- ---
- title: Monadic Parsing with User State
- date: August 26, 2016
- ---
- > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
- > module StatefulParsing where
- > import Control.Monad.State.Class
- > import Control.Applicative
- In this post I propose an extension to the monadic parser framework
- introduced in a previous post, _[You could have invented
- Parsec](/posts/2016-08-17.html)_, that extends
- the parser to also support embedded user state in your parsing.
- This could be used, for example, for parsing a language with
- user-extensible operators: The precedences and fixidities of operators
- would be kept in a hashmap threaded along the bind chain.
- Instead of posing these changes as diffs, we will rewrite the parser
- framework from scratch with the updated type.
- ---
- Parser `newtype`{.haskell}
- =========================
- Our new parser is polymorphic in both the return type and the user state
- that, so we have to update the `newtype`{.haskell} declaration to match.
- > newtype Parser state result
- > = Parser { runParser :: String
- > -> state
- > -> Either String (result, state, String) }
- Our tuple now contains the result of the parsing operation and the new
- user state, along with the stream. We still need to supply a stream to
- parse, and now also supply the initial state. This will be reflected in
- our functions.
- For convenience, we also make a `Parser' a`{.haskell} type alias for
- parsers with no user state.
- < type Parser' a = Parser () a
- Seeing as type constructors are also curried, we can apply η-reduction
- to get the following, which is what we'll go
- with.
- > type Parser' = Parser ()
- `Functor`{.haskell} instance
- ============================
- > instance Functor (Parser st) where
- The functor instance remains mostly the same, except now we have to
- thread the user state around, too.
- The instance head also changes to fit the kind signature of the
- `Functor`{.haskell} typeclass. Since user state can not change from
- fmapping, this is fine.
- > fn `fmap` (Parser p) = Parser go where
- > go st us = case p st us of
- > Left e -> Left e
- > Right (r, us', st') -> Right (fn r, us', st')
- As you can see, the new user state (`us'`) is just returned as is.
- `Applicative`{.haskell} instance
- ================================
- > instance Applicative (Parser st) where
- The new implementations of `pure`{.haskell} and `<*>`{.haskell} need to
- correctly manipulate the user state. In the case of `pure`, it's just passed
- as-is to the `Right`{.haskell} constructor.
- > pure ret = Parser go where
- > go st us = Right (ret, us, st)
- Since `(<*>)` needs to evaluate both sides before applying the function, we need
- to pass the right-hand side's generated user state to the right-hand side for
- evaluation.
- > (Parser f) <*> (Parser v) = Parser go where
- > go st us = case f st us of
- > Left e -> Left e
- > Right (fn, us', st') -> case v st' us' of
- > Left e -> Left e
- > Right (vl, us'', st'') -> Right (fn vl, us'', st'')
- `Monad`{.haskell} instance
- ==========================
- > instance Monad (Parser st) where
- Since we already have an implementation of `pure`{.haskell} from the Applicative
- instance, we don't need to worry about an implementation of `return`.
- > return = pure
- The monad instance is much like the existing monad instance, except now we have
- to give the updated parser state to the new computation.
- > (Parser p) >>= f = Parser go where
- > go s u = case p s u of
- > Left e -> Left e
- > Right (x, u', s') -> runParser (f x) s' u'
- `MonadState`{.haskell} instance
- ===============================
- > instance MonadState st (Parser st) where
- Since we now have a state transformer in the parser, we can make it an instance
- of the MTL's `MonadState` class.
- The implementation of `put`{.haskell} must return `()` (the unit value), and
- needs to replace the existing state with the supplied one. This operation can
- not fail.
- Since this is a parsing framework, we also need to define how the stream is
- going to be affected: In this case, it isn't.
- > put us' = Parser go where
- > go st _ = Right ((), us', st)
- The `get`{.haskell} function returns the current user state, and leaves it
- untouched. This operation also does not fail.
- > get = Parser go where
- > go st us = Right (us, us, st)
- Since we're an instance of `MonadState`{.haskell}, we needn't an implementation
- of `modify` and friends - They're given by the MTL.
- `Alternative`{.haskell} instance
- ================================
- > instance Alternative (Parser st) where
- The `Alternative`{.haskell} instance uses the same state as it was given for
- trying the next parse.
- The `empty`{.haskell} parser just fails unconditionally.
- > empty = Parser go where
- > go _ _ = Left "empty parser"
- `(<|>)` will try both parsers in order, reusing both the state and the stream.
- > (Parser p) <|> (Parser q) = Parser go where
- > go st us = case p st us of
- > Left e -> q st us
- > Right v -> Right v
- Conclusion
- ==========
- This was a relatively short post. This is because many of the convenience
- functions defined in the previous post also work with this parser framework, if
- you replace `Parser` with `Parser'`. You can now use `get`, `put` and `modify`
- to work on the parser's user state. As a closing note, a convenience function
- for running parsers with no state is given.
- > parse :: Parser' a -> String -> Either String a
- > parse str = case runParser str () of
- > Left e -> Left e
- > Right (x, _, _) -> x