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Amélia Liao 4 years ago
9 changed files with 192 additions and 113 deletions
  1. +52
  2. +61
  3. +25
  4. +2
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  9. +31

+ 52
- 31
src/Elab.hs View File

@ -6,19 +6,22 @@
module Elab where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Foldable
import Eval
import qualified Presyntax as P
import Syntax
import Eval
import Control.Monad
import Systems
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Foldable
data TypeError
= NotInScope String
@ -36,32 +39,19 @@ check env (P.Span s e exp) wants =
`catch` \case
InSpan s e err -> throwIO $ InSpan s e err
err -> throwIO $ InSpan s e err
`catch` \er -> throwIO $ InSpan s e (UnifyError er)
check env exp (VSub a fm@(toFormula -> Just phi) el) = do
putStrLn $
"checking cubical subtype of " ++ show a ++ " with φ = " ++ show phi
tm <- check env exp a
for (addFormula phi env) \env ->
putStrLn $ "the expression is " ++ show tm
for (addFormula phi env) \env -> do
let tm' = eval env tm
in unifyTC env tm' el
pure (InclSub (quote a) (quote fm) (quote el) tm)
check env (P.Lam s b) expected = do
expc <- isPiOrPathType expected
case expc of
Left (_, d, r) -> do -- function
bd <- check env { names = Map.insert s (makeValueGluingSub d s) (names env) } b (r (VVar s))
pure (Lam s (quote d) bd)
Right (a, x, y) -> do
bd <- check env { names = Map.insert s (VI, VVar s) (names env) } b (a @@ VVar s)
let t = Lam s I bd
t' = eval env t
checkBoundary env [s] t'
[ ([VI0], x)
, ([VI1], y)
pure (PathI (quote a) (quote x) (quote y) s bd)
putStrLn $ "have " ++ show tm'
unifyTC env tm' el
pure (InclSub (quote a) (quote fm) (quote el) tm)
check env (P.Let v t d b) expected = do
ty <- check env t VTypeω
@ -98,12 +88,41 @@ check env (P.Partial fs) ty = do
fmap (System . FMap . Map.fromList) $ for ts \(fn, tn) -> do
for ts \(fm, tm) -> do
when (possible (fn `P.And` fm)) do
when (fn /= fm && possible (fn `P.And` fm)) do
for_ (addFormula (fn `P.And` fm) env) $ \env ->
unifyTC (env) (eval env tn) (eval env tm)
`catch` \e -> throwIO (IncompatibleFaces (fn, tn) (fm, tm) e)
pure (fn, tn)
check env exp (VPartial fm@(toFormula -> Just phi) a) = do
print $ (phi, a)
case addFormula phi env of
[] -> pure $ System (FMap mempty)
(x:xs) -> do
tm <- check x exp a
for_ xs $ \e -> check e exp a
pure tm
check env (P.Lam s b) expected = do
expc <- isPiOrPathType expected
case expc of
Left (_, d, r) -> do -- function
bd <- check env { names = Map.insert s (makeValueGluingSub d s) (names env) } b (r (VVar s))
pure (Lam s (quote d) bd)
Right (a, x, y) -> do
bd <- check env { names = Map.insert s (VI, VVar s) (names env) } b (a @@ VVar s)
let t = Lam s I bd
t' = eval env t
print $ (Map.lookup "phi" (names env), t', t' @@ VI0)
checkBoundary env [s] t'
[ ([VI0], x)
, ([VI1], y)
pure (PathI (quote a) (quote x) (quote y) s bd)
check env exp expected = do
(term, actual) <- infer env exp
unifyTC env actual expected
@ -134,7 +153,7 @@ checkBoundary env ns f = finish <=< go where
case t of
Right _ -> go faces
Left e -> ((ixs, vl, e):) <$> go faces
finish [] = pure ()
finish xs = throwIO $ WrongFaces f xs
@ -144,6 +163,7 @@ infer env (P.Span s e exp) =
`catch` \case
InSpan s e err -> throwIO $ InSpan s e err
err -> throwIO $ InSpan s e err
`catch` \er -> throwIO $ InSpan s e (UnifyError er)
infer env (P.Var s) =
case Map.lookup s (names env) of
@ -170,7 +190,8 @@ infer env (P.Pi s d r) = do
VTypeω -> pure VTypeω
_ -> throwIO . UnifyError $ NotSort ty
let d' = eval env dom
(rng, rng_t) <- infer env { names = Map.insert s (d', VVar s) (names env) } r
(rng, rng_t) <-
infer env { names = Map.insert s (makeValueGluingSub d' s) (names env) } r
case ty of
VType -> pure VType
VTypeω -> pure VTypeω
@ -269,7 +290,7 @@ infer env (P.Proj1 x) = do
(t, ty) <- infer env x
(_, d, _) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj1 t, d)
infer env (P.Proj2 x) = do
(t, ty) <- infer env x
let t' = eval env t

+ 61
- 42
src/Eval.hs View File

@ -4,20 +4,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Eval where
import Syntax
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.IORef
import Systems
import Presyntax (Formula)
import qualified Presyntax as P
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Stack
import qualified Presyntax as P
import Presyntax (Formula)
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Systems
iand :: Value -> Value -> Value
iand = \case
VI1 -> id
@ -82,16 +89,12 @@ pathp env p x y (VNe hd sp) i =
pathp env p x y (VOfSub _ _ _ v) i = pathp env p x y v i
comp :: Env -> Value -> Formula -> Value -> Value -> Value
comp env a@(VLam ivar VI fam) phi u a0 = go (fam (VVar "woopsie")) phi u a0 where
i = VVar ivar
comp env a@(VLam ivar VI fam) phi u a0 = glue $ go (fam (VVar "woopsie")) phi u a0 where
stuck :: Value
stuck = maybeAddEq $ VComp a (toValue phi) u a0
stuck = VComp a (toValue phi) u a0
maybeAddEq :: Value -> Value
maybeAddEq =
if phi == P.Top
then flip VEqGlued (u @@ VI1)
else id
glue :: Value -> Value
glue = VOfSub (fam VI1) (toValue' env phi) (u @@ VI1)
go :: HasCallStack => Value -> Formula -> Value -> Value -> Value
go VPi{} phi u a0 =
@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ comp env a@(VLam ivar VI fam) phi u a0 = go (fam (VVar "woopsie")) phi u a0 wher
comp env
(VLam ivar VI (\i -> rng i (ybar i arg)))
(VLam "i" VI \i -> mapVSystem (u @@ i) (@@ ybar i arg))
(VLam "i" VI \i -> mapVSystem (u @@ i) (@@ ybar i arg))
(a0 @@ ybar VI0 arg)
go VSigma{} phi u a0 =
@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ comp env a@(VLam ivar VI fam) phi u a0 = go (fam (VVar "woopsie")) phi u a0 wher
(pathp env (ai0 @@ VI0) u0 v0 p0 j)
go a P.Top u a0 = u @@ VI1
go a phi u a0 = maybeAddEq stuck
go a phi u a0 = stuck
comp env va phi u a0 =
if phi == P.Top
@ -171,21 +174,16 @@ mapVSystem (VSystem ss) f = VSystem (mapSystem ss f)
mapVSystem x f = f x
evalSystem :: Env -> Map.Map Formula Term -> Value
evalSystem env face = mk . Map.mapMaybeWithKey go $ face where
go :: Formula -> Term -> Maybe Value
evalSystem env face = mk . Map.fromList . mapMaybe (uncurry go) . Map.toList $ face where
go :: Formula -> Term -> Maybe (Formula, Value)
go face tm
| VI0 <- toValue' env face = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (eval env tm)
| otherwise = Just (evalF env face, eval env tm)
differsFromEnv :: String -> Bool -> Bool
differsFromEnv x True =
case Map.lookup x (names env) of
Just (VI, VI0) -> True
_ -> False
differsFromEnv x False =
case Map.lookup x (names env) of
Just (VI, VI1) -> True
_ -> False
evalF env tm =
case toFormula (toValue' env tm) of
Just f -> f
Nothing -> error $ "eval turned formula into non formula"
mk x = case Map.toList x of
[(_, x)] -> x
@ -222,6 +220,7 @@ eval env = \case
Proj2 y -> proj2 (eval env y)
Type -> VType
Typeω -> VTypeω
I -> VI
I0 -> VI0
@ -236,9 +235,9 @@ eval env = \case
Sub p x y -> VSub (eval env p) (eval env x) (eval env y)
InclSub a phi u a0 -> VOfSub (eval env a) (eval env phi) (eval env u) (eval env a0)
IAnd x y -> iand (eval env x) (eval env y)
IOr x y -> ior (eval env x) (eval env y)
INot x -> inot (eval env x)
IAnd x y -> iand (eval env x) (eval env y)
IOr x y -> ior (eval env x) (eval env y)
INot x -> inot (eval env x)
Comp a phi u a0 ->
case reduceCube env (eval env phi) of
@ -256,14 +255,18 @@ data UnifyError
| NotSort Value
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
unify :: Env -> Value -> Value -> IO ()
unify :: HasCallStack => Env -> Value -> Value -> IO ()
unify env (VEqGlued a b) c =
unify env a c `catch` \e -> const (unify env b c) (e :: UnifyError)
unify env c (VEqGlued a b) =
unify env c a `catch` \e -> const (unify env c b) (e :: UnifyError)
unify env (VLine a x y f) e = unify env (f (VVar "i")) (pathp env a x y e (VVar "i"))
unify env e (VLine a x y f) = unify env (f (VVar "i")) (pathp env a x y e (VVar "i"))
unify env (VLine a x y f) e =
let env' = env { names = Map.insert "i" (VI, VVar "i") (names env) }
in unify env' (f (VVar "i")) (pathp env' a x y e (VVar "i"))
unify env e (VLine a x y f) =
let env' = env { names = Map.insert "i" (VI, VVar "i") (names env) }
in unify env' (f (VVar "i")) (pathp env' a x y e (VVar "i"))
unify env (VPartial r b) (VPartial r' b') = do
unify env b b'
@ -303,6 +306,7 @@ unify env vl1@(VNe x sp) vl2@(VNe y sp')
unifySp (PPathP _a _x _y i) (PPathP _a' _x' _y' i') = unify env i i'
unifySp PProj1 PProj1 = pure ()
unifySp PProj2 PProj2 = pure ()
unifySp _ _ = throwIO $ Mismatch vl1 vl2
unify env (VLam x _ k) e = unify env (k (VVar x)) (e @@ VVar x)
unify env e (VLam x _ k) = unify env (e @@ VVar x) (k (VVar x))
@ -321,13 +325,28 @@ unify env VI VI = pure ()
unify env (VPair a b) (VPair c d) = unify env a c *> unify env b d
unify env (VPath a x y) (VPath a' x' y') = unify env a a' *> unify env x x' *> unify env y y'
unify env (VComp a phi u a0) (VComp a' phi' u' a0') =
traverse_ (uncurry (unify env))
[ (a, a')
, (phi, phi')
, (u, u')
, (a0, a0')
unify env (VComp a (reduceCube env -> Just P.Top) u a0) vl =
unify env (u @@ VI1) vl
unify env vl (VComp a (reduceCube env -> Just P.Top) u a0) =
unify env (u @@ VI1) vl
unify env (VSystem fs) vl
| ((_, vl'):_) <- Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\f _ -> isTrue (toValue' env f)) (getSystem fs))
| ((_, vl'):_) <-
Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\f _ -> isTrue (toValue' env f)) (getSystem fs))
= unify env vl' vl
unify env vl (VSystem fs)
| ((_, vl'):_) <- Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\f _ -> isTrue (toValue' env f)) (getSystem fs))
| ((_, vl'):_) <-
Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\f _ -> isTrue (toValue' env f)) (getSystem fs))
= unify env vl' vl
unify env VType VTypeω = pure ()
@ -350,7 +369,7 @@ reduceCube env x = fmap (toDNF . simplify) (toFormula x) where
case Map.lookup x (names env) of
Just (VI, VI1) -> P.Top
Just (VI, VI0) -> P.Bot
_ -> P.Is0 x
_ -> P.Is1 x
simplify (P.And x y) = P.And (simplify x) (simplify y)
simplify (P.Or x y) = P.Or (simplify x) (simplify y)
simplify x = x
@ -362,10 +381,10 @@ sameCube env x y =
_ -> Nothing
toFormula :: Value -> Maybe Formula
toFormula VI0 = Just P.Bot
toFormula VI1 = Just P.Top
toFormula VI0 = Just P.Bot
toFormula VI1 = Just P.Top
toFormula (VNe x []) = Just (P.Is1 x)
toFormula (VINot f) = notFormula <$> toFormula f
toFormula (VINot f) = notFormula <$> toFormula f
toFormula (VIAnd x y) = do
s <- toFormula y
t <- toFormula x
@ -442,7 +461,7 @@ toValue (P.Or x y) = toValue x `ior` toValue y
toValue (P.Is0 x) = inot (VVar x)
toValue (P.Is1 x) = VVar x
toValue' :: Env -> Formula -> Value
toValue' :: HasCallStack => Env -> Formula -> Value
toValue' env P.Top = VI1
toValue' env P.Bot = VI0
toValue' env (P.And x y) = toValue x `iand` toValue y
@ -452,7 +471,7 @@ toValue' env (P.Is0 x) =
Just (VI, VI0) -> VI1
Just (VI, VI1) -> VI0
Just (VI, x) -> inot x
_ -> error $ "type error in toValue'"
vl -> error $ "type error in toValue' " ++ x ++ ": " ++ show vl
toValue' env (P.Is1 x) =
case Map.lookup x (names env) of
Just (VI, x) -> x

+ 25
- 16
src/Main.hs View File

@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Presyntax.Parser
import Elab
import Control.Monad.Catch
import System.Exit
import Syntax
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT, defaultSettings, getInputLine)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Presyntax
import Control.Monad.Catch
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.List
import Elab
import Eval (eval, UnifyError (..))
import Presyntax.Parser
import Presyntax
import Syntax
import System.Console.Haskeline (runInputT, defaultSettings, getInputLine)
import System.Exit
import Systems (formulaOfFace, Face)
import Data.List
showTypeError :: Maybe [String] -> Elab.TypeError -> String
showTypeError lines (NotInScope l_c) = "Variable not in scope: " ++ l_c
@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ showTypeError lines (InSpan start end err)
| otherwise = showTypeError Nothing err
showTypeError lines (IncompleteSystem formula extent) =
unlines $
unlines $
[ "Incomplete system: "
, "it is defined by " ++ show formula
, "but the context mandates extent " ++ show extent ]
@ -57,12 +64,14 @@ makeRange line (_, sc) (_, ec) = line ++ "\n" ++ replicate (sc + 1) ' ' ++ repli
main :: IO ()
main = do
code <- readFile "test.itt"
ste e = do
putStrLn $ showTypeError (Just (lines code)) e
case parseString body code of
Left e -> print e
Right x -> do
(tm, _) <- infer (Env mempty ) x `catch` \e -> do
putStrLn $ showTypeError (Just (lines code)) e
(tm, _) <- infer (Env mempty) x `catch` ste `catch` (ste . UnifyError)
print tm
repl :: IO ()
@ -70,7 +79,7 @@ repl = runInputT defaultSettings (go (Env mempty)) where
go env = getInputLine "> " >>= \case
Just i | ":sq " `isPrefixOf` i -> do
case parseString body (replicate 4 ' ' ++ drop 4 i) of
Right exp ->
Right exp ->
(tm, ty) <- liftIO $ infer env exp
liftIO $ drawExtent ty (eval env tm)
@ -102,7 +111,7 @@ repl = runInputT defaultSettings (go (Env mempty)) where
go env
Right (Declare n t e) -> do
t <- liftIO $ check env t VType
t <- liftIO $ check env t VTypeω
let t' = eval env t
b <- liftIO $ check env e t'
let b' = eval env b
@ -120,7 +129,7 @@ drawExtent ty vl = nicely $ getDirections ty vl where
in map (\(p, t, v) -> ((s, True):p, t, v)) trues
++ map (\(p, t, v) -> ((s, False):p, t, v)) falses
getDirections ty t = [([], ty, t)]
nicely :: [([(String, Bool)], Value, Value)] -> IO ()
nicely [] = pure ()
nicely ((bs, ty, el):fcs) = do
@ -131,4 +140,4 @@ drawExtent ty vl = nicely $ getDirections ty vl where
theFace = map (\(i, b) ->
if b
then "(" ++ i ++ "1)"
else "(" ++ i ++ "0)")
else "(" ++ i ++ "0)")

+ 2
- 2
src/Presyntax.hs View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ data Exp
-- Compositions
| Comp
-- Cubical subtypes
| SubT
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ instance Show Formula where
data Statement
= Assume [(String, Exp)]
| Declare String Exp Exp
| Eval Exp
| Eval Exp

+ 5
- 6
src/Presyntax/Lexer.hs View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Presyntax.Lexer where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text as T
{- HLINT ignore -}
data TokenClass
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ data TokenClass
| Tok_osquare
| Tok_csquare
| Tok_colon
| Tok_arrow
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ lexString = go 0 0 0 where
go !off !line !_ ('-':'-':xs) =
let (a, b) = span (/= '\n') xs
in go (off + length a) line 0 b
go !off !line !col ('{':'-':xs) = skipComment off line col 1 xs
go !off !line !col ('~':cs) =
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ lexString = go 0 0 0 where
finishIdent c
| T.pack "Type" == c = Tok_type
| T.pack "Typeω" == c = Tok_typeω
| T.pack "Typeω" == c || T.pack "Pretype" == c = Tok_typeω
| T.pack "Path" == c = Tok_path
| T.pack "Partial" == c = Tok_phi
| T.pack "Sub" == c = Tok_sub
@ -191,4 +190,4 @@ lexString = go 0 0 0 where
| T.pack "let" == c = Tok_let
| T.pack "in" == c = Tok_in
| T.pack "assume" == c = Tok_assume
| otherwise = Tok_var c
| otherwise = Tok_var c

+ 2
- 2
src/Presyntax/Parser.hs View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Presyntax.Lexer
import Presyntax
data ParseError
= UnexpectedEof Int Int
| Unexpected Token
@ -187,6 +186,7 @@ atom0 :: Parser Exp
atom0 = attachPos $
fmap (Var . T.unpack) var
<|> fmap (const Type) (expect Tok_type)
<|> fmap (const Typeω) (expect Tok_typeω)
<|> fmap (const I) (expect Tok_I)
<|> fmap (const I0) (expect Tok_I0)
<|> fmap (const I1) (expect Tok_I1)
@ -281,4 +281,4 @@ formula = conjunction where
atom = (Is1 . T.unpack) <$> var
<|> (Is0 . T.unpack) <$> (expect Tok_not *> var)
<|> Top <$ expect Tok_I1
<|> Bot <$ expect Tok_I0
<|> Bot <$ expect Tok_I0

+ 7
- 4
src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Syntax where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Presyntax (Formula)
import Systems
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Text.Show (showListWith)
import Presyntax (Formula)
type Space = Term
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ instance Show Term where
. showString " -> "
. shows r
showBinder (Pi n d r) =
arr = case r of
Pi n _ _ | n /= "_" -> " "
_ -> " -> "

+ 7
- 6
src/Systems.hs View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
module Systems where
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Presyntax
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List
import Presyntax
newtype Face = Face { getFace :: Map String Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ faces formula = partition (evalFormula formula) allPossible where
truths [] = [mempty]
truths (x:xs) = uncurry Map.insert <$> [(x, True), (x, False)] <*> truths xs
allPossible = Face <$> truths (Set.toList (freeVarsFormula formula))
allPossible = Face <$> truths (Set.toList (freeVarsFormula formula))
impossible, possible, tautological :: Formula -> Bool
impossible = null . fst . faces
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ possible = not . null . fst . faces
tautological = not . null . snd . faces
toDNF :: Formula -> Formula
toDNF = orFormula . map formulaOfFace . fst . faces
toDNF = orFormula . map formulaOfFace . fst . faces
formulaOfFace :: Face -> Formula
formulaOfFace = andFormula . map (\(x, i) -> if i then Is1 x else Is0 x) . Map.toDescList . getFace
@ -93,4 +94,4 @@ emptySystem :: System a
emptySystem = FMap mempty
mapSystem :: System a -> (a -> b) -> System b
mapSystem (FMap x) f = FMap (fmap f x)
mapSystem (FMap x) f = FMap (fmap f x)

+ 31
- 4
test.itt View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{- let
{- {- let
sym : (A : Type) (x y : A) -> Path (\x -> A) x y -> Path (\x -> A) y x
= λ A x y p i -> p (~ i)
in let
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ in let
in let
singContr : (A : Type) (a b : A) (p : Path (\j -> A) a b) -> Path (\i -> (x : A) * (Path (\j -> A) a x)) (a, \i -> a) (b, p)
= λ A a b p i -> (p i, λ j -> p (i && j))
in -} let
in let
transport : (A : I -> Type) (a : A i0) -> A i1
= \A a -> comp A i0 (\i -> []) a
in {- let
in let
Jay : (A : Type) (x : A)
(P : (y : A) -> Path (\i -> A) x y -> Type)
(d : P x (\i -> x))
@ -49,4 +49,31 @@ in let
in let
IisContr : (i : I) * ((j : I) -> Path (\i -> I) i j)
= (i0, contrI)
in IisContr
in let
compPath : (A : I -> Type)
(phi : I) (u : (i : I) -> Partial phi (A i))
-> (a0 : Sub (A i0) phi (u i0)) -> Path A a0 (comp A phi u a0)
= \A phi u a0 j -> fill j A phi u a0
in compPath -}
fill : (i : I) (A : I -> Type)
(phi : I) (u : (i : I) -> Partial phi (A i))
-> Sub (A i0) phi (u i0) -> A i
= \i A phi u a0 ->
comp (\j -> A (i && j)) (phi || ~i) (\j -> [ phi -> u (i && j), ~i -> a0 ]) a0
pres : (A : I -> Type)
(T : I -> Type)
(f : (i : I) -> T i -> A i)
(phi : I)
(t : (i : I) -> Partial phi (T i))
(t0 : Sub (T i0) phi (t i0))
-> (let c1 : A i1 = comp A phi (\j -> [phi -> f j (t j)]) (f i0 t0) in
let c2 : A i1 = f i1 (comp T phi (\j -> [phi -> t j]) t0) in
Sub (Path (\i -> A i1) c1 c2) phi (\j -> f i1 (t i1)))
= \A T f phi t t0 j ->
let v : (i : I) -> T i = \i -> fill i T phi (\j -> [phi -> t j]) t0
in comp A (phi || j) (\u -> [phi || j -> f u (v u)]) (f i0 t0)
in pres
