- ---
- title: Typed Type-Level Computation in Amulet
- date: October 04, 2019
- maths: true
- ---
- Amulet, as a programming language, has a focus on strong static typing. This has led us to adopt
- many features inspired by dependently-typed languages, the most prominent of which being typed holes
- and GADTs, the latter being an imitation of indexed families.
- However, Amulet was up until recently sorely lacking in a way to express computational content in
- types: It was possible to index datatypes by other, regular datatypes ("datatype promotion", in the
- Haskell lingo) since the type and kind levels are one and the same, but writing functions on those
- indices was entirely impossible.
- As of this week, the language supports two complementary mechanisms for typed type-level programming:
- _type classes with functional dependencies_, a form of logic programming, and _type functions_, which
- permit functional programming on the type level.
- I'll introduce them in that order; This post is meant to serve as an introduction to type-level
- programming using either technique in general, but it'll also present some concepts formally and with
- some technical depth.
- ### Type Classes are Relations: Programming with Fundeps
- In set theory[^1] a _relation_ $R$ over a family of sets $A, B, C, \dots$ is a subset of the
- cartesian product $A \times B \times C \times \dots$. If $(a, b, c, \dots) \in R_{A,B,C,\dots}$ we
- say that $a$, $b$ and $c$ are _related_ by $R$.
- In this context, a _functional dependency_ is a term $X \leadsto Y$
- where $X$ and $Y$ are both sets of natural numbers. A relation is said
- to satisfy a functional dependency $X \leadsto Y$ when, for any tuple in
- the relation, the values at $X$ uniquely determine the values at $Y$.
- For instance, the relations $R_{A,B}$ satisfying $\{0\} \leadsto \{1\}$ are partial functions $A \to
- B$, and if it were additionally to satisfy $\{1\} \leadsto \{0\}$ it would be a partial one-to-one
- mapping.
- One might wonder what all of this abstract nonsense[^2] has to do with type classes. The thing is, a
- type class `class foo : A -> B -> constraint`{.amulet} is a relation $\text{Foo}_{A,B}$! With this in
- mind, it becomes easy to understand what it might mean for a type class to satisfy a functional
- relation, and indeed the expressive power that they bring.
- To make it concrete:
- ```amulet
- class r 'a 'b (* an arbitrary relation between a and b *)
- class f 'a 'b | 'a -> 'b (* a function from a to b *)
- class i 'a 'b | 'a -> 'b, 'b -> 'a (* a one-to-one mapping between a and b *)
- ```
- #### The Classic Example: Collections
- In Mark P. Jones' paper introducing functional dependencies, he presents as an example the class
- `collects : type -> type -> constraint`{.amulet}, where `'e`{.amulet} is the type of elements in the
- collection type `'ce`{.amulet}. This class can be used for all the standard, polymorphic collections
- (of kind `type -> type`{.amulet}), but it also admits instances for monomorphic collections, like a
- `bitset`.
- ```amulet
- class collects 'e 'ce begin
- val empty : 'ce
- val insert : 'e -> 'ce -> 'ce
- val member : 'e -> 'ce -> bool
- end
- ```
- Omitting the standard implementation details, this class admits instances like:
- ```amulet
- class eq 'a => collects 'a (list 'a)
- class eq 'a => collects 'a ('a -> bool)
- instance collects char string (* amulet strings are not list char *)
- ```
- However, Jones points out this class, as written, has a variety of problems. For starters, `empty`{.amulet} has
- an ambiguous type, `forall 'e 'ce. collects 'e 'ce => 'ce`{.amulet}. This type is ambiguous because the type
- varialbe `e`{.amulet} is $\forall$-bound, and appears in the constraint `collects 'e 'ce`{.amulet}, but doesn't
- appear to the right of the `=>`{.amulet}; Thus, we can't solve it using unification, and the program
- would have undefined semantics.
- Moreover, this class leads to poor inferred types. Consider the two functions `f`{.amulet} and `g`, below.
- These have the types `(collects 'a 'c * collects 'b 'c) => 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c`{.amulet} and
- `(collects bool 'c * collects int 'c) => 'c -> 'c`{.amulet} respectively.
- ```amulet
- let f x y coll = insert x (insert y coll)
- let g coll = f true 1 coll
- ```
- The problem with the type of `f`{.amulet} is that it is too general, if we wish to model homogeneous
- collections only; This leads to the type of `g`, which really ought to be a type error, but isn't; The
- programming error in its definition won't be reported here, but at the use site, which might be in a
- different module entirely. This problem of poor type inference and bad error locality motivates us to
- refine the class `collects`, adding a functional dependency:
- ```amulet
- (* Read: 'ce determines 'e *)
- class collects 'e 'ce | 'ce -> 'e begin
- val empty : 'ce
- val insert : 'e -> 'ce -> 'ce
- val member : 'e -> 'ce -> bool
- end
- ```
- This class admits all the same instances as before, but now the functional dependency lets Amulet
- infer an improved type for `f`{.amulet} and report the type error at `g`{.amulet}.
- ```amulet
- val f : collects 'a 'b => 'a -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b
- ```
- ```
- │
- 2 │ let g coll = f true 1 coll
- │ ^
- Couldn't match actual type int
- with the type expected by the context, bool
- ```
- One can see from the type of `f`{.amulet} that Amulet can simplify the conjunction of constraints
- `collects 'a 'c * collects 'b 'c`{.amulet} into `collects 'a 'c`{.amulet} and substitute `'b`{.amulet}
- for `'a`{.amulet} in the rest of the type. This is because the second parameter of `collects`{.amulet}
- is enough to determine the first parameter; Since `'c`{.amulet} is obviously equal to itself,
- `'a`{.amulet} must be equal to `'b`.
- We can observe improvement within the language using a pair of data types, `(:-) : constraint ->
- constraint -> type`{.amulet} and `dict : constraint -> type`{.amulet}, which serve as witnesses of
- implication between constraints and a single constraint respectively.
- ```amulet
- type dict 'c = Dict : 'c => dict 'c
- type 'p :- 'q = Sub of ('p => unit -> dict 'q)
- let improve : forall 'a 'b 'c. (collects 'a 'c * collects 'b 'c) :- ('a ~ 'b) =
- Sub (fun _ -> Dict)
- ```
- Because this program type-checks, we can be sure that `collects 'a 'c * collects 'b 'c`{.amulet}
- implies `'a`{.amulet} is equal to `'b`{.amulet}. Neat!
- ### Computing with Fundeps: Natural Numbers and Vectors
- If you saw this coming, pat yourself on the back.
- I'm required by law to talk about vectors in every post about types. No, really; It's true.
- I'm sure everyone's seen this by now, but vectors are cons-lists indexed by their type as a Peano
- natural.
- ```amulet
- type nat = Z | S of nat
- type vect 'n 'a =
- | Nil : vect Z 'a
- | Cons : 'a * vect 'n 'a -> vect (S 'n) 'a
- ```
- Our running objective for this post will be to write a function to append two vectors, such that the
- length of the result is the sum of the lengths of the arguments.[^3] But, how do we even write the
- type of such a function?
- Here we can use a type class with functional dependencies witnessing the fact that $a + b = c$, for
- some $a$, $b$, $c$ all in $\mathbb{N}$. Obviously, knowing $a$ and $b$ is enough to know $c$, and the
- functional dependency expresses that. Due to the way we're going to be implementing `add`, the other
- two functional dependencies aren't admissible.
- ```amulet
- class add 'a 'b 'c | 'a 'b -> 'c begin end
- ```
- Adding zero to something just results in that something, and if $a + b = c$ then $(1 + a) + b = 1 + c$.
- ```amulet
- instance add Z 'a 'a begin end
- instance add 'a 'b 'c => add (S 'a) 'b (S 'c) begin end
- ```
- With this in hands, we can write a function to append vectors.
- ```amulet
- let append : forall 'n 'k 'm 'a. add 'n 'k 'm
- => vect 'n 'a -> vect 'k 'a -> vect 'm 'a =
- fun xs ys ->
- match xs with
- | Nil -> ys
- | Cons (x, xs) -> Cons (x, append xs ys)
- ```
- Success!
- ... or maybe not. Amulet's complaining about our definition of `append` even though it's correct; What
- gives?
- The problem is that while functional dependencies let us conclude equalities from pairs of instances,
- it doesn't do us any good if there's a single instance. So we need a way to reflect the equalities in
- a way that can be pattern-matched on. If your GADT senses are going off, that's a good thing.
- #### Computing with Evidence
- This is terribly boring to do and what motivated me to add type functions to Amulet in the first
- place, but the solution here is to have a GADT that mirrors the structure of the class instances, and
- make the instances compute that. Then, in our append function, we can match on this evidence to reveal
- equalities to the type checker.
- ```amulet
- type add_ev 'k 'n 'm =
- | AddZ : add_ev Z 'a 'a
- | AddS : add_ev 'a 'b 'c -> add_ev (S 'a) 'b (S 'c)
- class add 'a 'b 'c | 'a 'b -> 'c begin
- val ev : add_ev 'a 'b 'c
- end
- instance add Z 'a 'a begin
- let ev = AddZ
- end
- instance add 'a 'b 'c => add (S 'a) 'b (S 'c) begin
- let ev = AddS ev
- end
- ```
- Now we can write vector `append` using the `add_ev` type.
- ```amulet
- let append' (ev : add_ev 'n 'm 'k)
- (xs : vect 'n 'a)
- (ys : vect 'm 'a)
- : vect 'k 'a =
- match ev, xs with
- | AddZ, Nil -> ys
- | AddS p, Cons (x, xs) -> Cons (x, append' p xs ys)
- and append xs ys = append' ev xs ys
- ```
- This type-checks and we're done.
- ### Functions on Types: Programming with Closed Type Functions
- Look, duplicating the structure of a type class at the value level just so the compiler can figure out
- equalities is stupid. Can't we make it do that work instead? Enter _closed type functions_.
- ```amulet
- type function (+) 'n 'm begin
- Z + 'n = 'n
- (S 'k) + 'n = S ('k + 'n)
- end
- ```
- This declaration introduces the type constructor `(+)`{.amulet} (usually written infix) and two rules
- for reducing types involving saturated applications of `(+)`{.amulet}. Type functions, unlike type
- classes which are defined like Prolog clauses, are defined in a pattern-matching style reminiscent of
- Haskell.
- Each type function has a set of (potentially overlapping) _equations_, and the compiler will reduce an
- application using an equation as soon as it's sure that equation is the only possible equation based
- on the currently-known arguments.
- Using the type function `(+)`{.amulet} we can use our original implementation of `append` and have it
- type-check:
- ```amulet
- let append (xs : vect 'n 'a) (ys : vect 'k 'a) : vect ('n + 'k) 'a =
- match xs with
- | Nil -> ys
- | Cons (x, xs) -> Cons (x, append xs ys)
- let ys = append (Cons (1, Nil)) (Cons (2, Cons (3, Nil)))
- ```
- Now, a bit of a strange thing is that Amulet reduces type family applications as lazily as possible,
- so that `ys` above has type `vect (S Z + S (S Z)) int`{.amulet}. In practice, this isn't an issue, as
- a simple ascription shows that this type is equal to the more orthodox `vect (S (S (S Z)))
- int`{.amulet}.
- ```amulet
- let zs : vect (S (S (S Z))) int = ys
- ```
- Internally, type functions do pretty much the same thing as the functional dependency + evidence
- approach we used internally. Each equation gives rise to an equality _axiom_, represented as a
- constructor because our intermediate language pretty much lets constructors return whatever they damn
- want.
- ```amulet
- type + '(n : nat) '(m : nat) =
- | awp : forall 'n 'm 'r. 'n ~ Z -> 'm ~ 'n -> ('n + 'm) ~ 'n
- | awq : forall 'n 'k 'm 'l. 'n ~ (S 'k) -> 'm ~ 'l
- -> ('n + 'm) ~ (S ('k + 'l))
- ```
- These symbols have ugly autogenerated names because they're internal to the compiler and should never
- appear to users, but you can see that `awp` and `awq` correspond to each clause of the `(+)`{.amulet}
- type function, with a bit more freedom in renaming type variables.
- ### Custom Type Errors: Typing Better
- Sometimes - I mean, pretty often - you have better domain knowledge than Amulet. For instance, you
- might know that it's impossible to `show` a function. The `type_error` type family lets you tell the
- type checker this:
- ```amulet
- instance
- (type_error (String "Can't show functional type:" :<>: ShowType ('a -> 'b))
- => show ('a -> 'b)
- begin
- let show _ = ""
- end
- ```
- Now trying to use `show` on a function value will give you a nice error message:
- ```amulet
- let _ = show (fun x -> x + 1)
- ```
- ```
- │
- 1 │ let _ = show (fun x -> x + 1)
- │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Can't show functional type: int -> int
- ```
- ### Type Families can Overlap
- Type families can tell when two types are equal or not:
- ```amulet
- type function equal 'a 'b begin
- discrim 'a 'a = True
- discrim 'a 'b = False
- end
- ```
- But overlapping equations need to agree:
- ```amulet
- type function overlap_not_ok 'a begin
- overlap_not_ok int = string
- overlap_not_ok int = int
- end
- ```
- ```
- Overlapping equations for overlap_not_ok int
- • Note: first defined here,
- │
- 2 │ overlap_not_ok int = string
- │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- but also defined here
- │
- 3 │ overlap_not_ok int = int
- │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ```
- ### Conclusion
- Type families and type classes with functional dependencies are both ways to introduce computation in
- the type system. They both have their strengths and weaknesses: Fundeps allow improvement to inferred
- types, but type families interact better with GADTs (since they generate more equalities). Both are
- important in language with a focus on type safety, in my opinion.
- [^1]: This is not actually the definition of a relation with full generality; Set theorists are
- concerned with arbitrary families of sets indexed by some $i \in I$, where $I$ is a set of indices;
- Here, we've set $I = \mathbb{N}$ and restrict ourselves to the case where relations are tuples.
- [^2]: At least it's not category theory.
- [^3]: In the shower today I actually realised that the `append` function on vectors is a witness to
- the algebraic identity $a^n * a^m = a^{n + m}$. Think about it: the `vect 'n`{.amulet} functor is
- representable by `fin 'n`{.amulet}, i.e. it is isomorphic to functions `fin 'n -> 'a`{.amulet}. By
- definition, `fin 'n`{.amulet} is the type with `'n`{.amulet} elements, and arrow types `'a ->
- 'b`{.amulet} have $\text{size}(b)^{\text{size}(a)}$ elements, which leads us to conclude `vect 'n
- 'a` has size $\text{size}(a)^n$ elements.