocal v t_nf d_nf $ do
(b, ty) <- infer b
pure (Let v t d b, ty)
infer Rtype = pure (Type, VType)
infer Rhole = do
ty <- freshMeta VType
ty_nf <- asks (flip evaluate ty . elabEnv)
tm <- freshMeta ty_nf
pure (tm, ty_nf)
infer (Rlam p v t) = do
env <- asks elabEnv
lvl <- asks elabLevel
dom <- freshMeta VType
let dom_nf = evaluate env dom
assumeLocal v dom_nf $ do
(b, rng) <- infer t
pure (Lam p v b, VPi p v dom_nf (Closure env (quote (succ lvl) rng)))
infer Rtop = pure (Top, VType)
infer Runit = pure (Unit, VTop)
infer (Req a b) = do
t <- freshMeta VType
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
a <- check a t_nf
b <- check b t_nf
pure (Id t a b, VType)
infer Rrefl =
pure (Refl, forAll Im "A" VType $ \a -> forAll Im "x" a $ \x -> VEq a x x)
infer Rcoe =
pure ( Coe
, forAll Im "A" VType $ \a ->
forAll Im "B" VType $ \b ->
forAll Ex "_" (VEq VType a b) $ \_ ->
forAll Ex "_" a $ const b
infer Rcong =
pure ( Cong
, forAll Im "A" VType $ \a ->
forAll Im "B" VType $ \b ->
forAll Im "x" a $ \x ->
forAll Im "y" a $ \y ->
forAll Ex "f" (forAll Ex "_" a (const b)) $ \f ->
forAll Ex "p" (VEq a x y) $ \_ ->
VEq b (vApp f Ex x) (vApp f Ex y)
infer Rsym =
pure ( Sym
, forAll Im "A" VType $ \a -> forAll Im "x" a $ \x -> forAll Im "y" a $ \y -> forAll Ex "p" (VEq a x y) $ \_ -> VEq a y x
infer (Rproj1 e) = do
(t, ty) <- infer e
(_, d, _) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj1 t, d)
infer (Rproj2 e) = do
(t, ty) <- infer e
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
(_, _, r) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj2 t, r $$ vProj1 t_nf)
infer c = do
t <- asks elabSwitches
when (t >= 128) $
error $ "Unhandled case in type checker, stack overflew etc: " ++ show c
t <- freshMeta VType
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
c <- local (\e -> e { elabSwitches = succ (elabSwitches e)}) $
check c t_nf
pure (c, t_nf)
check :: RawExpr -> VTy -> ElabM Term
check (RSrcPos start end expr) ty = local (\st -> st { elabSourcePos = (start, end) }) (check expr ty)
check (Rlam e v t) (VPi e' _ d r) | e == e' = do
level <- asks (unLvl . elabLevel)
assumeLocal v d $
Lam e v <$> check t (r $$ vVar (Bound level))
check t (VPi Im x d r) = do
level <- asks (unLvl . elabLevel)
assumeLocal x d $
Lam Im x <$> check t (r $$ vVar (Bound level))
check (Rlam e v t) ty = do
(_, d, r) <- isPiType e ty
level <- asks (unLvl . elabLevel)
assumeLocal v d $
Lam e v <$> check t (r $$ vVar (Bound level))
check (Rlet v t d b) ty = do
t <- check t VType
t_nf <- asks (flip evaluate t . elabEnv)
d <- check d t_nf
d_nf <- asks (flip evaluate d . elabEnv)
defineLocal v t_nf d_nf $ do
b <- check b ty
pure (Let v t d b)
check (Rpair a b) ty = do
(_, d, r) <- isSigmaType ty
a <- check a d
a_nf <- asks (flip evaluate a . elabEnv)
b <- check b (r $$ a_nf)
pure (Pair a b)
check e ty = do
(new, e_ty) <- uncurry insert =<< infer e
unify e_ty ty
`catchError` \_ -> do
l <- asks elabLevel
names <- getNames
typeError (NotEqual names (quote l (zonk ty)) (quote l (zonk e_ty)))
pure new
isPiType :: Plicity -> VTy -> ElabM (Text, VTy, Closure)
isPiType i = go . force where
go (VPi i' a b c)
| i == i' = pure (a, b, c)
go ty | not (flexible ty) = do
l <- asks elabLevel
names <- getNames
typeError (NotFunction names (quote l ty))
go ty = do
env <- asks elabEnv
t <- freshMeta VType
let t_nf = evaluate env t
assumeLocal "α" t_nf $ do
r <- freshMeta VType
unify ty (VPi i "α" t_nf (Closure env r))
pure ("α", t_nf, Closure env r)
isSigmaType :: VTy -> ElabM (Text, VTy, Closure)
isSigmaType = go . force where
go (VSigma a b c) = pure (a, b, c)
go ty = do
env <- asks elabEnv
t <- freshMeta VType
let t_nf = evaluate env t
assumeLocal "α" t_nf $ do
r <- freshMeta VType
unify ty (VSigma "α" t_nf (Closure env r))
pure ("α", t_nf, Closure env r)

+ 97
- 0
src/Elaboration/Monad.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Elaboration.Monad where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Syntax
import Value
data ElabState =
{ elabEnv :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Env
, elabLevel :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Level
, elabSwitches :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, elabNames :: HashMap Text (Level, VTy)
, elabConstrs :: HashMap Text VTy
, elabBound :: [BoundDef]
, elabSourcePos :: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
deriving (Eq)
emptyElabState :: ElabState
emptyElabState = ElabState emptyEnv (Lvl 0) 0 mempty mempty [] ((0, 0), (0, 0))
getNames :: MonadReader ElabState m => m [Text]
getNames = asks (map go . elabBound) where
go (BDBound n) = n
go (BDDefined n) = n
data ElabError
= NotInScope Text
| NotFunction [Text] Term
| NotEqual [Text] Term Term
| CantSolveMeta [Text] Term Term
deriving (Show)
data ProgError
= ProgError { peErr :: ElabError
, peSL :: !Int
, peSC :: !Int
, peEL :: !Int
, peEC :: !Int
deriving (Show)
newtype ElabM a
= ElabM { runElab :: ElabState -> IO (Either [ProgError] a) }
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, Alternative
, MonadPlus
, MonadReader ElabState
, MonadError [ProgError]
, MonadIO
via ReaderT ElabState (ExceptT [ProgError] IO)
typeError :: ElabError -> ElabM a
typeError err = do
(s, e) <- asks elabSourcePos
throwError [uncurry (uncurry (ProgError err) s) e]
assumeLocal :: Text -> VTy -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
assumeLocal name tipe = local go where
go r =
r { elabLevel = succ (elabLevel r)
, elabNames = HashMap.insert name (elabLevel r, tipe) (elabNames r)
, elabEnv = (elabEnv r) {
locals = VGlued (HVar (Bound (unLvl (elabLevel r)))) mempty Nothing
Seq.<| locals (elabEnv r)
, elabBound = BDBound name:elabBound r
defineLocal :: Text -> VTy -> Value -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
defineLocal name tipe val = local go where
go r =
r { elabLevel = succ (elabLevel r)
, elabNames = HashMap.insert name (elabLevel r, tipe) (elabNames r)
, elabEnv = (elabEnv r) {
locals = val Seq.<| locals (elabEnv r)
, elabBound = BDDefined name:elabBound r

+ 441
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src/Evaluate.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Evaluate where
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Elaboration.Monad
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Generics.SYB (mkT, everywhere)
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Value
import Data.Foldable
import Syntax.Pretty (showWithPrec)
evaluate :: HasCallStack => Env -> Term -> Value
evaluate env (Var (Bound i)) =
case Seq.lookup i (locals env) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "Variable of index " ++ show i ++ " not in scope"
evaluate _ (Con t) = VGlued (HCon t) mempty Nothing
evaluate _ Type = VType
evaluate env (Pi p t d r) = VPi p t (evaluate env d) (Closure env r)
evaluate env (Lam p t b) = VLam p t (Closure env b)
evaluate env (App p f x) = vApp (evaluate env f) p (evaluate env x)
evaluate env (Sigma t d r) = VSigma t (evaluate env d) (Closure env r)
evaluate env (Pair a b) = VPair (evaluate env a) (evaluate env b)
evaluate env (Proj1 a) = vProj1 (evaluate env a)
evaluate env (Proj2 a) = vProj2 (evaluate env a)
evaluate _ (Meta m) = VGlued (HMeta m) mempty Nothing
evaluate env (NewMeta m mask) = VGlued (HMeta m) (getVals (locals env) mask) Nothing where
getVals Seq.Empty [] = Seq.Empty
getVals (v Seq.:<| seq) (BDBound _:bds) = AppEx v Seq.:<| getVals seq bds
getVals (_ Seq.:<| seq) (BDDefined _:bds) = getVals seq bds
evaluate _ Top = VTop
evaluate _ Unit = VUnit
evaluate _ Refl = VGlued HRefl mempty Nothing
evaluate _ Coe =
function Im (T.pack "A") $ \a ->
function Im (T.pack "B") $ \b ->
function Ex (T.pack "p") $ \p ->
function Ex (T.pack "x") $ \x ->
vCoe a b p x
evaluate _ Cong =
function Im (T.pack "A") $ \a ->
function Im (T.pack "B") $ \b ->
function Im (T.pack "x") $ \x ->
function Im (T.pack "y") $ \y ->
function Ex (T.pack "f") $ \f ->
function Ex (T.pack "p") $ \p ->
vCong a b x y f p
evaluate _ Sym =
function Im (T.pack "A") $ \a ->
function Im (T.pack "x") $ \x ->
function Im (T.pack "y") $ \y ->
function Ex (T.pack "p") $ \p ->
vSym a x y p
evaluate e (Let _ _ c d) = evaluate e' d where
e' = e { locals = evaluate e c Seq.:<| locals e }
evaluate env (Id a b c) = vId (evaluate env a) (evaluate env b) (evaluate env c)
vId :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
vId kind a b =
let stuck = VEq kind a b
solve = VEqG kind a b
never = solve vBottom
always = solve VTop
case force kind of
VType ->
case (a, b) of
(VTop, VTop) -> always
(VType, VType) -> always
(VEqG _ _ _ a, b) -> vId VType a b
(a, VEqG _ _ _ b) -> vId VType a b
(VEq a _ _, VEq b _ _) -> vId VType a b
(VPi i _ d r, VPi i' _ d' r')
| i == i' ->
solve $
exists "p" (vId VType d d') $ \p ->
forAll Ex "x" d $ \x ->
vId VType (r $$ x) (r' $$ vCoe d d' p x)
| otherwise -> never
(VSigma _ d r, VSigma _ d' r') ->
solve $
exists "p" (vId VType d d') $ \p ->
forAll Ex "x" d $ \x ->
vId VType (r $$ x) (r' $$ vCoe d d' p x)
(VNe _ _, _) -> stuck
(_, VNe _ _) -> stuck
_ -> never
VTop -> always
VPi i t dom cod ->
solve $ forAll i t dom \vl -> vId (cod $$ vl) (vApp a i vl) (vApp b i vl)
VSigma t dom cod ->
-- a = (x, p)
-- b = (y, q)
-- (a, b) ≡ (c, d) : (x : A) * P x
-- ~> (path : a == c) * coe (cong A Type P path) b == d
let x = vProj1 a
y = vProj1 b
p = vProj2 a
q = vProj2 b
in solve $
exists t (vId dom x y) $ \pr ->
vId (cod $$ y) (vCoe (cod $$ x) (cod $$ y) (vCong dom VType x y (function Ex (T.pack "x") (cod $$)) pr) p) q
VEq{} -> solve VTop
_ -> stuck
vBottom :: Value
vBottom = forAll Im "A" VType id
vCoe :: VTy -> VTy -> Value -> Value -> Value
-- vCoe _ _ (VGlued HRefl _ _) element = element
vCoe (VPi i _ d r) ty2@(VPi i' _ d' r') p f
| i /= i' = vApp p Ex ty2
| otherwise =
function i "x" $ \x ->
let p1 = vProj1 p -- d == d'
p2 = vProj2 p -- (x : A) -> r x == r' (coe p1 x)
x0 = vCoe d' d (vSym VType d d' p1) x
in vCoe (r $$ x0) (r' $$ x) (vApp p2 Ex x0) (vApp f i x0)
vCoe tyA tyB proof element = splitFibration tyA tyB $ VGlued HCoe (Seq.fromList spine) Nothing where
spine = [AppIm tyA, AppIm tyB, AppEx proof, AppEx element]
-- Types are split fibrations
-- coe {A} {A} p x = x even when p /= refl
splitFibration tA tB vstuck = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
old <- readMVar elabMetas
t <- runElab (unify tA tB) emptyElabState
case t of
Left _ -> do
swapMVar elabMetas old
pure vstuck
Right _ -> pure element
vCong :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
vCong _a c _x _y g (force -> VGlued HCong (toList -> [AppIm a, AppIm _b, AppIm x, AppIm y, AppEx f, AppEx p]) _) =
VGlued HCong (Seq.fromList [AppIm a, AppIm c, AppIm x, AppIm y, AppEx (function Ex "x" (vApp g Ex . vApp f Ex)), AppEx p]) Nothing
vCong _a b _x _ f (force -> VGlued HRefl (toList -> [AppIm _, AppIm x]) _) =
VGlued HRefl (Seq.fromList [AppIm b, AppIm (vApp f Ex x)]) Nothing
vCong a b x y f p =
VGlued HCong (Seq.fromList [AppIm a, AppIm b, AppIm x, AppIm y, AppEx f, AppEx p]) Nothing
vSym :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
vSym a _ y (VGlued HRefl _ Nothing) =
VGlued HRefl (Seq.fromList [AppIm a, AppIm y]) Nothing
vSym _ _ _ (VGlued HSym (toList -> [_a, _y, _x, AppEx p]) Nothing) = p
vSym a x y p = VGlued HSym (Seq.fromList [AppIm a, AppIm x, AppIm y, AppEx p]) Nothing
vApp :: HasCallStack => Value -> Plicity -> Value -> Value
vApp (VGlued x s v) p r = VGlued x (s Seq.|> thing) (fmap (\v -> vApp v p r) v) where
thing =
case p of
Ex -> AppEx r
Im -> AppIm r
vApp (VLam _ _ c) _ a = c $$ a
vApp _fun _plic _arg = error "invalid application"
vProj1 :: Value -> Value
vProj1 (VPair a _) = a
vProj1 x = VProj1 x
vProj2 :: Value -> Value
vProj2 (VPair _ a) = a
vProj2 x = VProj2 x
($$) :: HasCallStack => Closure -> Value -> Value
Closure e t $$ v = evaluate e' t where
e' = e { locals = v Seq.:<| locals e }
ClMeta (MetaFun f) $$ v = f v
forAll :: Plicity -> T.Text -> Value -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
forAll i t d = VPi i t d . ClMeta . MetaFun
exists :: T.Text -> Value -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
exists t d = VSigma t d . ClMeta . MetaFun
function :: Plicity -> T.Text -> (Value -> Value) -> Value
function i t = VLam i t . ClMeta . MetaFun
quote :: HasCallStack => Level -> Value -> Term
quote _ VType = Type
quote l (VPi p t d r) = Pi p t (quote l d) (quote (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl l))))
quote l (VLam p t b) = Lam p t (quote (succ l) (b $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl l))))
quote l (VSigma t d r) = Sigma t (quote l d) (quote (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl l))))
quote l (VPair a b) = Pair (quote l a) (quote l b)
quote l (VProj1 a) = Proj1 (quote l a)
quote l (VProj2 a) = Proj2 (quote l a)
quote _ VTop = Top
quote _ VUnit = Unit
quote l (VEq a b c) = Id (quote l a) (quote l b) (quote l c)
-- quote l (VEqG _ _ _ d) = quote l d
quote l (VEqG a b c _) = Id (quote l a) (quote l b) (quote l c)
quote l (VGlued v s _) = foldl app v' s where
v' = case v of
HVar (Bound i) -> Bv (lvl2Ix l (Lvl i))
HCon t -> Con t
HMeta m -> Meta m
HRefl -> Refl
HCoe -> Coe
HCong -> Cong
HSym -> Sym
app f (AppEx t) = App Ex f (quote l t)
app f (AppIm t) = App Im f (quote l t)
app f SProj1 = Proj1 f
app f SProj2 = Proj2 f
force :: Value -> Value
force = unsafeDupablePerformIO . go where
go stuck@(VGlued (HMeta (MV m)) sp Nothing) = do
t <- readMVar elabMetas
case IntMap.lookup m t of
Just (Solved vl) -> go $ foldl vAppSp vl sp
_ -> pure stuck
go (VGlued _ _ (Just vl)) = go vl
go x = pure x
vAppSp :: Value -> SpineThing -> Value
vAppSp vl (AppEx f) = vApp vl Ex f
vAppSp vl (AppIm f) = vApp vl Im f
vAppSp vl SProj1 = vProj1 vl
vAppSp vl SProj2 = vProj2 vl
zonk :: Value -> Value
zonk (VLam vis var body) = VLam vis var (ClMeta (MetaFun (\v -> zonk (body $$ v))))
zonk (VPi vis var dom body) = VPi vis var (zonk dom) (ClMeta (MetaFun (\v -> zonk (body $$ v))))
zonk (VSigma var dom body) = VSigma var (zonk dom) (ClMeta (MetaFun (\v -> zonk (body $$ v))))
zonk t = everywhere (mkT force) t
unify :: VTy -> VTy -> ElabM ()
unify a b = asks elabLevel >>= flip go (a, b) where
go, go' :: Level -> (VTy, VTy) -> ElabM ()
go' l (VGlued h sp x, VGlued h' sp' y)
| h == h' = goSpine l sp sp'
| Just x <- x, Just y <- y = go l (x, y)
-- flexible head (solve meta)
go' l (VGlued (HMeta m) sp _, y) = solveMeta m sp y
go' _ (x, VGlued (HMeta m) sp _) = solveMeta m sp x
-- rigid heads (compare unfolding)
go' l (VGlued _ _ (Just x), y) = go l (x, y)
go' l (x, VGlued _ _ (Just y)) = go l (x, y)
go' _ (VType, VType) = pure ()
go' _ (VTop, VTop) = pure ()
go' _ (VUnit, VUnit) = pure ()
go' l (VPi i _ d r, VPi i' _ d' r') | i == i' = do
go l (d, d')
let i = unLvl l
go (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound i), r' $$ vVar (Bound i))
go' l (VSigma _ d r, VSigma _ d' r') = do
go l (d, d')
let i = unLvl l
go (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound i), r' $$ vVar (Bound i))
go' l (VLam i _ r, VLam i' _ r') | i == i' = do
let i = unLvl l
go (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound i), r' $$ vVar (Bound i))
go' l (VLam p _ r, t) = do
let i = unLvl l
go (succ l) (r $$ vVar (Bound i), vApp t p (vVar (Bound i)))
go' l (r, VLam p _ t) = do
let i = unLvl l
go (succ l) (vApp r p (vVar (Bound i)), t $$ vVar (Bound i))
go' l (VEqG a b c _, VEqG a' b' c' _) = go l (a, a') *> go l (b, b') *> go l (c, c')
go' l (VEq a b c, VEqG a' b' c' _) = go l (a, a') *> go l (b, b') *> go l (c, c')
go' l (VEqG a b c _, VEq a' b' c') = go l (a, a') *> go l (b, b') *> go l (c, c')
go' l (VEq a b c, VEq a' b' c') = go l (a, a') *> go l (b, b') *> go l (c, c')
go' l (VEqG _ _ _ a, b) = go l (a, b)
go' l (a, VEqG _ _ _ b) = go l (a, b)
go' l (VProj1 a, VProj1 b) = go l (a, b)
go' l (VProj2 a, VProj2 b) = go l (a, b)
go' l (VPair a b, VPair a' b') = go l (a, a') >> go l (b, b')
go' l (a, b) = do
ns <- getNames
typeError (NotEqual ns (quote l a) (quote l b))
go l (a, b) = go' l (force a, force b)
goSpine _ Seq.Empty Seq.Empty = pure ()
goSpine l (AppEx x Seq.:<| xs) (AppEx y Seq.:<| ys) = do
go l (x, y)
goSpine l xs ys
goSpine l (AppIm x Seq.:<| xs) (AppIm y Seq.:<| ys) = do
go l (x, y)
goSpine l xs ys
goSpine l (x Seq.:<| xs) (y Seq.:<| ys) | x == y = goSpine l xs ys
goSpine l _ _ = do
ns <- getNames
typeError (NotEqual ns (quote l a) (quote l b))
solveMeta :: HasCallStack => MetaVar -> Seq.Seq SpineThing -> VTy -> ElabM ()
solveMeta (MV meta) spine rhs =
level <- asks elabLevel
pren <- invert level spine
rhs <- rename (MV meta) pren rhs
let solution = evaluate emptyEnv (lams (dom pren) rhs)
-- need to deepSeq solutions here
-- no deepSeq? no problem
liftIO $ Exc.evaluate (length (show solution))
liftIO . modifyMVar_ elabMetas $ pure . IntMap.insert meta (Solved solution)
`catchError` \case
[] -> do
level <- asks elabLevel
names <- getNames
typeError (CantSolveMeta names (quote level (VGlued (HMeta (MV meta)) spine Nothing)) (quote level rhs))
cs -> throwError cs
elabMetas :: MVar (IntMap.IntMap Meta)
elabMetas = unsafeDupablePerformIO (newMVar mempty)
{-# NOINLINE elabMetas #-}
lams :: Level -> Term -> Term
lams l = go (Lvl 0) where
go x t | x == l = t
go x t = Lam Ex (T.pack ("x" ++ show (unLvl x))) $ go (succ x) t
data PartialRen
= PRen { dom :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Level
, rng :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Level
, sub :: IntMap.IntMap Level
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
liftRen :: PartialRen -> PartialRen
liftRen (PRen d r s) = PRen (succ d) (succ r) (IntMap.insert (unLvl r) d s)
invert :: Level -> Seq.Seq SpineThing -> ElabM PartialRen
invert gamma spine =
(dom, ren) <- go spine
pure (PRen dom gamma ren)
go Seq.Empty = pure (Lvl 0, mempty)
go (sp Seq.:|> AppEx t) = do
(dom, ren) <- go sp
case force t of
VGlued (HVar (Bound l)) Seq.Empty _
| IntMap.notMember l ren -> pure (succ dom, IntMap.insert l dom ren)
_ -> throwError []
go (_ Seq.:|> _) = throwError []
rename :: HasCallStack => MetaVar -> PartialRen -> Value -> ElabM Term
rename meta pren = go pren where
go :: HasCallStack => PartialRen -> Value -> ElabM Term
go pren (VGlued (HMeta m) sp _)
| m == meta = throwError []
| otherwise = goSp pren (Meta m) sp
go pren (VGlued (HVar (Bound m)) sp _) =
case IntMap.lookup m (sub pren) of
Just v -> goSp pren (Bv (lvl2Ix (dom pren) v)) sp
Nothing -> throwError []
go pren (VGlued h sp _) = goHead h >>= \h -> goSp pren h sp where
goHead HRefl = pure Refl
goHead HCong = pure Cong
goHead HCoe = pure Coe
goHead HSym = pure Sym
go pren (VPi p t d r) = Pi p t <$> go pren d <*> go (liftRen pren) (r $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl (rng pren))))
go pren (VLam p t x) = Lam p t <$> go (liftRen pren) (x $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl (rng pren))))
go _ VType = pure Type
go _ VTop = pure Top
go _ VUnit = pure Unit
go pren (VSigma t d r) = Sigma t <$> go pren d <*> go (liftRen pren) (r $$ vVar (Bound (unLvl (rng pren))))
go pren (VPair a b) = Pair <$> go pren a <*> go pren b
go pren (VProj1 a) = Proj1 <$> go pren a
go pren (VProj2 a) = Proj2 <$> go pren a
go pren (VEq a b c) = Id <$> go pren a <*> go pren b <*> go pren c
go pren (VEqG _ _ _ d) = go pren d
-- go pren x = error (show x)
goSp _ t Seq.Empty = pure t
goSp pren t (sp Seq.:|> AppEx tm) = App Ex <$> goSp pren t sp <*> go pren tm
goSp pren t (sp Seq.:|> AppIm tm) = App Im <$> goSp pren t sp <*> go pren tm
goSp pren t (sp Seq.:|> SProj1) = Proj1 <$> goSp pren t sp
goSp pren t (sp Seq.:|> SProj2) = Proj2 <$> goSp pren t sp

+ 61
- 0
src/Main.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Presyntax.Parser
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Elaboration
import Elaboration.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Syntax
import Evaluate (elabMetas, zonk, evaluate, quote)
import Syntax.Pretty
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map
import Value (Meta(Solved, Unsolved))
main :: IO ()
main = do
[path] <- getArgs
text <- readFile path
x <-
case parseString body text of
Left e -> error (show e)
Right x -> pure x
swapMVar elabMetas mempty
swapMVar elabNext 0
t <- runElab ((,) <$> infer x <*> ask) emptyElabState
case t of
Left e -> traverse_ (putStrLn . showProgError text) e
Right ((x, t), e) -> do
metas <- readMVar elabMetas
for_ (Map.toList metas) $ \case
(n, Unsolved names v) ->
putStrLn $ '?':show n ++ " : " ++ showWithPrec names 0 (quote (Lvl (length names)) (zonk v)) "" ++ " = ? "
(n, Solved v) ->
putStrLn $ '?':show n ++ " = " ++ showTerm 0 (quote (Lvl 0) v) ""
putStrLn . flip id "" $ showTerm 0 x
putStrLn . flip id "" $ showString "Type: " . showTerm 0 (quote (Lvl 0) (zonk t))
let t = quote (Lvl 0) . zonk . evaluate (elabEnv e) $ x
putStrLn $ "Normal form: " ++ showTerm 0 t ""
showProgError :: String -> ProgError -> String
showProgError text (ProgError e sl sc el ec)
| sl == el, sl < length (lines text) =
let code = lines text
line = code !! sl
linum = show sl
caretLine = replicate (length linum) ' ' ++ " | " ++ replicate sc ' ' ++ "^" ++ replicate (ec - sc) '~'
paddedLine = replicate (length linum) ' ' ++ " | "
in unlines [ paddedLine
, linum ++ " | " ++ line
, caretLine
, showElabError e ""
| otherwise = showElabError e ""

+ 29
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src/Presyntax.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Presyntax where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Syntax (Plicity)
data RawExpr
= Rvar Text
| Rapp Plicity RawExpr RawExpr
| Rlam Plicity Text RawExpr
| Rpi Plicity Text RawExpr RawExpr
| Rlet Text RawExpr RawExpr RawExpr
| Rtype
| Rhole
| Rtop | Runit
| Rbot
| Req RawExpr RawExpr
| Rrefl
| Rcoe
| Rcong
| Rsym
| Rsigma Text RawExpr RawExpr
| Rpair RawExpr RawExpr
| Rproj1 RawExpr
| Rproj2 RawExpr
| RSrcPos (Int, Int) (Int, Int) RawExpr
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

+ 172
- 0
src/Presyntax/Lexer.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Presyntax.Lexer where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text as T
{- HLINT ignore -}
data TokenClass
= Tok_var Text
| Tok_lambda
| Tok_type
| Tok_let
| Tok_in
-- Operations on equality
| Tok_coe
| Tok_cong
| Tok_refl
| Tok_sym
| Tok_proj1
| Tok_proj2
| Tok_top
| Tok_oparen
| Tok_cparen
| Tok_obrace
| Tok_cbrace
| Tok_arrow
| Tok_times
| Tok_colon
| Tok_comma
| Tok_semi
| Tok_equal
| Tok_under
| Tok_equiv
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Token
= Token { tokLine :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, tokCol :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, tokSOff :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, tokOff :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, tokClass :: !TokenClass
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data LexError
= LexError { leChar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Char
, leLine :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, leCol :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| EOFInComment { leLine :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, leCol :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
lexString :: String -> Either LexError [Token]
lexString = go 0 0 0 where
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Either LexError [Token]
go !off !line !_ ('\n':xs) =
go (off + 1) (line + 1) 0 xs
go !off !line !col (' ':xs) =
go (off + 1) line (col + 1) xs
go !off !line !_ ('-':'-':xs) =
let (a, b) = span (/= '\n') xs
in go (off + length a) line 0 b
go !off !line !col ('{':'-':xs) = skipComment off line col 1 xs
go !off !line !col ('(':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_oparen `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col (')':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_cparen `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('{':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_obrace `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('}':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_cbrace `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col (':':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_colon `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col (';':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_semi `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('⊤':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_top `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('≡':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_equiv `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('=':'=':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 2) Tok_equiv `yield` go (off + 2) line (col + 2) cs
go !off !line !col ('=':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_equal `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('→':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_arrow `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col (',':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_comma `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('_':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_under `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('*':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_times `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('×':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_times `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('\\':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_lambda `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('λ':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 1) Tok_lambda `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) cs
go !off !line !col ('-':'>':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 2) Tok_arrow `yield` go (off + 2) line (col + 2) cs
go !off !line !col ('.':'1':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 2) Tok_proj1 `yield` go (off + 2) line (col + 2) cs
go !off !line !col ('.':'2':cs) =
Token line col off (off + 2) Tok_proj2 `yield` go (off + 2) line (col + 2) cs
go !off !line !col (c:cs)
| isAlpha c = goIdent off off line col (T.singleton c) cs
go !_ !line !col (c:_) = Left (LexError c line col)
go _ _ _ [] = pure []
goIdent !soff !off !line !col !acc [] =
pure [Token line col soff off (finishIdent acc)]
goIdent !soff !off !line !col !acc (c:cs)
| isAlphaNum c || c == '\''
= goIdent soff (off + 1) line (col + 1) (T.snoc acc c) cs
| otherwise
= Token line col soff off (finishIdent acc) `yield` go (off + 1) line (col + 1) (c:cs)
skipComment off line col level ('-':'}':cs)
| level == 1 = go off line col cs
| otherwise = skipComment off line col (level - 1) cs
skipComment off line col level ('{':'-':cs) =
skipComment off line col (level + 1) cs
skipComment _ line col _ [] = Left (EOFInComment line col)
yield c = fmap (c:)
finishIdent c
| T.pack "let" == c = Tok_let
| T.pack "Type" == c = Tok_type
| T.pack "in" == c = Tok_in
| T.pack "refl" == c = Tok_refl
| T.pack "coe" == c = Tok_coe
| T.pack "cong" == c = Tok_cong
| T.pack "sym" == c = Tok_sym
| otherwise = Tok_var c

+ 219
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src/Presyntax/Parser.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module Presyntax.Parser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Presyntax.Lexer
import Presyntax
import Syntax
data ParseError
= UnexpectedEof Int Int
| Unexpected Token
| Empty
| AltError ParseError ParseError
deriving (Show)
data ParseState
= ParseState { ptTs :: [Token]
, ptLine :: !Int
, ptCol :: !Int
newtype Parser a =
Parser { runParser :: ParseState -> Either ParseError (a, ParseState) }
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadState ParseState
via (StateT ParseState (Either ParseError))
parseString :: Parser a -> String -> Either (Either LexError ParseError) a
parseString (Parser k) s =
case lexString s of
Left e -> Left (Left e)
Right xs ->
case k (ParseState xs 0 0) of
Left e -> Left (pure e)
Right (x, _) -> Right x
selectToken :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
selectToken k = Parser \case
ParseState [] l c -> Left (UnexpectedEof l c)
ParseState (x:xs) _ _ ->
case k x of
Just p -> pure (p, ParseState xs (tokLine x) (tokCol x))
Nothing -> Left (Unexpected x)
expect :: TokenClass -> Parser ()
expect t = selectToken (\x -> if tokClass x == t then Just () else Nothing)
var :: Parser Text
var = selectToken \case
Token _ _ _ _ (Tok_var v) -> pure v
_ -> Nothing
optionally :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
optionally p = fmap Just p <|> pure Nothing
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces k = do
expect Tok_obrace
x <- k
expect Tok_cbrace
pure x
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens k = do
expect Tok_oparen
x <- k
expect Tok_cparen
pure x
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser \_ -> Left Empty
Parser kx <|> Parser ky = Parser \x ->
case kx x of
Right x -> Right x
Left e ->
case ky x of
Left _ -> Left e
Right y -> Right y
attachPos :: Parser RawExpr -> Parser RawExpr
attachPos k = do
start <- gets (\(ParseState ~(x:_) _ _) -> (tokLine x, tokCol x - (tokOff x - tokSOff x)))
x <- k
end <- gets (\(ParseState _ l c) -> (l, c))
pure (RSrcPos start end x)
body :: Parser RawExpr
body = attachPos letExpr <|> attachPos lamExpr <|> attachPos exprPi where
letExpr = do
expect Tok_let
n <- var
expect Tok_colon
t <- body
letSmol n t <|> letBig n t
letSmol n t = do
expect Tok_equal
d <- body
expect Tok_semi
Rlet n t d <$> body
letBig n t = do
expect Tok_semi
selectToken \case
Token _ _ _ _ (Tok_var n') | n' == n -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
args <- many arg
expect Tok_equal
d <- body
expect Tok_semi
Rlet n t (foldr lam d args) <$> body
lamExpr = do
expect Tok_lambda
vs <- some arg
expect Tok_arrow
e <- body
pure (foldr lam e vs)
arg = fmap (Ex,) var <|> fmap (Im,) (braces var)
lam (p, v) b = Rlam p v b
exprPi :: Parser RawExpr
exprPi = attachPos $
bs <- optionally binder
case bs of
Just k -> foldl (.) id k <$> attachPos exprPi
Nothing -> attachPos exprArr
binder = (some (parens (bind Ex) <|> braces (bind Im)) <* expect Tok_arrow)
<|> (fmap pure (parens sigma) <* expect Tok_times)
bind p = do
names <- some var
expect Tok_colon
t <- exprPi
pure (foldr (\n k -> Rpi p n t . k) id names)
sigma = do
n <- var
expect Tok_colon
Rsigma n <$> exprPi
exprArr :: Parser RawExpr
exprArr = attachPos $ do
t <- attachPos exprApp
c <- optionally (fmap (const True) (expect Tok_arrow) <|> fmap (const False) (expect Tok_times))
case c of
Just True -> Rpi Ex (T.singleton '_') t <$> exprPi
Just False -> Rsigma (T.singleton '_') t <$> exprPi
Nothing -> pure t
exprEq0 :: Parser RawExpr
exprEq0 = attachPos $
head <- atom
spine <- many spineEntry
pure (foldl app head spine)
spineEntry = fmap (Ex,) atom <|> fmap (Im,) (braces exprPi)
app f (x, s) = Rapp x f s
exprApp :: Parser RawExpr
exprApp = attachPos $ do
t <- exprEq0
c <- optionally (expect Tok_equiv)
case c of
Just () -> Req t <$> exprEq0
Nothing -> pure t
atom0 :: Parser RawExpr
atom0 = attachPos $
fmap Rvar var
<|> fmap (const Rtype) (expect Tok_type)
<|> fmap (const Rhole) (expect Tok_under)
<|> fmap (const Rtop) (expect Tok_top)
<|> fmap (const Rrefl) (expect Tok_refl)
<|> fmap (const Rcoe) (expect Tok_coe)
<|> fmap (const Rcong) (expect Tok_cong)
<|> fmap (const Rsym) (expect Tok_sym)
<|> fmap (const Runit) (parens (pure ()))
<|> parens pair
pair :: Parser RawExpr
pair = attachPos $ do
t <- body
c <- optionally (expect Tok_comma)
case c of
Just () -> Rpair t <$> pair
Nothing -> pure t
atom :: Parser RawExpr
atom = attachPos $
e <- atom0
c <- many (selectToken (projection . tokClass))
pure $ case c of
[] -> e
sls -> foldl (flip ($)) e sls
projection Tok_proj1 = pure Rproj1
projection Tok_proj2 = pure Rproj2
projection _ = Nothing

+ 62
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src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Syntax where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
data Plicity
= Im
| Ex
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
newtype Var = Bound Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data BoundDef = BDBound Text | BDDefined Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
newtype MetaVar = MV { getMV :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data Term
= Var Var
| Con Text
| Let Text Term Term Term
| Type | Prop
| Pi Plicity Text Term Term
| Lam Plicity Text Term
| App Plicity Term Term
| Sigma Text Term Term
| Pair Term Term
| Proj1 Term
| Proj2 Term
| Meta MetaVar
| NewMeta MetaVar [BoundDef]
| Id Term Term Term
| Refl
| Coe
| Cong
| Sym
| Top | Unit
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable, Data)
pattern Bv :: Int -> Term
pattern Bv i = Var (Bound i)
data Telescope
= End
| Ext Telescope Text Term
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
newtype Level = Lvl {unLvl :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)
lvl2Ix :: Level -> Level -> Int
lvl2Ix (Lvl l) (Lvl x) = l - x - 1

+ 135
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src/Syntax/Pretty.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Syntax.Pretty where
import Syntax
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Elaboration.Monad
type Prec = Int
domainPrec, funcPrec, argPrec :: Int
domainPrec = 3
argPrec = 2
funcPrec = 1
showWithPrec :: [Text] -> Int -> Term -> ShowS
showWithPrec names p (App Ex x y) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names funcPrec x
. showChar ' '
. showWithPrec names argPrec y
showWithPrec names p (App Im x _) = showWithPrec names p x
showWithPrec _ _ Type = showString "Type"
showWithPrec _ _ Top = showString ""
showWithPrec _ _ Unit = showString "()"
-- Reflexivity
showWithPrec _ _ Refl = showString "refl"
-- Casting
showWithPrec _ _ Coe = showString "coe"
-- Congruence (x == y → f x == f y)
showWithPrec _ _ Cong = showString "cong"
-- Symmetry
showWithPrec _ _ Sym = showString "sym"
showWithPrec _ _ (Meta (MV i)) = showChar '?' . shows i
showWithPrec _ _ (NewMeta (MV i) _) = showChar '?' . shows i
showWithPrec names _ (Bv i) =
if i < 0
then showString "α"
else showString (T.unpack (names !! i))
showWithPrec names _ (Proj1 x) = showWithPrec names funcPrec x . showString ".1"
showWithPrec names _ (Proj2 x) = showWithPrec names funcPrec x . showString ".2"
showWithPrec names p (Lam i t e) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showChar 'λ'
. showsPlicity i id (showString (T.unpack t))
. showString ""
. showWithPrec (t:names) 0 e
showWithPrec names p (Pi Ex (T.unpack -> "_") d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names domainPrec d
. showString " -> "
. showWithPrec (T.singleton '_':names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Pi i n d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showsPlicity i (showParen True)
( showString (T.unpack n)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString " -> "
. showWithPrec (n:names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Sigma (T.unpack -> "_") d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names domainPrec d
. showString " × "
. showWithPrec (T.singleton '_':names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Sigma n d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showParen True
( showString (T.unpack n)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString " × "
. showWithPrec (n:names) 0 r
showWithPrec names _ (Pair a b) =
showParen True $
showWithPrec names 0 a
. showString " , "
. showWithPrec names 0 b
showWithPrec names p (Id _ b c) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showWithPrec names argPrec b . showString " == " . showWithPrec names argPrec c
showWithPrec names p (Let x t d e) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showString "let\n"
. showString (" " ++ T.unpack x)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 t
. showChar '\n'
. showString (" " ++ T.unpack x ++ " = ")
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString ";\n"
. showWithPrec (x:names) 0 e
showTerm :: Int -> Term -> ShowS
showTerm = showWithPrec (iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x"))
showsPlicity :: Plicity -> (ShowS -> ShowS) -> ShowS -> ShowS
showsPlicity Ex f k = f k
showsPlicity Im _ k = showChar '{' . k . showChar '}'
showElabError :: ElabError -> ShowS
showElabError (NotInScope t) = showString "Variable not in scope: " . shows t
showElabError (NotFunction names t) =
showString "Type is not a function type: "
. showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 t
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")
showElabError (NotEqual names a b) =
showString "Types are not equal:"
. showString "\n * " . showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 a
. showString "\n vs"
. showString "\n * " . showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 b
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")
showElabError (CantSolveMeta ns q t) =
showString "Equation has no (unique) solution: "
. showString "\n " . showWithPrec (ns ++ exes) 0 q
. showString " ≡? " . showWithPrec (ns ++ exes) 0 t
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")

+ 124
- 0
src/Value.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData, PatternSynonyms #-}
module Value where
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Syntax
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
newtype Env =
Env { locals :: Seq Value }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Env mempty
type VTy = Value
data Closure
= Closure !Env !Term
| ClMeta MetaFun
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Closure where
showsPrec x (Closure _ t) = showsPrec x t
showsPrec x (ClMeta f) = showsPrec x f
newtype MetaFun = MetaFun { runMC :: Value -> Value }
instance Eq MetaFun where
_ == _ = False
instance Ord MetaFun where
_ <= _ = True
instance Show MetaFun where
show _ = "«meta»"
instance Data MetaFun where
gunfold _ _ _ = error "gunfold MetaFun"
toConstr _ = error "gunfold MetaFun"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "MetaFun"
data Value
-- Universes
= VType
-- Canonical Π-types and λ values
| VPi Plicity Text ~Value {-# UNPACK #-} Closure
| VLam Plicity Text {-# UNPACK #-} Closure
-- Variable applied to some values, with a
-- suspended evaluated result that might
-- be forced later
| VGlued Head (Seq SpineThing) ~(Maybe Value)
-- Canonical Σ-types and pair values
| VSigma Text ~Value {-# UNPACK #-} Closure
| VPair Value Value
-- Id A a b
| VEq Value Value Value
-- Id A a b ≡ t
| VEqG Value Value Value Value
| VTop | VUnit
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data SpineThing
= AppEx Value
| AppIm Value
| SProj1
| SProj2
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)
flexible :: Value -> Bool
flexible VGlued{} = True
flexible VEqG{} = True
flexible _ = False
pattern VNe :: Head -> Seq SpineThing -> Value
pattern VNe x y = VGlued x y Nothing
pattern VProj1 :: Value -> Value
pattern VProj1 t <- (matchP1 -> Just t) where
VProj1 t =
case t of
VGlued h s n -> VGlued h (s Seq.:|> SProj1) n
matchP1 :: Value -> Maybe Value
matchP1 (VPair x _) = Just x
matchP1 (VGlued h (s Seq.:|> SProj1) n) = Just (VGlued h s n)
matchP1 _ = Nothing
pattern VProj2 :: Value -> Value
pattern VProj2 t <- (matchP2 -> Just t) where
VProj2 t =
case t of
VGlued h s n -> VGlued h (s Seq.:|> SProj2) n
matchP2 :: Value -> Maybe Value
matchP2 (VPair _ x) = Just x
matchP2 (VGlued h (s Seq.:|> SProj2) n) = Just (VGlued h s n)
matchP2 _ = Nothing
data Meta
= Unsolved [Text] Value
| Solved Value
deriving (Eq, Show)
vVar :: Var -> Value
vVar x = VGlued (HVar x) mempty Nothing
data Head
= HVar Var
| HCon Text
| HMeta MetaVar
| HRefl
| HCoe
| HCong
| HSym
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Typeable)

+ 66
- 0
stack.yaml View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# This file was automatically generated by 'stack init'
# Some commonly used options have been documented as comments in this file.
# For advanced use and comprehensive documentation of the format, please see:
# Resolver to choose a 'specific' stackage snapshot or a compiler version.
# A snapshot resolver dictates the compiler version and the set of packages
# to be used for project dependencies. For example:
# resolver: lts-3.5
# resolver: nightly-2015-09-21
# resolver: ghc-7.10.2
# The location of a snapshot can be provided as a file or url. Stack assumes
# a snapshot provided as a file might change, whereas a url resource does not.
# resolver: ./custom-snapshot.yaml
# resolver:
resolver: lts-16.20
# User packages to be built.
# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.
# packages:
# - some-directory
# -
# subdirs:
# - auto-update
# - wai
- .
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver.
# These entries can reference officially published versions as well as
# forks / in-progress versions pinned to a git hash. For example:
# extra-deps:
# - acme-missiles-0.3
# - git:
# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
# extra-deps: []
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
# flags: {}
# Extra package databases containing global packages
# extra-package-dbs: []
# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path
# system-ghc: true
# Require a specific version of stack, using version ranges
# require-stack-version: -any # Default
# require-stack-version: ">=2.4"
# Override the architecture used by stack, especially useful on Windows
# arch: i386
# arch: x86_64
# Extra directories used by stack for building
# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
# compiler-check: newer-minor

+ 12
- 0
stack.yaml.lock View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# This file was autogenerated by Stack.
# You should not edit this file by hand.
# For more information, please see the documentation at:
packages: []
- completed:
size: 532177
sha256: 0e14ba5603f01e8496e8984fd84b545a012ca723f51a098c6c9d3694e404dc6d
original: lts-16.20

+ 137
- 0
test.stt View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
-- Equality with an explicit domain
Eq : (A : Type) (x y : A) -> Type;
Eq A x y = x == y;
-- Identity function with an explicit domain
-- (works as a type annotation)
the : (A : Type) -> A -> A;
the A x = x;
-- Singleton types
-- The subtype of A generated by "being equal to x : A"
singl : (A : Type) (x : A) -> Type;
singl A x = (y : A) * x == y;
-- Singletons are contractible
singlC : {A : Type} {a b : A} (p : a == b) -> Eq (singl A a) (a, refl) (b, p);
singlC p = (p, ());
-- Substitution follows from transport + congruence
-- (just transport by the congruence under P)
subst : {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) {x y : A} (p : x == y) -> P x -> P y;
subst P path px = coe (cong P path) px;
coe2 : {A B : Type} (p : A == B) → A → B;
coe2 p = subst (λ x → x) p;
-- Based path induction follows from contractibility of singletons +
-- substitution
J : {A : Type} (a : A) (P : (b : A) -> a == b -> Type)
(d : P a refl) (b : A) (p : a == b) -> P b p;
J {A} a P d b p =
subst {singl A a} (λ y → P y.1 y.2) (singlC p) d;
JComp : {A : Type} (a : A) (P : (b : A) -> a == b -> Type)
(d : P a refl)
→ J {A} a P d a refl == d;
JComp {A} a P d = refl;
-- Symmetry follows from axiom J
symm : {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x == y) -> y == x;
symm {A} {x} {y} p = J x (λ y p -> y == x) refl y p;
symIsRefl : {A : Type} {a : A} → symm (refl {A} {a}) == refl {A} {a};
symIsRefl = refl;
isContr : Type -> Type;
isContr A = (x : A) * (y : A) -> y == x;
comp : {A : Type} {a b c : A} → a == b → b == c → a == c;
comp {A} {a} p q = subst (λ x → a == x) q (subst (λ x → a == x) p (refl {A} {a}));
trans : {A : Type} {a b c : A} → b == c → a == b → a == c;
trans {A} {a} p q = comp q p;
transSym : {A : Type} {a : A} → (p : a == a) → comp p (symm p) == refl;
transSym p = refl;
existsOne : (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) -> ((x : A) × B x) -> isContr A -> (x : A) -> B x;
existsOne A B prf contr it =
subst B (comp (contr.2 prf.1) (sym (contr.2 it))) prf.2;
indOne : (P : ⊤ -> Type) -> P () -> (x : ⊤) -> P x;
indOne P p x = subst P () p;
false : Type;
false = (A : Type) → A;
exFalso : (P : Type) -> false -> P;
exFalso P f = f P;
funExt : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} {f g : (x : A) -> B x}
-> ((x : A) -> f x == g x) -> f == g;
funExt p = p;
hfunext : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} {f g : (x : A) -> B x}
-> ((x : A) -> f x == g x) == (f == g);
hfunext = refl;
allAbsurd : {A : Type} (f g : false -> A) -> f == g;
allAbsurd f g x = exFalso (f x == g x) x;
coerceR1 : {A : Type}
→ Eq (A == A → A → A)
(λ p x → coe {A} {A} p x)
(λ x y → y);
coerceR1 = refl;
K : {A : Type} {x : A} (P : x == x → Type)
→ P refl → (p : x == x) → P p;
K P p path = subst P (the (refl == path) ()) p;
foo : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} {f : (x : A) -> B x}
-> Eq (f == f) refl (λ x → refl);
foo = K (λ e → (refl {_} {f}) == e) refl (λ x → refl);
coh : {A : Type} (p : A == A) (x : A) → coe p == (λ x → x);
coh path elem x = refl;
coh2 : {A : Type} (p : A == A) (x : A) → coe p x == x;
coh2 path elem = K (λ path → coe {A} {A} path elem == elem) refl path;
-- let
-- cohsAgree : {A : Type} (p : A == A) (x : A) → coh {A} p x == coh2 {A} p x;
-- cohsAgree path elem = refl;
congComp : {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) {x : A}
-> cong f (refl {A} {x}) == refl {B} {f x};
congComp f = refl;

+ 25
- 0
test2.stt View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
congComp : {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> C) {x y : A} (p : x == y)
-> cong (λ a → g (f a)) p == cong g (cong f p);
congComp f g p = refl;
the : (A : Type) -> A -> A;
the A x = x;
congId : {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x == y)
-> cong (λ x → x) p == p;
congId p = ();
axUIP : {A : Type} {x y : A} (p q : x == y)
-> p == q;
axUIP p q = ();
symSym : {A : Type} {x y : A} (p : x == y)
-> sym (sym p) == p;
symSym p = refl;

+ 6
- 0
test3.stt View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
congComp : {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) {x : A}
-> cong f (refl {A} {x}) == refl {B} {f x};
congComp f = refl;
