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Remove `(φ = i0) as p` syntax + clean up proof of univalence + formalise theorems 4.7.6, 4.7.7, 7.2.2

Amélia Liao 3 years ago
committed by Abigail Magalhães
5 changed files with 160 additions and 142 deletions
  1. +135
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+ 135
- 98 View File

@ -367,9 +367,6 @@ invert eqv y = (eqv y) .1 .1
retract : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> (A -> B) -> (B -> A) -> Type
retract {A} {B} f g = (a : A) -> Path (g (f a)) a
contr : {A : Type} {phi : I} -> isContr A -> (u : Partial phi A) -> A
contr {A} {phi} p u = comp (\i -> A) {phi} (\i is1 -> p.2 (u is1) i) (inS (p.1))
-- Proving that it's also a retraction is left as an exercise to the
-- reader. We can package together a function and a proof that it's an
-- equivalence to get a capital-E Equivalence.
@ -379,8 +376,8 @@ Equiv A B = (f : A -> B) * isEquiv {A} {B} f
-- The identity function is an equivalence between any type A and
-- itself.
idEquiv : {A : Type} -> isEquiv (id {A})
idEquiv y = ((y, \i -> y), \u i -> (u.2 i, \j -> u.2 (iand i j)))
idEquiv : {A : Type} -> Equiv A A
idEquiv {A} = (\x -> x, \y -> ((y, \i -> y), \u i -> (u.2 i, \j -> u.2 (iand i j))))
-- The glue operation expresses that "extensibility is invariant under
-- equivalence". Less concisely, the Glue type and its constructor,
@ -462,10 +459,10 @@ Glue A {phi} u = primGlue A {phi} (\o -> (u o).1) (\o -> (u o).2)
-- B ------------ B
-- \i → B
univalence : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Equiv A B -> Path A B
univalence {A} {B} equiv i =
ua : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Equiv A B -> Path A B
ua {A} {B} equiv i =
Glue B (\[ (i = i0) -> (A, equiv),
(i = i1) -> (B, the B, idEquiv {B}) ])
(i = i1) -> (B, idEquiv) ])
lineToEquiv : (A : I -> Type) -> Equiv (A i0) (A i1)
{-# PRIMITIVE lineToEquiv #-}
@ -479,7 +476,7 @@ isEquivTransport A = (lineToEquiv A).2
-- The fact that this diagram has 2 filled-in B sides explains the
-- complication in the proof below.
-- In particular, the actual behaviour of transp (\i -> univalence f i)
-- In particular, the actual behaviour of transp (\i -> ua f i)
-- (x : A) is not just to apply f x to get a B (the left side), it also
-- needs to:
@ -495,11 +492,11 @@ isEquivTransport A = (lineToEquiv A).2
-- for any composition, its filler connects either endpoints. So
-- we need to come up with a filler for the Bottom and right faces.
univalenceBeta : {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : Equiv A B) -> Path (transp (\i -> univalence f i)) f.1
univalenceBeta {A} {B} f i a = transpFill {\i -> B} (f.1 a) (inot i)
uaBeta : {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : Equiv A B) -> Path (transp (\i -> ua f i)) f.1
uaBeta {A} {B} f i a = transpFill {\i -> B} (f.1 a) (inot i)
-- The terms univalence + univalenceBeta suffice to prove the "full"
-- univalence axiom of Voevodsky, as can be seen in the paper
-- The terms ua + uaBeta suffice to prove the "full"
-- ua axiom of Voevodsky, as can be seen in the paper
-- Ian Orton, & Andrew M. Pitts. (2017). Decomposing the Univalence Axiom.
@ -612,7 +609,7 @@ IsoToEquiv {A} {B} iso = (f, \y -> (fCenter y, fIsCenter y)) where
fIsCenter y w = lemIso y (fCenter y).1 w.1 (fCenter y).2 w.2
IsoToId : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Iso A B -> Path A B
IsoToId i = univalence (IsoToEquiv i)
IsoToId i = ua (IsoToEquiv i)
-- We can prove that any involutive function is an isomorphism, since
-- such a function is its own inverse.
@ -620,10 +617,10 @@ IsoToId i = univalence (IsoToEquiv i)
involToIso : {A : Type} (f : A -> A) -> ((x : A) -> Path (f (f x)) x) -> isIso f
involToIso {A} f inv = (f, inv, inv)
-- An example of univalence
-- An example of ua
-- The classic example of univalence is the equivalence
-- The classic example of ua is the equivalence
-- not : Bool \simeq Bool.
-- We define it here.
@ -654,7 +651,7 @@ notInvol : (x : Bool) -> Path (not (not x)) x
notInvol = elimBool (\b -> Path (not (not b)) b) refl refl
notp : Path Bool Bool
notp = univalence (IsoToEquiv (not, involToIso not notInvol))
notp = ua (IsoToEquiv (not, involToIso not notInvol))
-- This path actually serves to prove a simple lemma about the universes
-- of HoTT, namely, that any univalent universe is not a 0-type. If we
@ -741,7 +738,7 @@ pathIsHom {A} {B} {f} {g} =
theIso : Iso (Path f g) (Hom f g)
theIso = (happly {A} {B} {f} {g}, happlyIsIso {A} {B} {f} {g})
in univalence (IsoToEquiv theIso)
in ua (IsoToEquiv theIso)
-- Inductive types
@ -835,7 +832,7 @@ sucEquiv = IsoToEquiv (sucZ, (predZ, sucPredZ, predSucZ))
-- x = suc x, transp (sym intPath) x = pred x
intPath : Path Int Int
intPath = univalence sucEquiv
intPath = ua sucEquiv
-- Higher inductive types
@ -981,7 +978,7 @@ poSusp : Type -> Type
poSusp A = Pushout {A} {Unit} {Unit} (\x -> tt) (\x -> tt)
Susp_is_poSusp : {A : Type} -> Path (Susp A) (poSusp A)
Susp_is_poSusp {A} = univalence (IsoToEquiv (Susp_to_poSusp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A}, Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp {A})) where
Susp_is_poSusp {A} = ua (IsoToEquiv (Susp_to_poSusp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A}, Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp {A})) where
poSusp_to_Susp : {A : Type} -> poSusp A -> Susp A
poSusp_to_Susp = \case
inl x -> north
@ -1018,7 +1015,7 @@ data T2 : Type where
TorusIsTwoCircles : Path T2 (S1 * S1)
TorusIsTwoCircles = univalence (IsoToEquiv theIso) where
TorusIsTwoCircles = ua (IsoToEquiv theIso) where
torusToCircs : T2 -> S1 * S1
torusToCircs = \case
baseT -> (base, base)
@ -1196,7 +1193,7 @@ data S2 : Type where
surf2 i j : S2 [ (i = i0) -> base2, (i = i1) -> base2, (j = i0) -> base2, (j = i1) -> base2]
S2IsSuspS1 : Path S2 (Susp S1)
S2IsSuspS1 = univalence (IsoToEquiv iso) where
S2IsSuspS1 = ua (IsoToEquiv iso) where
toS2 : Susp S1 -> S2
toS2 = \case { north -> base2; south -> base2; merid x i -> sphMerid x i } where
sphMerid = \case
@ -1232,7 +1229,7 @@ data S3 : Type where
surf3 i j k : S3 [ (i = i0) -> base3, (i = i1) -> base3, (j = i0) -> base3, (j = i1) -> base3, (k = i0) -> base3, (k = i1) -> base3 ]
S3IsSuspS2 : Path S3 (Susp S2)
S3IsSuspS2 = univalence (IsoToEquiv iso) where
S3IsSuspS2 = ua (IsoToEquiv iso) where
toS3 : Susp S2 -> S3
toS3 = \case { north -> base3; south -> base3; merid x i -> sphMerid x i } where
sphMerid = \case
@ -1337,7 +1334,7 @@ equivCtrPath : {A : Type} {B : Type} (e : Equiv A B) (y : B)
equivCtrPath e y = (e.2 y).2
contr : {A : Type} {phi : I} -> isContr A -> (u : Partial phi A) -> Sub A phi u
contr {A} {phi} p u = primComp (\i -> A) (\i [ (phi = i1) as c -> p.2 (u c) i ]) (inS p.1)
contr {A} {phi} p u = primComp (\i -> A) (\i [ (phi = i1) -> p.2 (u itIs1) i ]) (inS p.1)
contr' : {A : Type} -> ({phi : I} -> (u : Partial phi A) -> Sub A phi u) -> isContr A
contr' {A} contr = (x, \y i -> outS (contr (\ [ (i = i0) -> x, (i = i1) -> y ])) ) where
@ -1476,16 +1473,16 @@ isProp_to_Sq_equiv {P} prop = propExt prop sqProp inc proj where
sqProp x y i = sq x y i
Sq_equiv_to_isProp : {P : Type} -> Equiv P (Sq P) -> isProp P
Sq_equiv_to_isProp eqv = transp (\i -> isProp (univalence eqv (inot i))) (\x y i -> sq x y i)
Sq_equiv_to_isProp eqv = transp (\i -> isProp (ua eqv (inot i))) (\x y i -> sq x y i)
exercise_3_21 : {P : Type} -> Equiv (isProp P) (Equiv P (Sq P))
exercise_3_21 {P} = propExt (isProp_isProp {P}) (isProp_EqvSq {P}) isProp_to_Sq_equiv Sq_equiv_to_isProp
uaret : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> retract {Equiv A B} {Path A B} (univalence {A} {B}) (idToEquiv {A} {B})
uaret eqv = equivLemma (univalenceBeta eqv)
uaret : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> retract {Equiv A B} {Path A B} (ua {A} {B}) (idToEquiv {A} {B})
uaret eqv = equivLemma (uaBeta eqv)
f1 : {A : Type} -> (p : (B : Type) * Equiv A B) -> (B : Type) * Path A B
f1 {A} p = (p.1, univalence p.2)
f1 {A} p = (p.1, ua p.2)
f2 : {A : Type} -> (p : (B : Type) * Path A B) -> (B : Type) * Equiv A B
f2 {A} p = (p.1, idToEquiv p.2)
@ -1493,11 +1490,11 @@ f2 {A} p = (p.1, idToEquiv p.2)
uaretSig : {A : Type} (a : (B : Type) * Equiv A B) -> Path (f2 (f1 a)) a
uaretSig {A} p = sigmaPath (\i -> p.1) (uaret {A} {p.1} p.2)
retContr : {A : Type} {B : Type}
-> (f : A -> B) -> (g : B -> A)
-> (h : retract f g)
-> isContr B -> isContr A
retContr {A} {B} f g h v = (g b, p) where
isContrRetract : {A : Type} {B : Type}
-> (f : A -> B) -> (g : B -> A)
-> (h : retract f g)
-> isContr B -> isContr A
isContrRetract {A} {B} f g h v = (g b, p) where
b = v.1
p : (x : A) -> Path (g b) x
@ -1512,41 +1509,6 @@ curry {A} {B} {C} = IsoToId (to, from, \f -> refl, \g -> refl) where
from : ((p : (x : A) * B x) -> C p.1 p.2) -> (x : A) (y : B x) -> C x y
from f x y = f (x, y)
ft2 : {A : Type} -> Path (T2 -> A) (S1 -> S1 -> A)
ft2 {A} = transp (\i -> Path (T2 -> A) (curry {S1} {\x -> S1} {\x y -> A} (inot i))) p where
p : Path (T2 -> A) ((S1 * S1) -> A)
p i = TorusIsTwoCircles i -> A
data coeq {A : Type} {B : Type} (f : B -> A) (g : B -> A) : Type where
c : A -> coeq {A} {B} f g
p i : (b : B) -> coeq {A} {B} f g [ (i = i0) -> c (f b), (i = i1) -> c (g b) ]
coeq_S1 : Type
coeq_S1 = coeq {Unit} {Unit} id id
coeq_base : coeq_S1
coeq_base = c tt
coeq_loop : Path coeq_base coeq_base
coeq_loop i = p tt i
coeq_S1_elim : (P : coeq_S1 -> Type) (base : P coeq_base)
-> PathP (\i -> P (coeq_loop i)) base base
-> (x : coeq_S1)
-> P x
coeq_S1_elim P base loop =
c x -> baseCase x
p x i -> loopCase x i
baseCase : (x : Unit) -> P (c x)
baseCase = \case
tt -> base
loopCase : (x : Unit) -> PathP (\i -> P (p x i)) (baseCase x) (baseCase x)
loopCase = \case
tt -> loop
ContractibleIfInhabited : {A : Type} -> Path (A -> isContr A) (isProp A)
ContractibleIfInhabited {A} = IsoToId (to, from, toFrom, fromTo) where
to : (A -> isContr A) -> isProp A
@ -1578,7 +1540,7 @@ ConeA_contr {A} = (point, contr) where
contrSinglEquiv : {B : Type} -> isContr ((A : Type) * Equiv A B)
contrSinglEquiv {B} = (center, contract) where
center : (A : Type) * Equiv A B
center = (B, the B, idEquiv {B})
center = (B, idEquiv)
contract : (p : (A : Type) * Equiv A B) -> Path center p
contract w i =
@ -1619,35 +1581,110 @@ contrSinglEquiv {B} = (center, contract) where
in (ctr, contr)
in (GlueB, unglueB, unglueEquiv)
uaIdEquiv : {A : Type} -> Path (univalence (the A, idEquiv {A})) (\i -> A)
uaIdEquiv {A} i j = Glue A {ior i (ior (inot j) j)} (\o -> (A, the A, idEquiv {A}))
uaIdEquiv : {A : Type} -> Path (ua idEquiv) (\i -> A)
uaIdEquiv {A} i j = Glue A {ior i (ior (inot j) j)} (\o -> (A, idEquiv))
EquivJ : {X : Type}
(P : (Y : Type) -> Equiv Y X -> Type)
(d : P X (the X, idEquiv {X}))
{Y : Type} (E : Equiv Y X)
-> P Y E
EquivJ {X} P d {Y} e = subst {(Y : Type) * Equiv Y X} (\x -> P x.1 x.2) path d where
path : Path {(Y : Type) * Equiv Y X} (X, the X, idEquiv {X}) (Y, e)
path = isContr_isProp {(Y : Type) * Equiv Y X} contrSinglEquiv (X, the X, idEquiv {X}) (Y, e)
EquivJ : (P : (X : Type) (Y : Type) -> Equiv X Y -> Type)
-> ((X : Type) -> P X X idEquiv)
-> {X : Type} {Y : Type} (E : Equiv X Y)
-> P X Y E
EquivJ P p {X} {Y} E =
subst {(X : Type) * Equiv X Y}
(\x -> P x.1 Y x.2)
(\i -> isContr_isProp contrSinglEquiv (Y, idEquiv) (X, E) i)
(p Y)
pathToEquiv : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Path A B -> Equiv A B
pathToEquiv {A} {B} = J {Type} {A} (\B p -> Equiv A B) (the A, idEquiv {A})
uaIso : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Iso (Path A B) (Equiv A B)
uaIso = (pathToEquiv, univalence, pathToEquiv_univalence, univalence_pathToEquiv) where
pathToEquiv_refl : {A : Type} -> Path (pathToEquiv (refl {Type} {A})) (the A, idEquiv {A})
pathToEquiv_refl {A} = JRefl (\B p -> Equiv A B) (the A, idEquiv {A})
univalence_pathToEquiv : {A : Type} {B : Type} (p : Path A B) -> Path (univalence (pathToEquiv p)) p
univalence_pathToEquiv {A} {B} p = J {Type} {A} (\B p -> Path (univalence {A} {B} (pathToEquiv {A} {B} p)) p) lemma p where
lemma : Path (univalence (pathToEquiv (\i -> A))) (\i -> A)
lemma = transp (\i -> Path (univalence (pathToEquiv_refl {A} (inot i))) (\i -> A)) uaIdEquiv
pathToEquiv_univalence : {A : Type} {B : Type} (p : Equiv A B) -> Path (pathToEquiv (univalence p)) p
pathToEquiv_univalence {A} {B} p = EquivJ {B} (\A e -> Path (pathToEquiv (univalence e)) e) lemma p where
lemma : Path (pathToEquiv (univalence (the B, idEquiv {B}))) (the B, idEquiv {B})
lemma = transp (\i -> Path (pathToEquiv (uaIdEquiv {B} (inot i))) (the B, idEquiv {B})) pathToEquiv_refl
uaEquiv : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> isEquiv (pathToEquiv {A} {B})
uaEquiv {A} {B} = (IsoToEquiv (uaIso {A} {B})).2
pathToEquiv {A} {B} = J {Type} {A} (\B p -> Equiv A B) idEquiv
univalence : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> Equiv (Path A B) (Equiv A B)
univalence = IsoToEquiv (pathToEquiv, ua, pathToEquiv_ua, ua_pathToEquiv) where
pathToEquiv_refl : {A : Type} -> Path (pathToEquiv (refl {Type} {A})) idEquiv
pathToEquiv_refl {A} = JRefl (\B p -> Equiv A B) idEquiv
ua_pathToEquiv : {A : Type} {B : Type} (p : Path A B) -> Path (ua (pathToEquiv p)) p
ua_pathToEquiv {A} {B} p = J {Type} {A} (\B p -> Path (ua {A} {B} (pathToEquiv {A} {B} p)) p) lemma p where
lemma : Path (ua (pathToEquiv (\i -> A))) (\i -> A)
lemma = transp (\i -> Path (ua (pathToEquiv_refl {A} (inot i))) (\i -> A)) uaIdEquiv
pathToEquiv_ua : {A : Type} {B : Type} (p : Equiv A B) -> Path (pathToEquiv (ua p)) p
pathToEquiv_ua {A} {B} p = EquivJ (\A B e -> Path (pathToEquiv (ua e)) e) lemma p where
lemma : (A : Type) -> Path (pathToEquiv (ua idEquiv)) idEquiv
lemma A = transp (\i -> Path (pathToEquiv (uaIdEquiv {A} (inot i))) idEquiv) pathToEquiv_refl
total : {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} {Q : A -> Type}
-> ((x : A) -> P x -> Q x)
-> ((x : A) * P x) -> ((x : A) * Q x)
total f p = (p.1, f p.1 p.2)
total_fibers : {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} {Q : A -> Type}
-> {xv : (a : A) * Q a}
-> (f : (el : A) -> P el -> Q el)
-> Iso (fiber (total f) xv) (fiber (f xv.1) xv.2)
total_fibers {A} {P} {Q} {xv} f = (to, fro, toFro {xv}, froTo) where
to : {xv : (a : A) * Q a} -> fiber (total f) xv -> fiber (f xv.1) xv.2
to peq = J {(a : A) * Q a} {_} (\xv eq -> fiber (f xv.1) xv.2) (peq.1.2, refl) (sym peq.2)
fro : {xv : (a : A) * Q a} -> fiber (f xv.1) xv.2 -> fiber (total f) xv
fro peq = ((xv.1, peq.1), \i -> (_, peq.2 i))
toFro : {xv : (a : A) * Q a} -> (y : fiber (f xv.1) xv.2) -> Path (to (fro y)) y
toFro {xv} peq =
J {Q xv.1} {f xv.1 p}
(\xv1 eq1 -> Path (to {(xv.1, xv1)} (fro (p, sym eq1))) (p, sym eq1))
(JRefl {(a : A) * Q a} {(xv.1, f xv.1 peq.1)}
(\xv1 eq1 -> fiber (f xv1.1) xv1.2) (p, refl))
(sym eq)
where p : P xv.1
p = peq.1
eq : Path {Q xv.1} xv.2 (f xv.1 p)
eq = peq.2
froTo : {xv : (a : A) * Q a} -> (y : fiber (total f) xv) -> Path (fro {xv} (to {xv} y)) y
froTo {xv} apeq =
J {(a : A) * Q a} {total f (a, p)}
(\xv1 eq1 -> Path (fro {_} (to {_} ((a, p), sym eq1))) ((a, p), sym eq1))
(ap fro (JRefl {(a : A) * Q a} {(a, _)}
(\xv1 eq1 -> fiber (f xv1.1) xv1.2) (p, refl)))
(sym eq)
where a : A
a = apeq.1.1
p : P a
p = apeq.1.2
eq : Path xv (total f (a, p))
eq = apeq.2
fiberEquiv : {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} {Q : A -> Type}
-> (f : (el : A) -> P el -> Q el)
-> isEquiv (total f)
-> (x : A) -> isEquiv (f x)
fiberEquiv f iseqv x y = isContrRetract {fiber (f x) y} {fiber (total f) (x, y)} eqv.2.1 eqv.1 eqv.2.2.1 (iseqv (x, y)) where
eqv : Iso (fiber (total f) (x, y)) (fiber (f x) y)
eqv = total_fibers f
totalEquiv : {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} {Q : A -> Type}
-> (f : (el : A) -> P el -> Q el)
-> ((x : A) -> isEquiv (f x))
-> isEquiv (total f)
totalEquiv f iseqv xv = isContrRetract {fiber (total f) xv} {fiber (f xv.1) xv.2} eqv.1 eqv.2.1 eqv.2.2.2 (iseqv xv.1 xv.2) where
eqv : Iso (fiber (total f) xv) (fiber (f xv.1) xv.2)
eqv = total_fibers f
contrIsEquiv : {A : Type} {B : Type} -> isContr A -> isContr B
-> (f : A -> B) -> isEquiv f
contrIsEquiv cA cB f y = ((cA.1, isContr_isProp cB _ _), \v -> sigmaPath (isContr_isProp cA _ _) (isProp_isSet (isContr_isProp cB) _ _ _ v.2))
theorem722 : {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Type}
-> ((x : A) (y : A) -> isProp (R x y))
-> ({x : A} -> R x x)
-> (f : (x : A) (y : A) -> R x y -> Path x y)
-> {x : A} {y : A} -> isEquiv {R x y} {Path x y} (f x y)
theorem722 {A} {R} prop rho toId {x} {y} = fiberEquiv {A} {R x} {Path x} (toId x) (totalEquiv x) y where
rContr : (x : A) -> isContr ((y : A) * R x y)
rContr x = ((x, rho {x}), \y -> sigmaPath (toId _ _ y.2) (prop _ _ _ y.2))
totalEquiv : (x : A) -> isEquiv (total {A} {R x} {Path x} (toId x))
totalEquiv x = contrIsEquiv (rContr x) singContr (total {A} {R x} {Path x} (toId x))

+ 22
- 25
src/Elab.hs View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Prettyprinter
import Syntax.Pretty
import Syntax
import Debug (traceM, traceDocM)
infer :: P.Expr -> ElabM (Term, NFType)
infer (P.Span ex a b) = withSpan a b $ infer ex
@ -145,24 +146,14 @@ check (P.Let items body) ty = do
check (P.LamSystem bs) ty = do
(extent, dom) <- isPartialType ty
let dom_q x = quote (dom x)
eqns <- for (zip [(0 :: Int)..] bs) $ \(n, (formula, rhs)) -> do
phi <- checkFormula (P.condF formula)
rhses <-
case P.condV formula of
Just t -> assume (Bound t 0) (VEqStrict VI phi VI1) $ \var -> do
env <- ask
for (truthAssignments phi (getEnv env)) $ \e -> do
let env' = env{ getEnv = e }
local (const env') $
(Just var,) <$> check rhs (eval' env' (dom_q (VVar var)))
Nothing -> do
env <- ask
n <- newName
for (truthAssignments phi (getEnv env)) $ \e -> do
let env' = env{ getEnv = e }
local (const env') $
(Nothing,) <$> check rhs (eval' env' (dom_q (VVar n)))
(phi, fv) <- checkFormula formula
env <- ask
n <- newName
rhses <- for (truthAssignments phi (getEnv env)) $ \e -> do
let env' = env{ getEnv = e }
local (const env') $
(Nothing,) <$> check rhs (substitute (snd <$> Map.restrictKeys e fv) (dom (VVar n)))
pure (n, (phi, head rhses))
unify extent (foldl ior VI0 (map (fst . snd) eqns))
@ -364,21 +355,27 @@ checkLetItems map (P.LetBind name rhs:xs) cont = do
checkLetItems (Map.insert (getNameText name) Nothing map) xs \xs ->
cont ((name, quote ty_nf, rhs):xs)
checkFormula :: P.Formula -> ElabM Value
checkFormula P.FTop = pure VI1
checkFormula P.FBot = pure VI0
checkFormula (P.FAnd x y) = iand <$> checkFormula x <*> checkFormula y
checkFormula (P.FOr x y) = ior <$> checkFormula x <*> checkFormula y
checkFormula :: P.Formula -> ElabM (Value, Set.Set Name)
checkFormula P.FTop = pure (VI1, mempty)
checkFormula P.FBot = pure (VI0, mempty)
checkFormula (P.FAnd x y) = do
(x, f) <- checkFormula x
(y, f') <- checkFormula y
pure (iand x y, f <> f')
checkFormula (P.FOr x y) = do
(x, f) <- checkFormula x
(y, f') <- checkFormula y
pure (ior x y, f <> f')
checkFormula (P.FIs0 x) = do
nm <- getNameFor x
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty VI
pure (inot (VVar nm))
pure (inot (VVar nm), Set.singleton nm)
checkFormula (P.FIs1 x) = do
nm <- getNameFor x
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty VI
pure (VVar nm)
pure (VVar nm, Set.singleton nm)
isSort :: NFType -> ElabM ()
isSort t = isSort (force t) where
@ -576,7 +573,7 @@ checkStatement (P.Data name tele retk constrs) k =
unify ret' ret
faces <- envArgs args $ for faces \(f, t) -> do
phi <- checkFormula f
(phi, _) <- checkFormula f
t <- check t ret
pure (phi, (quote phi, t))

+ 1
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src/Presyntax/Parser.y View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import Debug.Trace
Exp :: { Expr }
: '\\' LambdaList '->' Exp { span $1 $4 $ makeLams $2 $4 }
| '\\' MaybeLambdaList '[' System ']' { span $1 $5 $ makeLams $2 $ LamSystem $4 }
| '\\' MaybeLambdaList '[' Faces ']' { span $1 $5 $ makeLams $2 $ LamSystem $4 }
| '\\' 'case' Block(CaseList) { span $1 $3 $ LamCase (thd $3) }
| '(' var ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Ex (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
| '{' var ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Im (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
@ -219,18 +219,6 @@ Pragma :: { Statement }
: 'PRIMITIVE' var var { Builtin (getVar $2) (getVar $3) }
| 'PRIMITIVE' var { Builtin (getVar $2) (getVar $2) }
System :: { [(Condition, Expr)] }
: {- empty system -} { [] }
| NeSystem { $1 }
NeSystem :: { [(Condition, Expr) ]}
: SystemLhs '->' Exp { [($1, $3)] }
| SystemLhs '->' Exp ',' NeSystem { ($1, $3):$5 }
SystemLhs :: { Condition }
: Formula 'as' var { Condition $1 (Just (getVar $3)) }
| Formula { Condition $1 Nothing }
Faces :: { [(Formula, Expr)] }
: {- empty system -} { [] }
| NeFaces { $1 }

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src/Presyntax/Presyntax.hs View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ data Expr
| Proj1 Expr
| Proj2 Expr
| LamSystem [(Condition, Expr)]
| LamSystem [(Formula, Expr)]
| LamCase [(Pattern, Expr)]
| Let [LetItem] Expr
@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ data LetItem
| LetBind { leIName :: Text, leIVal :: Expr }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Condition
= Condition { condF :: Formula, condV :: Maybe Text }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Formula
= FIs1 Text
| FIs0 Text

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src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp (VLine ty x y (VLam p (Closure n k)))) =
quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp vl)
| GluedVl _ _ inner <- vl = quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp inner)
| True || alwaysShort vl = quoteWith names vl
| alwaysShort vl = quoteWith names vl
| _ Seq.:|> PIElim _ x y i <- sp =
case i of
VI0 -> quoteWith names x
