- ---
- title: Dependent types in Haskell - Sort of
- date: August 23, 2016
- ---
- **Warning**: An intermediate level of type-fu is necessary for understanding
- *this post.
- The glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation system, since around version 6.10 has
- had support for indexed type familes, which let us represent functional
- relationships between types. Since around version 7, it has also supported
- datatype-kind promotion, which lifts arbitrary data declarations to types. Since
- version 8, it has supported an extension called `TypeInType`, which unifies the
- kind and type level.
- With this in mind, we can implement the classical dependently-typed example:
- Length-indexed lists, also called `Vectors`{.haskell}.
- ----
- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
- `TypeInType` also implies `DataKinds`, which enables datatype promotion, and
- `PolyKinds`, which enables kind polymorphism.
- `TypeOperators` is needed for expressing type-level relationships infixly, and
- `TypeFamilies` actually lets us define these type-level functions.
- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- Since these are not simple-kinded types, we'll need a way to set their kind
- signatures[^kind] explicitly. We'll also need Generalized Algebraic Data Types
- (or GADTs, for short) for defining these types.
- > {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
- > {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
- Since GADTs which couldn't normally be defined with regular ADT syntax can't
- have deriving clauses, we also need `StandaloneDeriving`.
- > {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
- > module Vector where
- > import Data.Kind
- ----
- Natural numbers
- ===============
- We could use the natural numbers (and singletons) implemented in `GHC.TypeLits`,
- but since those are not defined inductively, they're painful to use for our
- purposes.
- Recall the definition of natural numbers proposed by Giuseppe Peano in his
- axioms: **Z**ero is a natural number, and the **s**uccessor of a natural number
- is also a natural number.
- If you noticed the bold characters at the start of the words _zero_ and
- _successor_, you might have already assumed the definition of naturals to be
- given by the following GADT:
- < data Nat where
- < Z :: Nat
- < S :: Nat -> Nat
- This is fine if all you need are natural numbers at the _value_ level, but since
- we'll be parametrising the Vector type with these, they have to exist at the
- type level. The beauty of datatype promotion is that any promoted type will
- exist at both levels: A kind with constructors as its inhabitant types, and a
- type with constructors as its... constructors.
- Since we have TypeInType, this declaration was automatically lifted, but we'll
- use explicit kind signatures for clarity.
- > data Nat :: Type where
- > Z :: Nat
- > S :: Nat -> Nat
- The `Type` kind, imported from `Data.Kind`, is a synonym for the `*` (which will
- eventually replace the latter).
- Vectors
- =======
- Vectors, in dependently-typed languages, are lists that apart from their content
- encode their size along with their type.
- If we assume that lists can not have negative length, and an empty vector has
- length 0, this gives us a nice inductive definition using the natural number
- ~~type~~ kind[^kinds]
- > 1. An empty vector of `a` has size `Z`{.haskell}.
- > 2. Adding an element to the front of a vector of `a` and length `n` makes it
- > have length `S n`{.haskell}.
- We'll represent this in Haskell as a datatype with a kind signature of `Nat ->
- Type -> Type` - That is, it takes a natural number (remember, these were
- automatically lifted to kinds), a regular type, and produces a regular type.
- Note that, `->` still means a function at the kind level.
- > data Vector :: Nat -> Type -> Type where
- Or, without use of `Type`,
- < data Vector :: Nat -> * -> * where
- We'll call the empty vector `Nil`{.haskell}. Remember, it has size
- `Z`{.haskell}.
- > Nil :: Vector Z a
- Also note that type variables are implicit in the presence of kind signatures:
- They are assigned names in order of appearance.
- Consing onto a vector, represented by the infix constructor `:|`, sets its
- length to the successor of the existing length, and keeps the type of elements
- intact.
- > (:|) :: a -> Vector x a -> Vector (S x) a
- Since this constructor is infix, we also need a fixidity declaration. For
- consistency with `(:)`, cons for regular lists, we'll make it right-associative
- with a precedence of `5`.
- > infixr 5 :|
- We'll use derived `Show`{.haskell} and `Eq`{.haskell} instances for
- `Vector`{.haskell}, for clarity reasons. While the derived `Eq`{.haskell} is
- fine, one would prefer a nicer `Show`{.haskell} instance for a
- production-quality library.
- > deriving instance Show a => Show (Vector n a)
- > deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Vector n a)
- Slicing up Vectors {#slicing}
- ==================
- Now that we have a vector type, we'll start out by implementing the 4 basic
- operations for slicing up lists: `head`, `tail`, `init` and `last`.
- Since we're working with complicated types here, it's best to always use type
- signatures.
- Head and Tail {#head-and-tail}
- -------------
- Head is easy - It takes a vector with length `>1`, and returns its first
- element. This could be represented in two ways.
- < head :: (S Z >= x) ~ True => Vector x a -> a
- This type signature means that, if the type-expression `S Z >= x`{.haskell}
- unifies with the type `True` (remember - datakind promotion at work), then head
- takes a `Vector x a` and returns an `a`.
- There is, however, a much simpler way of doing the above.
- > head :: Vector (S x) a -> a
- That is, head takes a vector whose length is the successor of a natural number
- `x` and returns its first element.
- The implementation is just as concise as the one for lists:
- > head (x :| _) = x
- That's it. That'll type-check and compile.
- Trying, however, to use that function on an empty vector will result in a big
- scary type error:
- ```plain
- Vector> Vector.head Nil
- <interactive>:1:13: error:
- • Couldn't match type ‘'Z’ with ‘'S x0’
- Expected type: Vector ('S x0) a
- Actual type: Vector 'Z a
- • In the first argument of ‘Vector.head’, namely ‘Nil’
- In the expression: Vector.head Nil
- In an equation for ‘it’: it = Vector.head Nil
- ```
- Simplified, it means that while it was expecting the successor of a natural
- number, it got zero instead. This function is total, unlike the one in
- `Data.List`{.haskell}, which fails on the empty list.
- < head [] = error "Prelude.head: empty list"
- < head (x:_) = x
- Tail is just as easy, except in this case, instead of discarding the predecessor
- of the vector's length, we'll use it as the length of the resulting vector.
- This makes sense, as, logically, getting the tail of a vector removes its first
- length, thus "unwrapping" a level of `S`.
- > tail :: Vector (S x) a -> Vector x a
- > tail (_ :| xs) = xs
- Notice how neither of these have a base case for empty vectors. In fact, adding
- one will not typecheck (with the same type of error - Can't unify `Z`{.haskell}
- with `S x`{.haskell}, no matter how hard you try.)
- Init {#init}
- ----
- What does it mean to take the initial of an empty vector? That's obviously
- undefined, much like taking the tail of an empty vector. That is, `init` and
- `tail` have the same type signature.
- > init :: Vector (S x) a -> Vector x a
- The `init` of a singleton list is nil. This type-checks, as the list would have
- had length `S Z` (that is - 1), and now has length `Z`.
- > init (x :| Nil) = Nil
- To take the init of a vector with more than one element, all we do is recur on
- the tail of the list.
- > init (x :| y :| ys) = x :| Vector.init (y :| ys)
- That pattern is a bit weird - it's logically equivalent to `(x :|
- xs)`{.haskell}. But, for some reason, that doesn't make the typechecker happy,
- so we use the long form.
- Last {#last}
- ----
- Last can, much like the list version, be implemented in terms of a left fold.
- The type signature is like the one for head, and the fold is the same as that
- for lists. The foldable instance for vectors is given [here](#Foldable).
- > last :: Vector (S x) a -> a
- > last = foldl (\_ x -> x) impossible where
- Wait - what's `impossible`? Since this is a fold, we do still need an initial
- element - We could use a pointful fold with the head as the starting point, but
- I feel like this helps us to understand the power of dependently-typed vectors:
- That error will _never_ happen. Ever. That's why it's `impossible`!
- > impossible = error "Type checker, you have failed me!"
- That's it for the basic vector operations. We can now slice a vector anywhere
- that makes sense - Though, there's one thing missing: `uncons`.
- Uncons {#uncons}
- ------
- Uncons splits a list (here, a vector) into a pair of first element and rest.
- With lists, this is generally implemented as returning a `Maybe`{.haskell} type,
- but since we can encode the type of a vector in it's type, there's no need for
- that here.
- > uncons :: Vector (S x) a -> (a, Vector x a)
- > uncons (x :| xs) = (x, xs)
- Mapping over Vectors {#functor}
- ====================
- We'd like a `map` function that, much like the list equivalent, applies a
- function to all elements of a vector, and returns a vector with the same length.
- This operation should hopefully be homomorphic: That is, it keeps the structure
- of the list intact.
- The `base` package has a typeclass for this kind of morphism, can you guess what
- it is? If you guessed Functor, then you're right! If you didn't, you might
- aswell close the article now - Heavy type-fu inbound, though not right now.
- The functor instance is as simple as can be:
- > instance Functor (Vector x) where
- The fact that functor expects something of kind `* -> *`, we need to give the
- length in the instance head - And since we do that, the type checker guarantees
- that this is, in fact, a homomorphic relationship.
- Mapping over `Nil` just returns `Nil`.
- > f `fmap` Nil = Nil
- Mapping over a list is equivalent to applying the function to the first element,
- then recurring over the tail of the vector.
- > f `fmap` (x :| xs) = f x :| (fmap f xs)
- We didn't really need an instance of Functor, but I think standalone map is
- silly.
- Folding Vectors {#foldable}
- ===============
- The Foldable class head has the same kind signature as the Functor class head:
- `(* -> *) -> Constraint` (where `Constraint` is the kind of type classes), that
- is, it's defined by the class head
- < class Foldable (t :: Type -> Type) where
- So, again, the length is given in the instance head.
- > instance Foldable (Vector x) where
- > foldr f z Nil = z
- > foldr f z (x :| xs) = f x $ foldr f z xs
- This is _exactly_ the Foldable instance for `[a]`, except the constructors are
- different. Hopefully, by now you've noticed that Vectors have the same
- expressive power as lists, but with more safety enforced by the type checker.
- Conclusion
- ==========
- Two thousand words in, we have an implementation of functorial, foldable vectors
- with implementations of `head`, `tail`, `init`, `last` and `uncons`. Since
- going further (implementing `++`, since a Monoid instance is impossible) would
- require implementing closed type familes, we'll leave that for next time.
- Next time, we'll tackle the implementation of `drop`, `take`, `index` (`!!`, but
- for vectors), `append`, `length`, and many other useful list functions.
- Eventually, you'd want an implementation of all functions in `Data.List`. We
- shall tackle `filter` in a later issue.
- [^kind]: You can read about [Kind polymorphism and
- Type-in-Type](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#kind-polymorphism-and-type-in-type)
- in the GHC manual.
- [^kinds]: The TypeInType extension unifies the type and kind level, but this
- article still uses the word `kind` throughout. This is because it's easier to
- reason about types, datatype promotion and type familes if you have separate
- type and kind levels.