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Polish up the type checker

Amélia Liao 4 years ago
10 changed files with 290 additions and 47 deletions
  1. +4
  2. +79
  3. +41
  4. +29
  5. +52
  6. +1
  7. +51
  8. +8
  9. +18
  10. +7

+ 4
- 0
cubical.cabal View File

@ -25,12 +25,16 @@ executable cubical
, containers ^>= 0.6
, bytestring ^>= 0.10
, prettyprinter ^>= 1.7
, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ^>= 1.1
other-modules: Presyntax.Lexer
, Presyntax.Parser
, Presyntax.Tokens
, Presyntax.Presyntax
, Syntax
, Syntax.Pretty
, Elab
, Elab.Eval

+ 79
- 5
src/Elab.hs View File

@ -1,15 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Elab where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Typeable
import Elab.Monad
import Elab.Eval
import qualified Presyntax.Presyntax as P
import Syntax
import Elab.Eval
infer :: P.Expr -> ElabM (Term, NFType)
infer (P.Var t) = (Ref (Bound t),) <$> getNfType (Bound t)
infer (P.Span ex a b) = do
env <- ask
liftIO $
runElab (infer ex) env
`catches` [ Handler $ \e@WhileChecking{} -> throwIO e
, Handler $ \e -> throwIO (WhileChecking a b e)
infer (P.Var t) = do
name <- getNameFor t
case name of
Builtin _ wi -> elabWiredIn wi name
_ -> do
nft <- getNfType name
pure (Ref name, nft)
infer (P.App p f x) = do
(f, f_ty) <- infer f
@ -32,12 +53,31 @@ infer (P.Sigma s d r) = do
r <- check r VType
pure (Sigma s d r, VType)
infer (P.Proj1 x) = do
(tm, ty) <- infer x
(d, _, wp) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj1 (wp tm), d)
infer (P.Proj2 x) = do
(tm, ty) <- infer x
tm_nf <- eval tm
(_, r, wp) <- isSigmaType ty
pure (Proj2 (wp tm), r (vProj1 tm_nf))
infer exp = do
t <- newMeta VType
tm <- check exp t
tm <- switch $ check exp t
pure (tm, t)
check :: P.Expr -> NFType -> ElabM Term
check (P.Span ex a b) ty = do
env <- ask
liftIO $
runElab (check ex ty) env
`catches` [ Handler $ \e@WhileChecking{} -> throwIO e
, Handler $ \e -> throwIO (WhileChecking a b e)
check (P.Lam p var body) (VPi p' dom (Closure _ rng)) | p == p' =
assume (Bound var) dom $
Lam p var <$> check body (rng (VVar (Bound var)))
@ -59,10 +99,13 @@ check (P.Pair a b) ty = do
pure (wp (Pair a b))
check exp ty = do
(tm, has) <- infer exp
(tm, has) <- switch $ infer exp
unify has ty
pure tm
elabWiredIn :: WiredIn -> Name -> ElabM (Term, NFType)
elabWiredIn WiType _ = pure (Type, VType)
isPiType :: P.Plicity -> NFType -> ElabM (Value, NFType -> NFType, Term -> Term)
isPiType p (VPi p' d (Closure _ k)) | p == p' = pure (d, k, id)
isPiType p t = do
@ -84,4 +127,35 @@ isSigmaType t = do
pure (dom, const rng, wp)
identityTy :: NFType
identityTy = VPi P.Im VType (Closure "A" $ \t -> VPi P.Ex t (Closure "_" (const t)))
identityTy = VPi P.Im VType (Closure "A" $ \t -> VPi P.Ex t (Closure "_" (const t)))
checkStatement :: P.Statement -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
checkStatement (P.Decl name ty) k = do
ty <- check ty VType
ty_nf <- eval ty
assume (Defined name) ty_nf k
checkStatement (P.Defn name rhs) k = do
ty <- asks (Map.lookup (Defined name) . getEnv)
case ty of
Nothing -> do
(tm, ty) <- infer rhs
tm_nf <- eval tm
define (Defined name) ty tm_nf k
Just (ty_nf, nm) -> do
unless (nm == VVar (Defined name)) . liftIO . throwIO $
Redefinition (Defined name)
rhs <- check rhs ty_nf
rhs_nf <- eval rhs
define (Defined name) ty_nf rhs_nf k
checkProgram :: [P.Statement] -> ElabM ElabEnv
checkProgram [] = ask
checkProgram (st:sts) = checkStatement st $ checkProgram sts
newtype Redefinition = Redefinition { getRedefName :: Name }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
data WhileChecking = WhileChecking { startPos :: P.Posn, endPos :: P.Posn, exc :: SomeException }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)

+ 41
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src/Elab/Eval.hs View File

@ -42,6 +42,30 @@ applProj fun PProj2 = vProj2 fun
force :: Value -> Value
force = unsafePerformIO . forceIO
-- everywhere force
zonkIO :: Value -> IO Value
zonkIO (VNe hd sp) = do
sp' <- traverse zonkSp sp
case hd of
HMeta (MV _ cell) -> do
solved <- liftIO $ readIORef cell
case solved of
Just vl -> zonkIO $ foldl applProj vl (reverse sp')
Nothing -> pure $ VNe hd sp'
hd -> pure $ VNe hd sp'
zonkSp (PApp p x) = PApp p <$> zonkIO x
zonkSp PProj1 = pure PProj1
zonkSp PProj2 = pure PProj2
zonkIO (VLam p (Closure s k)) = pure $ VLam p (Closure s (zonk . k))
zonkIO (VPi p d (Closure s k)) = VPi p <$> zonkIO d <*> pure (Closure s (zonk . k))
zonkIO (VSigma d (Closure s k)) = VSigma <$> zonkIO d <*> pure (Closure s (zonk . k))
zonkIO (VPair a b) = VPair <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO b
zonkIO VType = pure VType
zonk :: Value -> Value
zonk = unsafePerformIO . zonkIO
evalWithEnv :: ElabEnv -> Term -> Value
evalWithEnv env (Ref x) =
case Map.lookup x (getEnv env) of
@ -51,17 +75,17 @@ evalWithEnv env (App p f x) = vApp p (evalWithEnv env f) (evalWithEnv env x)
evalWithEnv env (Lam p s t) =
VLam p $ Closure s $ \a ->
evalWithEnv (ElabEnv (Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env))) t
evalWithEnv env { getEnv = Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env) } t
evalWithEnv env (Pi p s d t) =
VPi p (evalWithEnv env d) $ Closure s $ \a ->
evalWithEnv (ElabEnv (Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env))) t
evalWithEnv env { getEnv = (Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env))} t
evalWithEnv _ (Meta m) = VNe (HMeta m) []
evalWithEnv env (Sigma s d t) =
VSigma (evalWithEnv env d) $ Closure s $ \a ->
evalWithEnv (ElabEnv (Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env))) t
evalWithEnv env { getEnv = Map.insert (Bound s) (error "type of abs", a) (getEnv env) } t
evalWithEnv e (Pair a b) = VPair (evalWithEnv e a) (evalWithEnv e b)
@ -91,6 +115,7 @@ data NotEqual = NotEqual Value Value
unify :: Value -> Value -> ElabM ()
unify topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go (VNe (HMeta mv) sp) rhs = solveMeta mv sp rhs
go rhs (VNe (HMeta mv) sp) = solveMeta mv sp rhs
go (VNe x a) (VNe x' a')
| x == x', length a == length a' =
@ -118,12 +143,18 @@ unify topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
unify d d'
unify (k t) (k' t)
go VType VType = pure ()
go _ _ = fail
fail = liftIO . throwIO $ NotEqual topa topb
unifySpine (PApp a v) (PApp a' v')
| a == a' = unify v v'
unifySpine PProj1 PProj1 = pure ()
unifySpine PProj2 PProj2 = pure ()
unifySpine _ _ = fail
isConvertibleTo :: Value -> Value -> ElabM (Term -> Term)
@ -143,9 +174,9 @@ newMeta _dom = do
env <- asks getEnv
t <- for (Map.toList env) $ \(n, (_, c)) -> pure $
case c of
VVar n' | n == n' -> Just (PApp Ex (VVar n'))
t <- for (Map.toList env) $ \(n, _) -> pure $
case n of
Bound{} -> Just (PApp Ex (VVar n))
_ -> Nothing
pure (VNe (HMeta m) (catMaybes t))
@ -161,11 +192,12 @@ _nameCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
solveMeta :: MV -> [Projection] -> Value -> ElabM ()
solveMeta m@(MV _ cell) sp rhs = do
env <- ask
liftIO $ print (m, sp, rhs)
names <- checkSpine Set.empty sp
checkScope (Set.fromList (Bound <$> names)) rhs
let tm = quote rhs
lam = evalWithEnv emptyEnv $ foldr (Lam Ex) tm names
lam = evalWithEnv env $ foldr (Lam Ex) tm names
liftIO . atomicModifyIORef' cell $ \case
Just _ -> error "filled cell in solvedMeta"
Nothing -> (Just lam, ())
@ -174,9 +206,10 @@ checkScope :: Set Name -> Value -> ElabM ()
checkScope scope (VNe h sp) =
case h of
HVar v ->
HVar v@Bound{} ->
unless (v `Set.member` scope) . liftIO . throwIO $
NotInScope v
HVar{} -> pure ()
HMeta{} -> pure ()
traverse_ checkProj sp

+ 29
- 6
src/Elab/Monad.hs View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Elab.Monad where
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -8,30 +9,37 @@ import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import Syntax
import qualified Data.Text as T
newtype ElabEnv = ElabEnv { getEnv :: Map Name (NFType, Value) }
data ElabEnv = ElabEnv { getEnv :: Map Name (NFType, Value), nameMap :: Map Text Name, pingPong :: Int }
newtype ElabM a = ElabM { runElab :: ElabEnv -> IO a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader ElabEnv, MonadIO)
via ReaderT ElabEnv IO
newtype NotInScope = NotInScope { getName :: Name }
newtype NotInScope = NotInScope { nameNotInScope :: Name }
deriving (Show, Typeable)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
emptyEnv :: ElabEnv
emptyEnv = ElabEnv mempty
emptyEnv = ElabEnv mempty (Map.singleton (T.pack "Type") (Builtin (T.pack "Type") WiType)) 0
assume :: Name -> Value -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
assume nm ty = local go where
go = ElabEnv . Map.insert nm (ty, VVar nm) . getEnv
go x = x { getEnv = Map.insert nm (ty, VVar nm) (getEnv x), nameMap = Map.insert (getNameText nm) nm (nameMap x) }
getNameText :: Name -> Text
getNameText (Bound x) = x
getNameText (Defined x) = x
getNameText (Builtin x _) = x
define :: Name -> Value -> Value -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
define nm ty vl = local go where
go = ElabEnv . Map.insert nm (ty, vl) . getEnv
go x = x { getEnv = Map.insert nm (ty, vl) (getEnv x), nameMap = Map.insert (getNameText nm) nm (nameMap x) }
getValue :: Name -> ElabM Value
getValue nm = do
@ -45,4 +53,19 @@ getNfType nm = do
vl <- asks (Map.lookup nm . getEnv)
case vl of
Just v -> pure (fst v)
Nothing -> liftIO . throwIO $ NotInScope nm
Nothing -> liftIO . throwIO $ NotInScope nm
getNameFor :: Text -> ElabM Name
getNameFor x = do
vl <- asks (Map.lookup x . nameMap)
case vl of
Just v -> pure v
Nothing -> liftIO . throwIO $ NotInScope (Bound x)
switch :: ElabM a -> ElabM a
switch k =
depth <- asks pingPong
when (depth >= 128) $ liftIO $ throwIO StackOverflow
local go k
where go e = e { pingPong = pingPong e + 1 }

+ 52
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src/Main.hs View File

@ -1,14 +1,65 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bsl
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Foldable
import Elab.Monad
import Elab.Eval
import Elab
import Presyntax.Presyntax (Posn(Posn))
import Presyntax.Parser
import Presyntax.Tokens
import Presyntax.Lexer
import System.Exit
import Syntax.Pretty
main :: IO ()
main = do
t <- Bsl.readFile ""
let Right tks = runAlex t parseProg
traverse_ print tks
env <- runElab (checkProgram tks) emptyEnv `catch` \e -> displayAndDie (T.decodeUtf8 (Bsl.toStrict t)) (e :: SomeException)
for_ (Map.toList (getEnv env)) $ \(n, x) -> putStrLn $ show n ++ " : " ++ showValue (zonk (fst x))
displayAndDie :: Exception e => Text -> e -> IO a
displayAndDie lines e = do
() <- throwIO e `catches` displayExceptions lines
displayExceptions :: Text -> [Handler ()]
displayExceptions lines =
[ Handler \(WhileChecking a b e) -> do
T.putStrLn $ squiggleUnder a b lines
displayExceptions' lines e
, Handler \(NotEqual ta tb) -> do
putStrLn . unlines $
[ "\x1b[1;31merror\x1b[0m: Mismatch between actual and expected types:"
, " * \x1b[1mActual\x1b[0m: " ++ showValue (zonk ta)
, " * \x1b[1mExpected\x1b[0m: " ++ showValue (zonk tb)
displayExceptions' :: Exception e => Text -> e -> IO ()
displayExceptions' lines e = displayAndDie lines e `catch` \(_ :: ExitCode) -> pure ()
squiggleUnder :: Posn -> Posn -> Text -> Text
squiggleUnder (Posn l c) (Posn l' c') file
| l == l' =
line = T.pack (show l) <> " | " <> T.lines file !! (l - 1)
padding = T.replicate (length (show l)) (T.singleton ' ') <> " |"
squiggle = T.replicate c " " <> T.pack "\x1b[1;31m" <> T.replicate (c' - c) "~" <> T.pack "\x1b[0m"
in T.unlines [ padding, line, padding <> squiggle ]
| otherwise = T.pack (show (Posn l c, Posn l' c'))

+ 1
- 1
src/Presyntax/Lexer.x View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tokens :-
<0> \} { always TokCBrace }
<0> \; { always TokSemi }
<0> \n { begin newline }
<0> \n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
-- newline: emit a semicolon when de-denting
<newline> {

+ 51
- 25
src/Presyntax/Parser.y View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import Presyntax.Presyntax
import Presyntax.Tokens
import Presyntax.Lexer
import Prelude hiding (span)
%name parseExp Exp
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ import Presyntax.Lexer
%error { parseError }
var { Token (TokVar $$) _ _ }
var { $$@(Token (TokVar _) _ _) }
'(' { Token TokOParen _ _ }
')' { Token TokCParen _ _ }
@ -46,51 +48,55 @@ import Presyntax.Lexer
Exp :: { Expr }
: Exp ExpProj { App Ex $1 $2 }
| Exp '{' Exp '}' { App Im $1 $3 }
: Exp ExpProj { span $1 $2 $ App Ex $1 $2 }
| Exp '{' Exp '}' { span $1 $4 $ App Im $1 $3 }
| '\\' LambdaList '->' Exp { makeLams $2 $4 }
| '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { makePis Ex $2 $4 $6 }
| '{' VarList ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { makePis Im $2 $4 $6 }
| ExpProj '->' Exp { Pi Ex (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
| '\\' LambdaList '->' Exp { span $1 $4 $ makeLams $2 $4 }
| '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ makePis Ex $2 $4 $6 }
| '{' VarList ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ makePis Im $2 $4 $6 }
| ExpProj '->' Exp { span $1 $3 $ Pi Ex (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
| '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' '*' Exp { makeSigmas $2 $4 $7 }
| ExpProj '*' Exp { Sigma (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
| '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' '*' Exp { span $1 $7 $ makeSigmas $2 $4 $7 }
| ExpProj '*' Exp { span $1 $3 $ Sigma (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
| ExpProj { $1 }
ProdTail :: { Expr }
: '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { makePis Ex $2 $4 $6 }
| '{' VarList ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { makePis Im $2 $4 $6 }
| '->' Exp { $2 }
: '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ makePis Ex $2 $4 $6 }
| '{' VarList ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ makePis Im $2 $4 $6 }
| '->' Exp { span $2 $2 $ $2 }
LambdaList :: { [(Plicity, Text)] }
: var { [(Ex, $1)] }
| var LambdaList { (Ex, $1):$2 }
: var { [(Ex, getVar $1)] }
| var LambdaList { (Ex, getVar $1):$2 }
| '{'var'}' { [(Im, getVar $2)] }
| '{'var'}' LambdaList { (Im, getVar $2):$4 }
| '{'var'}' { [(Im, $2)] }
| '{'var'}' LambdaList { (Im, $2):$4 }
LhsList :: { [(Plicity, Text)] }
: { [] }
| LambdaList { $1 }
VarList :: { [Text] }
: var { [$1] }
| var VarList { $1:$2 }
: var { [getVar $1] }
| var VarList { getVar $1:$2 }
ExpProj :: { Expr }
: ExpProj '.1' { Proj1 $1 }
| ExpProj '.2' { Proj2 $1 }
: ExpProj '.1' { span $1 $2 $ Proj1 $1 }
| ExpProj '.2' { span $1 $2 $ Proj2 $1 }
| Atom { $1 }
Atom :: { Expr }
: var { Var $1 }
| '(' Tuple ')' { $2 }
: var { span $1 $1 $ Var (getVar $1) }
| '(' Tuple ')' { span $1 $3 $ $2 }
Tuple :: { Expr }
: Exp { $1 }
| Exp ',' Tuple { Pair $1 $3 }
| Exp ',' Tuple { span $1 $3 $ Pair $1 $3 }
Statement :: { Statement }
: var ':' Exp { Decl $1 $3 }
| var '=' Exp { Defn $1 $3 }
: var ':' Exp { Decl (getVar $1) $3 }
| var LhsList '=' Exp { Defn (getVar $1) (makeLams $2 $4) }
Program :: { [Statement] }
: Statement { [$1] }
@ -104,4 +110,24 @@ parseError x = alexError (show x)
makeLams xs b = foldr (uncurry Lam) b xs
makePis p xs t b = foldr (flip (Pi p) t) b xs
makeSigmas xs t b = foldr (flip Sigma t) b xs
class HasPosn a where
startPosn :: a -> Posn
endPosn :: a -> Posn
instance HasPosn Token where
startPosn (Token _ l c) = Posn l c
endPosn (Token t l c) = Posn l (c + tokSize t)
instance HasPosn Expr where
startPosn (Span _ s _) = s
startPosn _ = error "no start posn in parsed expression?"
endPosn (Span _ _ e) = e
endPosn _ = error "no end posn in parsed expression?"
span s e ex = Span ex (startPosn s) (endPosn e)
getVar (Token (TokVar s) _ _) = s
getVar _ = error "getVar non-var"

+ 8
- 0
src/Presyntax/Presyntax.hs View File

@ -17,9 +17,17 @@ data Expr
| Pair Expr Expr
| Proj1 Expr
| Proj2 Expr
| Span Expr Posn Posn
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Statement
= Decl Text Expr
| Defn Text Expr
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Posn
= Posn { posnLine :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, posnColm :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

+ 18
- 0
src/Presyntax/Tokens.hs View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Presyntax.Tokens where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
data TokenClass
= TokVar Text
@ -25,6 +26,23 @@ data TokenClass
| TokSemi
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
tokSize :: TokenClass -> Int
tokSize (TokVar x) = T.length x
tokSize TokEof = 0
tokSize TokLambda = 1
tokSize TokOParen = 1
tokSize TokOBrace = 1
tokSize TokCBrace = 1
tokSize TokCParen = 1
tokSize TokStar = 1
tokSize TokColon = 1
tokSize TokEqual = 1
tokSize TokComma = 1
tokSize TokSemi = 1
tokSize TokArrow = 2
tokSize TokPi1 = 2
tokSize TokPi2 = 2
data Token
= Token { tokenClass :: TokenClass
, tokStartLine :: !Int

+ 7
- 1
src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -35,7 +35,13 @@ instance Show MV where
show = ('?':) . T.unpack . mvName
data Name
= Bound Text
= Bound Text
| Defined Text
| Builtin Text WiredIn
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data WiredIn
= WiType
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type NFType = Value
