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Composition for the universe

Amélia Liao 4 years ago
4 changed files with 24 additions and 18 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +22
  3. +1
  4. +0

+ 1
- 1
src/Elab/Monad.hs View File

@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ throwElab = liftIO . throwIO
incName :: Name -> Name -> Name
incName (Bound x _) n = Bound x (getNameNum n + 1)
incName (Defined x k) n = Defined x (getNameNum n + 1)
incName (Defined x _) n = Defined x (getNameNum n + 1)

+ 22
- 14
src/Elab/WiredIn.hs View File

@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import qualified Presyntax.Presyntax as P
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Stack
import Syntax.Pretty
wiType :: WiredIn -> NFType
wiType WiType = VType
@ -214,7 +212,7 @@ ielim _line _left _right fn i =
VSystem (Map.toList -> []) -> VSystem (Map.fromList [])
_ -> error $ "can't ielim " ++ show fn
outS :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
outS :: NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
outS _ (force -> VI1) u _ = u @@ VItIsOne
outS _ _phi _ (VInc _ _ x) = x
@ -245,8 +243,8 @@ comp a psi@phi u (compOutS (a @@ VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) -> a0) =
(VInc (rng VI0 (ybar VI0 arg)) phi (vApp (plic VI0) a0 (ybar VI0 arg)))
VSigma{} ->
dom i = let VSigma d _ = a @@ i in d
rng i = let VSigma _ (Closure _ r) = a @@ i in r
dom i = let VSigma d _ = force (a @@ i) in d
rng i = let VSigma _ (Closure _ r) = force (a @@ i) in r
w i = fill (fun dom) phi (system \i isone -> vProj1 (u @@ i @@ isone)) (VInc (dom VI0) phi (vProj1 a0)) i
c1 = comp (fun dom) phi (system \i isone -> vProj1 (u @@ i @@ isone)) (VInc (dom VI0) phi (vProj1 a0))
@ -256,9 +254,9 @@ comp a psi@phi u (compOutS (a @@ VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) -> a0) =
VPath{} ->
a' i = let VPath thea _ _ = a @@ i in thea
u' i = let VPath _ theu _ = a @@ i in theu
v' i = let VPath _ _ thev = a @@ i in thev
a' i = let VPath thea _ _ = force (a @@ i) in thea
u' i = let VPath _ theu _ = force (a @@ i) in theu
v' i = let VPath _ _ thev = force (a @@ i) in thev
VLine (a' VI1 @@ VI1) (u' VI1) (v' VI1) $ fun \j ->
comp (fun a')
@ -306,7 +304,9 @@ comp a psi@phi u (compOutS (a @@ VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) -> a0) =
b1 = glueElem (base VI1) (phi VI1) (types VI1) (equivs VI1) (fun (const t1)) a1
in b1
VType -> VGlueTy a0 phi (system \_ _ -> u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) (system \_ _ -> makeEquiv (\j -> (u @@ inot j)))
-- fibrancy structure of the booleans is trivial
VBool{} -> a0
@ -394,14 +394,22 @@ contr a aC phi u =
(system \i is1 -> ielim (line (const a)) a (vProj1 (u is1)) (vProj2 (u is1)) i)
(vProj1 aC)
makeEquiv :: (NFEndp -> Value) -> Value
makeEquiv line = comp (fun \i -> equiv a (line i)) VI0 (system \_ _ -> VSystem mempty) (VPair idfun idisequiv) where
a = line VI0
idfun = fun id
-- idEquiv y = ((y, \i -> y), \u i -> (u.2 (inot i), \j -> u.2 (ior (inot i) j)))
u_ty = exists' "y" a \x -> VPath (fun (const a)) x x
idisequiv = fun \y -> VPair (id_fiber y) $ fun \u ->
VLine u_ty (id_fiber y) u $ fun \i -> VPair (ielim (fun (const a)) y y (vProj2 u) i) $
VLine (fun (const a)) y (vProj1 u) $ fun \j ->
ielim (fun (const a)) y y (vProj2 u) (iand i j)
id_fiber y = VPair y (VLine a y y (fun (const y)))
elimBool :: NFSort -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
elimBool prop x y bool =
case force bool of
VTt -> x
VFf -> y
VNe _ (_ Seq.:|> PIElim _ a b c) ->
case c of
VI0 -> elimBool prop x y a
VI1 -> elimBool prop x y b
_ -> VIf prop x y bool
_ -> VIf prop x y bool

+ 1
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src/Elab/WiredIn.hs-boot View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Elab.WiredIn where
import Syntax
import GHC.Stack
wiType :: WiredIn -> NFType
wiValue :: WiredIn -> NFType
@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ iand, ior :: NFEndp -> NFEndp -> NFEndp
inot :: NFEndp -> NFEndp
ielim :: NFSort -> Value -> Value -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value
outS :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
outS :: NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
comp :: NFLine -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
glueType :: NFSort -> NFEndp -> NFPartial -> NFPartial -> Value

+ 0
- 1
src/Main.hs View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Main where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bsl
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
