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Fix recursive local lets

Amélia Liao 4 years ago
9 changed files with 184 additions and 80 deletions
  1. +94
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- 18 View File

@ -529,21 +529,21 @@ IsoToEquiv {A} {B} iso = (f, \y -> (fCenter y, fIsCenter y)) where
fill0 : I -> I -> A
fill0 i j = comp (\i -> A) (\k [ (i = i0) -> t x0 (iand j k)
, (i = i1) -> g y
, (j = i0) -> g (p0 i)
, (i = i1) -> g y
, (j = i0) -> g (p0 i)
(inS (g (p0 i)))
fill1 : I -> I -> A
fill1 i j = comp (\i -> A) (\k [ (i = i0) -> t x1 (iand j k)
, (i = i1) -> g y
, (j = i0) -> g (p1 i) ])
, (i = i1) -> g y
, (j = i0) -> g (p1 i) ])
(inS (g (p1 i)))
fill2 : I -> I -> A
fill2 i j = comp (\i -> A) (\k [ (i = i0) -> rem0 (ior j (inot k))
, (i = i1) -> rem1 (ior j (inot k))
, (j = i1) -> g y ])
, (i = i1) -> rem1 (ior j (inot k))
, (j = i1) -> g y ])
(inS (g y))
sq : I -> I -> A
@ -555,10 +555,10 @@ IsoToEquiv {A} {B} iso = (f, \y -> (fCenter y, fIsCenter y)) where
sq1 : I -> I -> B
sq1 i j = comp (\i -> B) (\k [ (i = i0) -> s (p0 j) k
, (i = i1) -> s (p1 j) k
, (j = i0) -> s (f (p i)) k
, (j = i1) -> s y k
, (i = i1) -> s (p1 j) k
, (j = i0) -> s (f (p i)) k
, (j = i1) -> s y k
(inS (f (sq i j)))
in \i -> (p i, \j -> sq1 i j)
@ -792,7 +792,8 @@ data Interval : Type where
-- With this type we can reproduce the proof of Lemma 6.3.2 from the
-- HoTT book:
iFunext : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} (f : (x : A) -> B x) (g : (x : A) -> B x) -> ((x : A) -> Path (f x) (g x)) -> Path f g
iFunext : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} (f : (x : A) -> B x) (g : (x : A) -> B x)
-> ((x : A) -> Path (f x) (g x)) -> Path f g
iFunext f g p i = h' (seg i) where
h : (x : A) -> Interval -> B x
h x = \case
@ -842,6 +843,17 @@ windingSymLoop = refl
windingBase : Path (winding (\i -> base)) (pos zero)
windingBase = refl
goAround : Int -> Path base base
goAround =
pos n -> goAround_nat n
neg n -> sym (goAround_nat (succ n))
goAround_nat : Nat -> Path base base
goAround_nat = \case
zero -> refl
succ n -> trans (\i -> loop i) (goAround_nat n)
-- One particularly general higher inductive type is the homotopy pushout,
-- which can be seen as a kind of sum B + C with the extra condition that
-- whenever x and y are in the image of f (resp. g), inl x ≡ inr y.
@ -913,7 +925,7 @@ torusToCircs = \case
pathTwo i -> (base, loop i)
square i j -> (loop i, loop j)
circsToTorus : ((x : S1) * S1) -> T2
circsToTorus : (S1 * S1) -> T2
circsToTorus pair = go pair.1 pair.2
baseCase : S1 -> T2
@ -938,13 +950,77 @@ torusToCircsToTorus = \case
pathTwo i -> refl
square i j -> refl
exerciseForTomorrow : {A : Type} -> A
circsToTorusToCircs : (p : S1 * S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus p)) p
circsToTorusToCircs = exerciseForTomorrow
circsToTorusToCircs pair = go pair.1 pair.2
baseCase : (y : S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus (base, y))) (base, y)
baseCase = \case
base -> refl
loop j -> refl
loopCase : (i : I) (y : S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus (loop i, y))) (loop i, y )
loopCase i = \case
base -> refl
loop j -> refl
go : (x : S1) (y : S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus (x, y))) (x, y)
go = \case
base -> baseCase
loop i -> loopCase i
TorusIsTwoCircles : Path T2 (S1 * S1)
TorusIsTwoCircles = univalence (IsoToEquiv theIso) where
theIso : Iso T2 (S1 * S1)
theIso = (torusToCircs, circsToTorus, circsToTorusToCircs, torusToCircsToTorus)
theIso = (torusToCircs, circsToTorus, circsToTorusToCircs, torusToCircsToTorus)
abs : Int -> Nat
abs = \case
pos n -> n
neg n -> succ n
sign : Int -> Bool
sign = \case
pos n -> true
neg n -> false
boolAnd : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
boolAnd = \case
true -> \case
true -> true
false -> false
false -> \case
true -> false
false -> false
plusNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plusNat = \case
zero -> \x -> x
succ n -> \x -> succ (plusNat n x)
plusZero : (x : Nat) -> Path (plusNat zero x) x
plusZero = \case
zero -> refl
succ n -> \i -> succ (plusZero n i)
multNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
multNat = \case
zero -> \x -> zero
succ n -> \x -> plusNat x (multNat n x)
multInt : Int -> Int -> Int
multInt x y = signify (multNat (abs x) (abs y)) (boolAnd (sign x) (sign y)) where
signify : Nat -> Bool -> Int
signify = \case
zero -> \x -> pos zero
succ n -> \case
true -> pos (succ n)
false -> neg n
two : Int
two = pos (succ (succ zero))
four : Int
four = multInt two two
sixteen : Int
sixteen = multInt four four

+ 15
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src/Elab.hs View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ check (P.LamCase pats) ty =
let range = Lam P.Ex name (quote (rng (VVar name)))
cases <- checkPatterns range [] pats \partialPats (pat, rhs) -> do
checkPattern pat dom \pat wp boundary pat_nf -> do
checkPattern pat dom \pat wp boundary n_lams pat_nf -> do
rhs <- check rhs (rng pat_nf)
case boundary of
-- If we're checking a higher constructor then we need to
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ check (P.LamCase pats) ty =
`withNote` (pretty "Mandated by the constructor" <+> prettyTm (quote pat_nf))
_ -> pure ()
pure (pat, wp rhs)
pure (pat, n_lams, wp rhs)
let x = wp (Lam P.Ex name (Case range (Ref name) cases))
pure x
_ -> do
@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ check (P.LamCase pats) ty =
checkPatterns _ acc [] _ = pure (reverse acc)
checkPatterns rng acc (x:xs) k = do
n <- newName
(p, t) <- k (eval (Lam P.Ex n (Case rng (Ref n) acc))) x
checkPatterns rng ((p, t):acc) xs k
(p, n, t) <- k (eval (Lam P.Ex n (Case rng (Ref n) acc))) x
checkPatterns rng ((p, n, t):acc) xs k
appDummies (v:vl) (VPi p _ (Closure _ r)) x = appDummies vl (r v) (vApp p x v)
appDummies [] _ x = x
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ check exp ty = do
wp <- isConvertibleTo has ty
pure (wp tm)
checkPattern :: P.Pattern -> NFSort -> (Term -> (Term -> Term) -> Maybe Boundary -> Value -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
checkPattern :: P.Pattern -> NFSort -> (Term -> (Term -> Term) -> Maybe Boundary -> Int -> Value -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
checkPattern (P.PCap var) dom cont = do
name <- asks (Map.lookup var . nameMap)
case name of
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ checkPattern (P.PCap var) dom cont = do
(ty, wp, _) <- instantiate =<< getNfType name
unify ty dom
wrap <- skipLams skip
cont (Con name) wrap Nothing =<< eval (wp (Con name))
cont (Con name) wrap Nothing 0 =<< eval (wp (Con name))
Just name -> throwElab $ NotACon name
Nothing -> assume (Bound var 0) dom \name -> cont (Ref name) (Lam P.Ex name) Nothing (VVar name)
Nothing -> assume (Bound var 0) dom \name -> cont (Ref name) (Lam P.Ex name) Nothing 0 (VVar name)
checkPattern (P.PCon var args) dom cont =
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ checkPattern (P.PCon var args) dom cont =
con <- quote <$> getValue name
bindNames args ty $ \names wrap ->
cont (Con name) (skip . wrap) (instBoundary xs <$> t) =<< eval (foldl (\x y -> App P.Ex x (Ref y)) (wp con) names)
cont (Con name) (skip . wrap) (instBoundary xs <$> t) (length names) =<< eval (foldl (\x y -> App P.Ex x (Ref y)) (wp con) names)
Just name -> throwElab $ NotACon name
_ -> throwElab $ NotInScope (Bound var 0)
@ -329,13 +329,13 @@ skipLams k = do
n <- newName
(Lam P.Im n . ) <$> skipLams (k - 1)
checkLetItems :: Map Text (Maybe NFType) -> [P.LetItem] -> ([(Name, Term, Term)] -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
checkLetItems :: Map Text (Maybe (Name, NFType)) -> [P.LetItem] -> ([(Name, Term, Term)] -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
checkLetItems _ [] cont = cont []
checkLetItems map (P.LetDecl v t:xs) cont = do
t <- check t VTypeω
t_nf <- eval t
assume (Defined v 0) t_nf \_ ->
checkLetItems (Map.insert v (Just t_nf) map) xs cont
assume (Defined v 0) t_nf \name ->
checkLetItems (Map.insert v (Just (name, t_nf)) map) xs cont
checkLetItems map (P.LetBind name rhs:xs) cont = do
case Map.lookup name map of
@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ checkLetItems map (P.LetBind name rhs:xs) cont = do
checkLetItems map xs \xs ->
cont ((name', quote ty, tm):xs)
Just Nothing -> throwElab $ Redefinition (Defined name 0)
Just (Just ty_nf) -> do
Just (Just (name, ty_nf)) -> do
rhs <- check rhs ty_nf
rhs_nf <- eval rhs
makeLetDef (Defined name 0) ty_nf rhs_nf \name' ->
checkLetItems (Map.insert name Nothing map) xs \xs ->
cont ((name', quote ty_nf, rhs):xs)
replaceLetDef name ty_nf rhs_nf $
checkLetItems (Map.insert (getNameText name) Nothing map) xs \xs ->
cont ((name, quote ty_nf, rhs):xs)
checkFormula :: P.Formula -> ElabM Value
checkFormula P.FTop = pure VI1
@ -598,10 +598,6 @@ checkStatement (P.Data name tele retk constrs) k =
totalProp (x:xs) = ior (inot (VVar x)) (VVar x) `ior` totalProp xs
totalProp [] = VI0
evalFix :: Name -> NFType -> Term -> ElabM Value
evalFix name nft term = do
env <- ask
pure . fix $ \val -> eval' env{ getEnv = Map.insert name (nft, val) (getEnv env) } term
checkProgram :: [P.Statement] -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
checkProgram [] k = k

+ 27
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src/Elab/Eval.hs View File

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
import {-# SOURCE #-} Elab.WiredIn
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Debug.Trace
eval :: HasCallStack => Term -> ElabM Value
eval t = asks (flip eval' t)
@ -179,12 +177,16 @@ eval' e (GlueTy a phi tys f) = glueType (eval' e a) (eval' e phi) (eval' e tys)
eval' e (Glue a phi tys eqvs t x) = glueElem (eval' e a) (eval' e phi) (eval' e tys) (eval' e eqvs) (eval' e t) (eval' e x)
eval' e (Unglue a phi tys f x) = unglue (eval' e a) (eval' e phi) (eval' e tys) (eval' e f) (eval' e x)
eval' e (Let ns x) =
let env' = foldl (\newe (n, ty, x) -> newe { getEnv = Map.insert n (eval' newe ty, eval' newe x) (getEnv newe) }) e ns
let env' = foldl (\newe (n, ty, x) ->
let nft = eval' newe ty
in newe { getEnv = Map.insert n (nft, evalFix' newe n nft x) (getEnv newe) })
in eval' env' x
eval' e (Case range sc xs) = evalCase e (eval' e range @@) (force (eval' e sc)) xs
evalCase :: ElabEnv -> (Value -> Value) -> Value -> [(Term, Term)] -> Value
evalCase :: ElabEnv -> (Value -> Value) -> Value -> [(Term, Int, Term)] -> Value
evalCase _ _ sc [] = error $ "unmatched pattern for value: " ++ show (prettyTm (quote sc))
evalCase env rng (VSystem fs) cases = VSystem (fmap (flip (evalCase env rng) cases) fs)
@ -195,18 +197,25 @@ evalCase env rng (VHComp a phi u a0) cases =
v = Elab.WiredIn.fill (fun (const a)) phi u a0
evalCase env _ sc ((Ref _, k):_) = eval' env k @@ sc
evalCase env _ sc ((Ref _, _, k):_) = eval' env k @@ sc
evalCase env rng (val@(VNe (HCon _ x) sp)) ((Con x', k):xs)
evalCase env rng (val@(VNe (HCon _ x) sp)) ((Con x', _, k):xs)
| x == x' = foldl applProj (eval' env k) sp
| otherwise = evalCase env rng val xs
evalCase env rng (val@(VNe (HPCon _ _ x) sp)) ((Con x', k):xs)
evalCase env rng (val@(VNe (HPCon _ _ x) sp)) ((Con x', _, k):xs)
| x == x' = foldl applProj (eval' env k) sp
| otherwise = evalCase env rng val xs
evalCase env rng sc xs = VCase (getEnv env) (fun rng) sc xs
evalFix' :: ElabEnv -> Name -> NFType -> Term -> Value
evalFix' env name nft term = fix $ \val -> eval' env{ getEnv = Map.insert name (nft, val) (getEnv env) } term
evalFix :: Name -> NFType -> Term -> ElabM Value
evalFix name nft term = do
t <- ask
pure (evalFix' t name nft term)
data NotEqual = NotEqual Value Value
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
@ -294,8 +303,8 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go (VCase _ _ a b) (VCase _ _ a' b') = do
unify' a a'
let go a b = join $ unify' <$> eval (snd a) <*> eval (snd b)
zipWithM_ go (sortOn fst b) (sortOn fst b')
let go (_, _, a) (_, _, b) = join $ unify' <$> eval a <*> eval b
zipWithM_ go (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b) (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b')
go x y
| x == y = pure ()
@ -596,7 +605,7 @@ vApp p (VSystem fs) arg = VSystem (fmap (flip (vApp p) arg) fs)
vApp p (VInc (VPi _ _ (Closure _ r)) phi f) arg = VInc (r (vApp p f arg)) phi (vApp p f arg)
vApp p (VCase env rng sc branches) arg =
VCase env (fun \x -> let VPi _ _ (Closure _ r) = rng @@ x in r arg) sc
(map (second (projIntoCase (flip (App p) (quote arg)))) branches)
(map (projIntoCase (flip (App p) (quote arg))) branches)
vApp _ x _ = error $ "can't apply " ++ show (prettyTm (quote x))
(@@) :: HasCallStack => Value -> Value -> Value
@ -610,7 +619,7 @@ vProj1 (GluedVl h sp vl) = GluedVl h (sp Seq.:|> PProj1) (vProj1 vl)
vProj1 (VSystem fs) = VSystem (fmap vProj1 fs)
vProj1 (VInc (VSigma a _) b c) = VInc a b (vProj1 c)
vProj1 (VCase env rng sc branches) =
VCase env (fun \x -> let VSigma a _ = rng @@ x in a) sc (map (second (projIntoCase Proj1)) branches)
VCase env rng sc (map (projIntoCase Proj1) branches)
vProj1 x = error $ "can't proj1 " ++ show (prettyTm (quote x))
vProj2 :: HasCallStack => Value -> Value
@ -620,10 +629,12 @@ vProj2 (GluedVl h sp vl) = GluedVl h (sp Seq.:|> PProj2) (vProj2 vl)
vProj2 (VSystem fs) = VSystem (fmap vProj2 fs)
vProj2 (VInc (VSigma _ (Closure _ r)) b c) = VInc (r (vProj1 c)) b (vProj2 c)
vProj2 (VCase env rng sc branches) =
VCase env (fun \x -> let VSigma _ (Closure _ r) = rng @@ x in r (vProj1 x)) sc (map (second (projIntoCase Proj2)) branches)
VCase env rng sc (map (projIntoCase Proj2) branches)
vProj2 x = error $ "can't proj2 " ++ show (prettyTm (quote x))
projIntoCase :: (Term -> Term) -> Term -> Term
projIntoCase f (Lam p x r) = Lam p x (projIntoCase f r)
projIntoCase f (PathIntro l a b r) = PathIntro l a b (projIntoCase f r)
projIntoCase f x = f x
projIntoCase :: (Term -> Term) -> (Term, Int, Term) -> (Term, Int, Term)
projIntoCase fun (pat, nLams, term) = (pat, nLams, go nLams term) where
go 0 x = fun x
go n (Lam p x r) = Lam p x (go (n - 1) r)
go n (PathIntro l a b r) = PathIntro l a b (go (n - 1) r)
go _ x = x

+ 3
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src/Elab/Monad.hs View File

@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ define nm vty val = defineInternal nm vty (const val)
makeLetDef :: Name -> Value -> Value -> (Name -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
makeLetDef nm vty val = defineInternal nm vty (\nm -> GluedVl (HVar nm) mempty val)
replaceLetDef :: Name -> Value -> Value -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
replaceLetDef nm vty val = redefine nm vty (GluedVl (HVar nm) mempty val)
assumes :: [Name] -> Value -> ([Name] -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
assumes nms ty k = do

+ 1
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src/Elab/WiredIn.hs View File

@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ ielim line left right (GluedVl h sp vl) i =
ielim line left right fn i =
case force fn of
VLine _ _ _ fun -> fun @@ i
VLam _ (Closure _ k) -> k i
x -> case force i of
VI1 -> right
VI0 -> left

+ 26
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src/Main.hs View File

@ -47,17 +47,32 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser parser
case opts of
Load files -> do
Load files exp -> do
env <- checkFiles files
enterReplIn env
case exp of
[] -> enterReplIn env
xs -> traverse_ (evalArgExpr env) xs
Check files verbose -> do
env <- checkFiles files
when verbose $ dumpEnv env
Repl -> enterReplIn =<< checkFiles ["./"]
evalArgExpr :: ElabEnv -> String -> IO ()
evalArgExpr env str =
case runAlex (Bsl.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 inp)) parseExp of
Right e ->
flip runElab env (do
(e, _) <- infer e
liftIO . putStrLn . show . prettyTm . quote . zonk =<< Elab.Eval.eval e)
`catch` \e -> do
displayExceptions' inp (e :: SomeException)
Left e -> liftIO $ print e
inp = T.pack str
enterReplIn :: ElabEnv -> IO ()
enterReplIn env = runInputT defaultSettings (loop env') where
env' = env { commHook = T.putStrLn . render . prettyTm . quote . zonk }
env' = env { commHook = putStrLn . show . prettyTm . quote }
loop :: ElabEnv -> InputT IO ()
loop env = do
@ -111,17 +126,20 @@ dumpEnv env = for_ (Map.toList (nameMap env)) $ \(_, name) ->
parser :: ParserInfo Opts
parser = info (subparser (load <> check) <|> pure Repl <**> helper) (header "cubical - a cubical programming language")
load = command "load" $ info (fmap Load (some (argument str (metavar "file..."))) <**> helper) (progDesc "Check and load a list of files in the REPL")
load = command "load" $
info ((Load <$> (some (argument str (metavar "file...")))
<*> (many (strOption (long "eval" <> short 'e' <> help "Also evaluate this expression"))))
<**> helper) (progDesc "Check and load a list of files in the REPL")
check = command "check" $
info ((Check <$> some (argument str (metavar "file..."))
<*> switch ( long "verbose"
<> short 'v'
<> help "Print the types of all declared/defined values"))
<*> switch ( long "verbose"
<> short 'v'
<> help "Print the types of all declared/defined values"))
<**> helper)
(progDesc "Check a list of files")
data Opts
= Load { files :: [String] }
= Load { files :: [String], eval :: [String] }
| Check { files :: [String], verbose :: Bool }
| Repl
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

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src/Presyntax/Lexer.x View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ popStartCode = do
alexSetStartCode x
offsideRule :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
offsideRule (AlexPn _ line col, _, s, _) size
offsideRule (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _
-- | Lbs.null s = pure (Token TokEof line col)
| otherwise = do
~(col':ctx) <- layoutColumns <$> getUserState
@ -137,9 +137,8 @@ emptyLayout (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
pure (Token TokLEnd line col)
startLayout :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
startLayout (AlexPn _ line col, _, s, _) size = do
startLayout (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
least <- leastColumn <$> getUserState
~(col':_) <- layoutColumns <$> getUserState
if col' >= col
then pushStartCode empty_layout

+ 2
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src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ data Term
| Glue Term Term Term Term Term Term
| Unglue Term Term Term Term Term
| Case Term Term [(Term, Term)]
| Case Term Term [(Term, Int, Term)]
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data)
data MV =
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ data Value
| VGlue NFSort NFEndp NFPartial NFPartial NFPartial Value
| VUnglue NFSort NFEndp NFPartial NFPartial Value
| VCase (Map.Map Name (NFType, Value)) Value Value [(Term, Term)]
| VCase (Map.Map Name (NFType, Value)) Value Value [(Term, Int, Term)]
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
pattern VVar :: Name -> Value

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src/Syntax/Pretty.hs View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ prettyTm = prettyTm . everywhere (mkT beautify) where
prettyTm (PCon _ v) = keyword (pretty v)
prettyTm (Data _ v) = operator (pretty v)
prettyTm (App Im f _) = prettyTm f
prettyTm (App Im f x) = parenFun f <+> braces (prettyTm x)
prettyTm (App Ex f x) = parenFun f <+> parenArg x
prettyTm (Pair x y) = parens $ prettyTm x <> operator comma <+> prettyTm y
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ prettyTm = prettyTm . everywhere (mkT beautify) where
prettyTm x = error (show x)
prettyCase = vcat . map go where
go (x, xs) = prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm xs
go (x, _, xs) = prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm xs
prettyLet = vcat . map go where
go (x, t, y) = pretty x <+> align (colon <+> nest (- 1) (prettyTm t)) <> line <> pretty x <+> pretty "=" <+> prettyTm y
@ -106,18 +106,18 @@ prettyTm = prettyTm . everywhere (mkT beautify) where
beautify (Comp a I0 (System (Map.null -> True)) a0) = toFun "transp" [a, a0]
beautify (Lam _ _ (Lam _ _ (System (Map.null -> True)))) = System mempty
beautify (Partial phi a) = toFun "Partial" [phi, a]
beautify (PartialP phi a) = toFun "PartialP" [phi, a]
beautify (Comp a phi u a0) = toFun "comp" [a, phi, u, a0]
beautify (Partial phi a) = toFun "Partial" [phi, a]
beautify (PartialP phi a) = toFun "PartialP" [phi, a]
beautify (Comp a phi u a0) = toFun "comp" [a, phi, u, a0]
beautify (HComp a phi u a0) = toFun "hcomp" [a, phi, u, a0]
beautify (Sub a phi u) = toFun "Sub" [a, phi, u]
beautify (Inc _ _ u) = toFun "inS" [u]
beautify (Ouc a phi u u0) = toFun "outS" [a, phi, u, u0]
beautify (GlueTy a I1 _ _) = a
beautify (GlueTy a b c d) = toFun "Glue" [a,b,c,d]
beautify (Glue a b c d e f) = toFun "glue" [a,b,c,d,e,f]
beautify (Unglue a b c d e) = toFun "unglue" [a,b,c,d,e]
beautify (Sub a phi u) = toFun "Sub" [a, phi, u]
beautify (Inc _ _ u) = toFun "inS" [u]
beautify (Ouc a phi u u0) = toFun "outS" [a, phi, u, u0]
beautify (GlueTy _ I1 (Lam _ _ a) _) = a
beautify (GlueTy a b c d) = toFun "Glue" [a,b,c,d]
beautify (Glue a b c d e f) = toFun "glue" [a,b,c,d,e,f]
beautify (Unglue a b c d e) = toFun "unglue" [a,b,c,d,e]
beautify x = x
toFun s a = foldl (App Ex) (Ref (Bound (T.pack ('.':s)) 0)) a
@ -207,4 +207,4 @@ freeVars (HComp x y z a) = Set.unions $ map freeVars [x, y, z, a]
freeVars (GlueTy x y z a) = Set.unions $ map freeVars [x, y, z, a]
freeVars (Glue x y z a b c) = Set.unions $ map freeVars [x, y, z, a, b, c]
freeVars (Unglue x y z a c) = Set.unions $ map freeVars [x, y, z, a, c]
freeVars (Case rng x y) = freeVars rng <> freeVars x <> foldMap (freeVars . snd) y
freeVars (Case rng x y) = freeVars rng <> freeVars x <> foldMap (\(_, _, y) -> freeVars y) y
