a type theory with equality based on setoids
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Syntax.Pretty where
import Syntax
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Elaboration.Monad
type Prec = Int
domainPrec, funcPrec, argPrec :: Int
domainPrec = 3
argPrec = 2
funcPrec = 1
showWithPrec :: [Text] -> Int -> Term -> ShowS
showWithPrec names p (App Ex x y) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names funcPrec x
. showChar ' '
. showWithPrec names argPrec y
showWithPrec names p (App Im x _) = showWithPrec names p x
showWithPrec _ _ Type = showString "Type"
showWithPrec _ _ Top = showString ""
showWithPrec _ _ Unit = showString "()"
-- Reflexivity
showWithPrec _ _ Refl = showString "refl"
-- Casting
showWithPrec _ _ Coe = showString "coe"
-- Congruence (x == y → f x == f y)
showWithPrec _ _ Cong = showString "cong"
-- Symmetry
showWithPrec _ _ Sym = showString "sym"
showWithPrec _ _ (Meta (MV i)) = showChar '?' . shows i
showWithPrec _ _ (NewMeta (MV i) _) = showChar '?' . shows i
showWithPrec names _ (Bv i) =
if i < 0
then showString "α"
else showString (T.unpack (names !! i))
showWithPrec names _ (Proj1 x) = showWithPrec names funcPrec x . showString ".1"
showWithPrec names _ (Proj2 x) = showWithPrec names funcPrec x . showString ".2"
showWithPrec names p (Lam i t e) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showChar 'λ'
. showsPlicity i id (showString (T.unpack t))
. showString ""
. showWithPrec (t:names) 0 e
showWithPrec names p (Pi Ex (T.unpack -> "_") d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names domainPrec d
. showString " -> "
. showWithPrec (T.singleton '_':names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Pi i n d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showsPlicity i (showParen True)
( showString (T.unpack n)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString " -> "
. showWithPrec (n:names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Sigma (T.unpack -> "_") d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showWithPrec names domainPrec d
. showString " × "
. showWithPrec (T.singleton '_':names) 0 r
showWithPrec names p (Sigma n d r) =
showParen (p >= argPrec) $
showParen True
( showString (T.unpack n)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString " × "
. showWithPrec (n:names) 0 r
showWithPrec names _ (Pair a b) =
showParen True $
showWithPrec names 0 a
. showString " , "
. showWithPrec names 0 b
showWithPrec names p (Id _ b c) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showWithPrec names argPrec b . showString " == " . showWithPrec names argPrec c
showWithPrec names p (Let x t d e) =
showParen (p >= funcPrec) $
showString "let\n"
. showString (" " ++ T.unpack x)
. showString " : "
. showWithPrec names 0 t
. showChar '\n'
. showString (" " ++ T.unpack x ++ " = ")
. showWithPrec names 0 d
. showString ";\n"
. showWithPrec (x:names) 0 e
showTerm :: Int -> Term -> ShowS
showTerm = showWithPrec (iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x"))
showsPlicity :: Plicity -> (ShowS -> ShowS) -> ShowS -> ShowS
showsPlicity Ex f k = f k
showsPlicity Im _ k = showChar '{' . k . showChar '}'
showElabError :: ElabError -> ShowS
showElabError (NotInScope t) = showString "Variable not in scope: " . shows t
showElabError (NotFunction names t) =
showString "Type is not a function type: "
. showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 t
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")
showElabError (NotEqual names a b) =
showString "Types are not equal:"
. showString "\n * " . showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 a
. showString "\n vs"
. showString "\n * " . showWithPrec (names ++ exes) 0 b
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")
showElabError (CantSolveMeta ns q t) =
showString "Equation has no (unique) solution: "
. showString "\n " . showWithPrec (ns ++ exes) 0 q
. showString " ≡? " . showWithPrec (ns ++ exes) 0 t
exes = iterate (`T.snoc` '\'') (T.pack "x")