Prototype, extremely bad code implementation of CCHM Cubical Type Theory
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
1.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Presyntax where
data Exp
= Var String
| App Exp Exp
| Lam String Exp
| Let String Exp Exp Exp
| Sigma String Exp Exp
| Pair Exp Exp
| Proj1 Exp
| Proj2 Exp
| Pi String Exp Exp
| Type
| Typeω
| I
| I0 | I1
| IAnd Exp Exp
| IOr Exp Exp
| INot Exp
| Path
| Cut Exp Exp
| Span (Int, Int) (Int, Int) Exp
-- Formulas, partial elements, and the type of formulas
| Partial [(Formula, Exp)]
| PartialT
-- Compositions
| Comp
-- Cubical subtypes
| SubT
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Formula
= Is0 String
| Is1 String
| And Formula Formula
| Or Formula Formula
| Top | Bot
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Formula where
showsPrec p =
Is1 i -> showString i
Is0 i -> showString ('~':i)
And x y -> showParen (p > and_prec) $
showsPrec or_prec x
. showString " && "
. showsPrec or_prec y
Or x y -> showParen (p > or_prec) $
showsPrec or_prec x
. showString " || "
. showsPrec or_prec y
Top -> showString "i1"
Bot -> showString "i0"
and_prec = 2
or_prec = 1
data Statement
= Assume [(String, Exp)]
| Declare String Exp Exp
| Eval Exp