less prototype, less bad code implementation of CCHM type theory
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Elab where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Typeable
import Elab.WiredIn
import Elab.Monad
import Elab.Eval
import qualified Presyntax.Presyntax as P
import Prettyprinter
import Syntax.Pretty
import Syntax
infer :: P.Expr -> ElabM (Term, NFType)
infer (P.Span ex a b) = withSpan a b $ infer ex
infer (P.Var t) = do
name <- getNameFor t
nft <- getNfType name
pure (Ref name, nft)
infer (P.App p f x) = do
(f, f_ty) <- infer f
porp <- isPiType p f_ty
case porp of
It'sProd d r w -> do
x <- check x d
x_nf <- eval x
pure (App p (w f) x, r x_nf)
It'sPath li le ri wp -> do
x <- check x VI
x_nf <- eval x
pure (IElim (quote (fun li)) (quote le) (quote ri) (wp f) x, li x_nf)
infer (P.Proj1 x) = do
(tm, ty) <- infer x
(d, _, wp) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj1 (wp tm), d)
infer (P.Proj2 x) = do
(tm, ty) <- infer x
tm_nf <- eval tm
(_, r, wp) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj2 (wp tm), r (vProj1 tm_nf))
infer exp = do
t <- newMeta VType
tm <- switch $ check exp t
pure (tm, t)
check :: P.Expr -> NFType -> ElabM Term
check (P.Span ex a b) ty = withSpan a b $ check ex ty
check (P.Lam p var body) (VPi p' dom (Closure _ rng)) | p == p' =
assume (Bound var) dom $
Lam p var <$> check body (rng (VVar (Bound var)))
check tm (VPi P.Im dom (Closure var rng)) =
assume (Bound var) dom $
Lam P.Im var <$> check tm (rng (VVar (Bound var)))
check (P.Lam p v b) ty = do
porp <- isPiType p =<< forceIO ty
case porp of
It'sProd d r wp -> do
assume (Bound v) d $
wp . Lam p v <$> check b (r (VVar (Bound v)))
It'sPath li le ri wp -> do
tm <- assume (Bound v) VI $
Lam P.Ex v <$> check b (li (VVar (Bound v)))
tm_nf <- eval tm
unify (tm_nf @@ VI0) le
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI0)
unify (tm_nf @@ VI1) ri
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI1)
pure (wp (PathIntro (quote (fun li)) tm))
check (P.Pair a b) ty = do
(d, r, wp) <- isSigmaType =<< forceIO ty
a <- check a d
a_nf <- eval a
b <- check b (r a_nf)
pure (wp (Pair a b))
check (P.Pi p s d r) ty = do
isSort ty
d <- check d ty
d_nf <- eval d
assume (Bound s) d_nf $ do
r <- check r ty
pure (Pi p s d r)
check (P.Sigma s d r) ty = do
isSort ty
d <- check d ty
d_nf <- eval d
assume (Bound s) d_nf $ do
r <- check r ty
pure (Sigma s d r)
check exp ty = do
(tm, has) <- switch $ infer exp
wp <- isConvertibleTo has ty
pure (wp tm)
isSort :: NFType -> ElabM ()
isSort VType = pure ()
isSort VTypeω = pure ()
isSort vt@(VNe HMeta{} _) = unify vt VType
isSort vt = liftIO . throwIO $ NotEqual vt VType
data ProdOrPath
= It'sProd { prodDmn :: NFType
, prodRng :: NFType -> NFType
, prodWrap :: Term -> Term
| It'sPath { pathLine :: NFType -> NFType
, pathLeft :: Value
, pathRight :: Value
, pathWrap :: Term -> Term
isPiType :: P.Plicity -> NFType -> ElabM ProdOrPath
isPiType p (VPi p' d (Closure _ k)) | p == p' = pure (It'sProd d k id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPath li le ri) = pure (It'sPath (li @@) le ri id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPi P.Im d (Closure _ k)) = do
meta <- newMeta d
porp <- isPiType P.Ex (k meta)
pure $ case porp of
It'sProd d r w -> It'sProd d r (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
It'sPath l x y w -> It'sPath l x y (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
isPiType p t = do
dom <- newMeta VType
name <- newName
assume (Bound name) dom $ do
rng <- newMeta VType
wp <- isConvertibleTo t (VPi p dom (Closure name (const rng)))
pure (It'sProd dom (const rng) wp)
isSigmaType :: NFType -> ElabM (Value, NFType -> NFType, Term -> Term)
isSigmaType (VSigma d (Closure _ k)) = pure (d, k, id)
isSigmaType t = do
dom <- newMeta VType
name <- newName
assume (Bound name) dom $ do
rng <- newMeta VType
wp <- isConvertibleTo t (VSigma dom (Closure name (const rng)))
pure (dom, const rng, wp)
identityTy :: NFType
identityTy = VPi P.Im VType (Closure "A" $ \t -> VPi P.Ex t (Closure "_" (const t)))
checkStatement :: P.Statement -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
checkStatement (P.SpanSt s a b) k = withSpan a b $ checkStatement s k
checkStatement (P.Decl name ty) k = do
ty <- check ty VTypeω
ty_nf <- eval ty
assumes (Defined <$> name) ty_nf k
checkStatement (P.Defn name rhs) k = do
ty <- asks (Map.lookup (Defined name) . getEnv)
case ty of
Nothing -> do
(tm, ty) <- infer rhs
tm_nf <- eval tm
define (Defined name) ty tm_nf k
Just (ty_nf, nm) -> do
case nm of
VVar (Defined n') | n' == name -> pure ()
_ -> liftIO . throwIO $ Redefinition (Defined name)
rhs <- check rhs ty_nf
rhs_nf <- eval rhs
define (Defined name) ty_nf rhs_nf k
checkStatement (P.Builtin winame var) k = do
wi <-
case Map.lookup winame wiredInNames of
Just wi -> pure wi
_ -> liftIO . throwIO $ NoSuchPrimitive winame
check = do
nm <- getNameFor var
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty (wiType wi)
`withNote` hsep [ "Previous definition of", pretty nm, "here" ]
`seeAlso` nm
env <- ask
liftIO $
runElab check env `catch` \(_ :: NotInScope) -> pure ()
define (Defined var) (wiType wi) (wiValue wi) k
checkStatement (P.ReplNf e) k = do
(e, _) <- infer e
e_nf <- eval e
h <- asks commHook
liftIO (h e_nf)
checkStatement (P.ReplTy e) k = do
(_, ty) <- infer e
h <- asks commHook
liftIO (h ty)
checkProgram :: [P.Statement] -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
checkProgram [] k = k
checkProgram (st:sts) k = checkStatement st $ checkProgram sts k
newtype Redefinition = Redefinition { getRedefName :: Name }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
data WhenCheckingEndpoint = WhenCheckingEndpoint { leftEndp :: Value, rightEndp :: Value, whichIsWrong :: NFEndp, exc :: SomeException }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)