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Add strict equality

Amélia Liao 3 years ago
13 changed files with 738 additions and 453 deletions
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+ 0
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Setup.hs View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

+ 247
- 81 View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ sym p i = p (inot i)
id : {A : Type} -> A -> A
id x = x
the : (A : Type) -> A -> A
the : (A : Pretype) -> A -> A
the A x = x
-- The eliminator for the interval says that if you have x : A i0 and y : A i1,
@ -266,12 +266,12 @@ fill A {phi} u a0 i =
(\j [ (phi = i1) as p -> u (iand i j) p, (i = i0) -> outS a0 ])
(inS (outS a0))
hfill : {A : Type} {phi : I} (u : (i : I) -> Partial phi A) -> Sub A phi (u i0) -> I -> A
hfill {A} {phi} u a0 i = fill (\i -> A) {phi} u a0 i
hcomp : {A : Type} {phi : I} (u : (i : I) -> Partial phi A) -> Sub A phi (u i0) -> A
hcomp {A} {phi} u a0 = comp (\i -> A) {phi} u a0
hfill : {A : Type} {phi : I} (u : (i : I) -> Partial phi A) -> (a0 : Sub A phi (u i0)) -> I -> A
hfill {A} {phi} u a0 i = fill (\i -> A) {phi} u a0 i
-- For instance, the filler of the previous composition square
-- tells us that trans p refl = p:
@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ transpFun : {A : Type} {B : Type} {C : Type} {D : Type} (p : Path A B) (q : Path
(\x -> transp (\i -> q i) (f (transp (\i -> p (inot i)) x)))
transpFun p q f = refl
-- transpDFun : {A : I -> Type} {B : (i : I) -> A i -> Type}
-- -> (f : (x : A i0) -> B i0 x)
-- -> Path (transp (\i -> (x : A i) -> B i x) f)
-- (\x -> transp (\i -> B i (fill (\j -> A (inot j)) (\k []) (inS x) (inot i))) (f (fill (\j -> A (inot j)) (\k []) (inS x) i1)))
-- transpDFun f = refl
transpDFun : {A : I -> Type} {B : (i : I) -> A i -> Type}
-> (f : (x : A i0) -> B i0 x)
-> Path (transp (\i -> (x : A i) -> B i x) f)
(\x -> transp (\i -> B i (fill (\j -> A (inot j)) (\k []) (inS x) (inot i))) (f (fill (\j -> A (inot j)) (\k []) (inS x) i1)))
transpDFun f = refl
-- When considering the more general case of a composition respecing sides,
-- the outer transport becomes a composition.
@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ notp = univalence (IsoToEquiv (not, involToIso not notInvol))
data bottom : Type where {}
elimBottom : (P : bottom -> Type) -> (b : bottom) -> P b
elimBottom : (P : bottom -> Pretype) -> (b : bottom) -> P b
elimBottom P = \case {}
absurd : {P : Type} -> bottom -> P
absurd : {P : Pretype} -> bottom -> P
absurd = \case {}
-- We prove that true != false by transporting along the path
@ -715,6 +715,20 @@ Nat_elim P pz ps = \case
zero -> pz
succ x -> ps x (Nat_elim P pz ps x)
zeroNotSucc : {x : Nat} -> Path zero (succ x) -> bottom
zeroNotSucc p = transp (\i -> fun (p i)) (p i0) where
fun : Nat -> Type
fun = \case
zero -> Nat
succ x -> bottom
succInj : {x : Nat} {y : Nat} -> Path (succ x) (succ y) -> Path x y
succInj p i = pred (p i) where
pred : Nat -> Nat
pred = \case
zero -> zero
succ x -> x
-- The type of integers can be defined as A + B, where "pos n" means +n
-- and "neg n" means -(n + 1).
@ -882,41 +896,40 @@ data Susp (A : Type) : Type where
data Unit : Type where
tt : Unit
poSusp : Type -> Type
poSusp A = Pushout {A} {Unit} {Unit} (\x -> tt) (\x -> tt)
poSusp_to_Susp : {A : Type} -> poSusp A -> Susp A
poSusp_to_Susp = \case
inl x -> north
inr x -> south
push x i -> merid x i
Susp_to_poSusp : {A : Type} -> Susp A -> poSusp A
Susp_to_poSusp = \case
north -> inl tt
south -> inr tt
merid x i -> push x i
Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp : {A : Type} -> (x : Susp A) -> Path (poSusp_to_Susp (Susp_to_poSusp x)) x
Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp = \case
north -> refl
south -> refl
merid x i -> refl
unitEta : (x : Unit) -> Path x tt
unitEta = \case tt -> refl
unitContr : isContr Unit
unitContr = (tt, \x -> sym (unitEta x))
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp : {A : Type} -> (x : poSusp A) -> Path (Susp_to_poSusp (poSusp_to_Susp x)) x
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A} = \case
inl x -> cong inl (sym (unitEta x))
inr x -> cong inr (sym (unitEta x))
push x i -> refl
poSusp : Type -> Type
poSusp A = Pushout {A} {Unit} {Unit} (\x -> tt) (\x -> tt)
Susp_is_poSusp : {A : Type} -> Path (Susp A) (poSusp A)
Susp_is_poSusp {A} = univalence (IsoToEquiv (Susp_to_poSusp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A}, Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp {A}))
Susp_is_poSusp {A} = univalence (IsoToEquiv (Susp_to_poSusp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp {A}, poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A}, Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp {A})) where
poSusp_to_Susp : {A : Type} -> poSusp A -> Susp A
poSusp_to_Susp = \case
inl x -> north
inr x -> south
push x i -> merid x i
Susp_to_poSusp : {A : Type} -> Susp A -> poSusp A
Susp_to_poSusp = \case
north -> inl tt
south -> inr tt
merid x i -> push x i
Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp : {A : Type} -> (x : Susp A) -> Path (poSusp_to_Susp (Susp_to_poSusp x)) x
Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp = \case
north -> refl
south -> refl
merid x i -> refl
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp : {A : Type} -> (x : poSusp A) -> Path (Susp_to_poSusp (poSusp_to_Susp x)) x
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A} = \case
inl x -> cong inl (sym (unitEta x))
inr x -> cong inr (sym (unitEta x))
push x i -> refl
data T2 : Type where
baseT : T2
@ -929,41 +942,42 @@ data T2 : Type where
(i = i1) -> pathOne j
torusToCircs : T2 -> S1 * S1
torusToCircs = \case
baseT -> (base, base)
pathOne i -> (loop i, base)
pathTwo i -> (base, loop i)
square i j -> (loop i, loop j)
circsToTorus : (S1 * S1) -> T2
circsToTorus pair = go pair.1 pair.2
baseCase : S1 -> T2
baseCase = \case
base -> baseT
loop j -> pathTwo j
loopCase : Path baseCase baseCase
loopCase i = \case
base -> pathOne i
loop j -> square i j
go : S1 -> S1 -> T2
go = \case
base -> baseCase
loop i -> loopCase i
torusToCircsToTorus : (x : T2) -> Path (circsToTorus (torusToCircs x)) x
torusToCircsToTorus = \case
baseT -> refl
pathOne i -> refl
pathTwo i -> refl
square i j -> refl
circsToTorusToCircs : (p : S1 * S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus p)) p
circsToTorusToCircs pair = go pair.1 pair.2
TorusIsTwoCircles : Path T2 (S1 * S1)
TorusIsTwoCircles = univalence (IsoToEquiv theIso) where
torusToCircs : T2 -> S1 * S1
torusToCircs = \case
baseT -> (base, base)
pathOne i -> (loop i, base)
pathTwo i -> (base, loop i)
square i j -> (loop i, loop j)
circsToTorus : (S1 * S1) -> T2
circsToTorus pair = go pair.1 pair.2
baseCase : S1 -> T2
baseCase = \case
base -> baseT
loop j -> pathTwo j
loopCase : Path baseCase baseCase
loopCase i = \case
base -> pathOne i
loop j -> square i j
go : S1 -> S1 -> T2
go = \case
base -> baseCase
loop i -> loopCase i
torusToCircsToTorus : (x : T2) -> Path (circsToTorus (torusToCircs x)) x
torusToCircsToTorus = \case
baseT -> refl
pathOne i -> refl
pathTwo i -> refl
square i j -> refl
circsToTorusToCircs : (p : S1 * S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus p)) p
circsToTorusToCircs pair = go pair.1 pair.2 where
baseCase : (y : S1) -> Path (torusToCircs (circsToTorus (base, y))) (base, y)
baseCase = \case
base -> refl
@ -979,11 +993,9 @@ circsToTorusToCircs pair = go pair.1 pair.2
base -> baseCase
loop i -> loopCase i
TorusIsTwoCircles : Path T2 (S1 * S1)
TorusIsTwoCircles = univalence (IsoToEquiv theIso) where
theIso : Iso T2 (S1 * S1)
theIso = (torusToCircs, circsToTorus, circsToTorusToCircs, torusToCircsToTorus)
abs : Int -> Nat
abs = \case
pos n -> n
@ -1041,15 +1053,169 @@ isProp A = (x : A) (y : A) -> Path x y
data Sq (A : Type) : Type where
inc : A -> Sq A
sq i : (x : A) (y : A) -> Sq A [ (i = i0) -> inc x, (i = i1) -> inc y ]
sq i : (x : Sq A) (y : Sq A) -> Sq A [ (i = i0) -> x, (i = i1) -> y ]
isProp_isSet : {A : Type} -> isProp A -> isHSet A
isProp_isSet h {a} {b} p q j i =
hcomp {A}
(\k [ (i = i0) -> h a a k
, (i = i1) -> h a b k
, (j = i0) -> h a (p i) k
, (j = i1) -> h a (q i) k
(inS a)
Sq_rec : {A : Type} {B : Type}
-> isProp B
-> (f : A -> B)
-> Sq A -> B
Sq_rec prop f = \case
inc x -> f x
sq x y i -> prop (f x) (f y) i
Sq_rec prop f =
inc x -> f x
sq x y i -> prop (work x) (work y) i
work : Sq A -> B
work = \case
inc x -> f x
hitTranspExample : Path (inc false) (inc true)
hitTranspExample i = transp (\i -> Sq (notp i)) (sq true false i)
hitTranspExample i = transp (\i -> Sq (notp i)) (sq (inc true) (inc false) i)
data S2 : Type where
base2 : S2
surf2 i j : S2 [ (i = i0) -> base2, (i = i1) -> base2, (j = i0) -> base2, (j = i1) -> base2]
S2IsSuspS1 : Path S2 (Susp S1)
S2IsSuspS1 = univalence (IsoToEquiv iso) where
toS2 : Susp S1 -> S2
toS2 = \case { north -> base2; south -> base2; merid x i -> sphMerid x i } where
sphMerid = \case
base -> \i -> base2
loop j -> \i -> surf2 i j
suspSurf : I -> I -> I -> Susp S1
suspSurf i j = hfill {Susp S1} (\k [ (i = i0) -> north
, (i = i1) -> merid base (inot k)
, (j = i0) -> merid base (iand (inot k) i)
, (j = i1) -> merid base (iand (inot k) i)
(inS (merid (loop j) i))
fromS2 : S2 -> Susp S1
fromS2 = \case { base2 -> north; surf2 i j -> suspSurf i j i1 }
toFromS2 : (x : S2) -> Path (toS2 (fromS2 x)) x
toFromS2 = \case { base2 -> refl; surf2 i j -> refl }
fromToS2 : (x : Susp S1) -> Path (fromS2 (toS2 x)) x
fromToS2 = \case { north -> refl; south -> \i -> merid base i; merid x i -> meridCase i x } where
meridCase : (i : I) (x : S1) -> Path (fromS2 (toS2 (merid x i))) (merid x i)
meridCase i = \case
base -> \k -> merid base (iand i k)
loop j -> \k -> suspSurf i j (inot k)
iso : Iso S2 (Susp S1)
iso = (fromS2, toS2, fromToS2, toFromS2)
data S3 : Type where
base3 : S3
surf3 i j k : S3 [ (i = i0) -> base3, (i = i1) -> base3, (j = i0) -> base3, (j = i1) -> base3, (k = i0) -> base3, (k = i1) -> base3 ]
S3IsSuspS2 : Path S3 (Susp S2)
S3IsSuspS2 = univalence (IsoToEquiv iso) where
toS3 : Susp S2 -> S3
toS3 = \case { north -> base3; south -> base3; merid x i -> sphMerid x i } where
sphMerid = \case
base2 -> \i -> base3
surf2 j k -> \i -> surf3 i j k
suspSurf : I -> I -> I -> I -> Susp S2
suspSurf i j k = hfill {Susp S2} (\l [ (i = i0) -> north
, (i = i1) -> merid base2 (inot l)
, (j = i0) -> merid base2 (iand (inot l) i)
, (j = i1) -> merid base2 (iand (inot l) i)
, (k = i0) -> merid base2 (iand (inot l) i)
, (k = i1) -> merid base2 (iand (inot l) i)
(inS (merid (surf2 j k) i))
fromS3 : S3 -> Susp S2
fromS3 = \case { base3 -> north; surf3 i j k -> suspSurf i j k i1 }
toFromS3 : (x : S3) -> Path (toS3 (fromS3 x)) x
toFromS3 = \case { base3 -> refl; surf3 i j k -> refl }
fromToS3 : (x : Susp S2) -> Path (fromS3 (toS3 x)) x
fromToS3 = \case { north -> refl; south -> \i -> merid base2 i; merid x i -> meridCase i x } where
meridCase : (i : I) (x : S2) -> Path (fromS3 (toS3 (merid x i))) (merid x i)
meridCase i = \case
base2 -> \k -> merid base2 (iand i k)
surf2 j k -> \l -> suspSurf i j k (inot l)
iso : Iso S3 (Susp S2)
iso = (fromS3, toS3, fromToS3, toFromS3)
Eq_s : {A : Pretype} -> A -> A -> Pretype
{-# PRIMITIVE Eq_s #-}
refl_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} -> Eq_s x x
{-# PRIMITIVE refl_s #-}
J_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} (P : (y : A) -> Eq_s x y -> Pretype) -> P x (refl_s {A} {x}) -> {y : A} -> (p : Eq_s x y) -> P y p
{-# PRIMITIVE J_s #-}
ap_s : {A : Pretype} {B : Pretype} (f : A -> B) {x : A} {y : A} -> Eq_s x y -> Eq_s (f x) (f y)
ap_s {A} {B} f {x} {y} = J_s (\y p -> Eq_s (f x) (f y)) refl_s
subst_s : {A : Pretype} (P : A -> Pretype) {x : A} {y : A} -> Eq_s x y -> P x -> P y
subst_s {A} P {x} {z} p px = J_s {A} {x} (\y p -> P x -> P y) id p px
sym_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} {y : A} -> Eq_s x y -> Eq_s y x
sym_s {A} {x} {y} = J_s {A} {x} (\y p -> Eq_s y x) refl_s
K_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} (P : Eq_s x x -> Pretype) -> P (refl_s {A} {x}) -> (p : Eq_s x x) -> P p
{-# PRIMITIVE K_s #-}
UIP : {A : Pretype} {x : A} {y : A} (p : Eq_s x y) (q : Eq_s x y) -> Eq_s p q
UIP {A} {x} {y} p q = J_s (\y p -> (q : Eq_s x y) -> Eq_s p q) (uipRefl A x) p q where
uipRefl : (A : Pretype) (x : A) (p : Eq_s x x) -> Eq_s refl_s p
uipRefl A x p = K_s {A} {x} (\q -> Eq_s refl_s q) refl_s p
strictEq_pathEq : {A : Type} {x : A} {y : A} -> Eq_s x y -> Path x y
strictEq_pathEq {A} {x} {y} eq = J_s {A} {x} (\y p -> Path x y) (\i -> x) {y} eq
seq_pathRefl : {A : Type} {x : A} (p : Eq_s x x) -> Eq_s (strictEq_pathEq p) (refl {A} {x})
seq_pathRefl {A} {x} p = K_s (\p -> Eq_s (strictEq_pathEq {A} {x} {x} p) (refl {A} {x})) refl_s p
Path_nat_strict_nat : (x : Nat) (y : Nat) -> Path x y -> Eq_s x y
Path_nat_strict_nat = \case { zero -> zeroCase; succ x -> succCase x } where
zeroCase : (y : Nat) -> Path zero y -> Eq_s zero y
zeroCase = \case
zero -> \p -> refl_s
succ x -> \p -> absurd (zeroNotSucc p)
succCase : (x : Nat) (y : Nat) -> Path (succ x) y -> Eq_s (succ x) y
succCase x = \case
zero -> \p -> absurd (zeroNotSucc (sym p))
succ y -> \p -> ap_s succ (Path_nat_strict_nat x y (succInj p))
pathToEqS_K : {A : Type} {x : A}
-> (s : {x : A} {y : A} -> Path x y -> Eq_s x y)
-> (P : Path x x -> Type) -> P refl -> (p : Path x x) -> P p
pathToEqS_K {A} {x} p_to_s P pr loop = transp (\i -> P (inv x loop i)) psloop where
psloop : P (strictEq_pathEq (p_to_s loop))
psloop = K_s (\l -> P (strictEq_pathEq {A} {x} {x} l)) pr (p_to_s {x} {x} loop)
inv : (y : A) (l : Path x y) -> Path (strictEq_pathEq (p_to_s l)) l
inv y l = J {A} {x} (\y l -> Path (strictEq_pathEq (p_to_s l)) l) (strictEq_pathEq aux) {y} l where
aux : Eq_s (strictEq_pathEq (p_to_s (\i -> x))) (\i -> x)
aux = seq_pathRefl (p_to_s (\i -> x))
pathToEq_isSet : {A : Type} -> ({x : A} {y : A} -> Path x y -> Eq_s x y) -> isHSet A
pathToEq_isSet {A} p_to_s {x} {y} p q = axK_to_isSet {A} (\{x} -> pathToEqS_K {A} {x} p_to_s) {x} {y} p q where
axK_to_isSet : {A : Type} -> ({x : A} -> (P : Path x x -> Type) -> P refl -> (p : Path x x) -> P p) -> isHSet A
axK_to_isSet K {x} {y} p q = J (\y p -> (q : Path x y) -> Path p q) (uipRefl x) p q where
uipRefl : (x : A) (p : Path x x) -> Path refl p
uipRefl x p = K {x} (\q -> Path refl q) refl p
Nat_isSet : isHSet Nat
Nat_isSet {x} {y} = pathToEq_isSet {Nat} (\{x} {y} -> Path_nat_strict_nat x y) {x} {y}

+ 10
- 11
src/Elab.hs View File

@ -102,11 +102,8 @@ check (P.Lam p v b) ty = do
tm_nf <- eval tm
unify (tm_nf @@ VI0) le
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI0)
unify (tm_nf @@ VI1) ri
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI1)
unify (tm_nf @@ VI0) le `catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint (Bound v 0) le ri VI0)
unify (tm_nf @@ VI1) ri `catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint (Bound v 0) le ri VI1)
pure (wp (PathIntro (quote (fun li)) (quote le) (quote ri) tm))
@ -237,6 +234,8 @@ check (P.LamCase pats) ty =
unify vl rhs
`withNote` vcat [ pretty "These must be the same because of the face"
, indent 2 $ prettyTm (quote formula) <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm (quote (zonk side))
, pretty "which evaluates into"
, indent 2 $ prettyTm (quote formula) <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyVl rhs
`withNote` (pretty "Mandated by the constructor" <+> prettyTm (quote pat_nf))
_ -> pure ()
@ -501,13 +500,13 @@ checkStatement (P.ReplNf e) k = do
(e, _) <- infer e
e_nf <- eval e
h <- asks commHook
liftIO (h e_nf)
liftIO (h (prettyVl e_nf))
checkStatement (P.ReplTy e) k = do
(_, ty) <- infer e
(t, ty) <- infer e
h <- asks commHook
liftIO (h ty)
liftIO (h (prettyTm t <+> colon <+> align (prettyVl ty)))
checkStatement (P.Data name tele retk constrs) k =
@ -579,7 +578,7 @@ checkStatement (P.Data name tele retk constrs) k =
system <- eval $ foldr (\x -> Lam P.Ex x) (System (Map.fromList (map snd faces))) (map (\(x, _, _) -> x) n' ++ map (\(x, _, _) -> x) args ++ indices)
unify (foldr ior VI0 (map fst faces)) (totalProp indices)
unify (foldl ior VI0 (map fst faces)) (totalProp indices)
`withNote` pretty "The formula determining the endpoints of a higher constructor must be a classical tautology"
pure (ConName name 0 (length n') (length args + length indices), closed_nf, makePCon closed_nf mempty n' args indices system, Boundary indices system)
@ -600,7 +599,7 @@ checkStatement (P.Data name tele retk constrs) k =
makePCon cty sp [] ((nm, p, _):ys) zs sys con = VLam p $ Closure nm \a -> makePCon cty (sp Seq.:|> PApp p a) [] ys zs (sys @@ a) con
makePCon cty sp [] [] (nm:zs) sys con = VLam P.Ex $ Closure nm \a -> makePCon cty (sp Seq.:|> PApp P.Ex a) [] [] zs (sys @@ a) con
totalProp (x:xs) = ior (inot (VVar x)) (VVar x) `ior` totalProp xs
totalProp (x:xs) = ior (VVar x) (inot (VVar x) `ior` totalProp xs)
totalProp [] = VI0
@ -611,7 +610,7 @@ checkProgram (st:sts) k = checkStatement st $ checkProgram sts k
newtype Redefinition = Redefinition { getRedefName :: Name }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
data WhenCheckingEndpoint = WhenCheckingEndpoint { leftEndp :: Value, rightEndp :: Value, whichIsWrong :: NFEndp, exc :: SomeException }
data WhenCheckingEndpoint = WhenCheckingEndpoint { direction :: Name, leftEndp :: Value, rightEndp :: Value, whichIsWrong :: NFEndp, exc :: SomeException }
deriving (Show, Typeable, Exception)
data UnsaturatedCon = UnsaturatedCon { theConstr :: Name }

+ 62
- 28
src/Elab/Eval.hs View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Prettyprinter
import Syntax.Pretty
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import {-# SOURCE #-} Elab.WiredIn
@ -93,13 +93,19 @@ zonkIO (VGlueTy a phi ty e) = glueType <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO phi <*> zonkIO
zonkIO (VGlue a phi ty e t x) = glueElem <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO phi <*> zonkIO ty <*> zonkIO e <*> zonkIO t <*> zonkIO x
zonkIO (VUnglue a phi ty e x) = unglue <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO phi <*> zonkIO ty <*> zonkIO e <*> zonkIO x
zonkIO (VCase env t x xs) = do
env' <- emptyEnv
evalCase env'{getEnv = env} . (@@) <$> zonkIO t <*> zonkIO x <*> pure xs
env' <- (\x -> x {getEnv = env}) <$> emptyEnv
let xs' = map (\(a, i, n) -> (a, i, quote (eval' env' n))) xs
evalCase env' . (@@) <$> zonkIO t <*> zonkIO x <*> pure xs'
zonkIO (VEqStrict a x y) = VEqStrict <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
zonkIO (VReflStrict a x) = VReflStrict <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x
zonkSp :: Projection -> IO Projection
zonkSp (PApp p x) = PApp p <$> zonkIO x
zonkSp (PIElim l x y i) = PIElim <$> zonkIO l <*> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y <*> zonkIO i
zonkSp (POuc a phi u) = POuc <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO phi <*> zonkIO u
zonkSp (PK a x p pr) = PK <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO p <*> zonkIO pr
zonkSp (PJ a x p pr y) = PJ <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO p <*> zonkIO pr <*> zonkIO y
zonkSp PProj1 = pure PProj1
zonkSp PProj2 = pure PProj2
@ -122,7 +128,6 @@ eval' env (PCon sys x) =
Just (ty, _) -> VNe (HPCon (eval' env sys) ty x) mempty
Nothing -> error $ "constructor " ++ show x ++ " has no type in scope"
eval' _ (Data n x) = VNe (HData n x) mempty
eval' env (App p f x) = vApp p (eval' env f) (eval' env x)
@ -164,7 +169,7 @@ eval' _ ItIsOne = VItIsOne
eval' e (Partial x y) = VPartial (eval' e x) (eval' e y)
eval' e (PartialP x y) = VPartialP (eval' e x) (eval' e y)
eval' e (System fs) = VSystem (Map.fromList $ map (\(x, y) -> (eval' e x, eval' e y)) $ Map.toList $ fs)
eval' e (System fs) = mkVSystem (Map.fromList $ map (\(x, y) -> (eval' e x, eval' e y)) $ Map.toList $ fs)
eval' e (Sub a phi u) = VSub (eval' e a) (eval' e phi) (eval' e u)
eval' e (Inc a phi u) = VInc (eval' e a) (eval' e phi) (eval' e u)
@ -186,6 +191,11 @@ eval' e (Let ns x) =
eval' e (Case range sc xs) = evalCase e (eval' e range @@) (force (eval' e sc)) xs
eval' e (EqS a x y) = VEqStrict (eval' e a) (eval' e x) (eval' e y)
eval' e (Syntax.Refl a x) = VReflStrict (eval' e a) (eval' e x)
eval' e (Syntax.AxK a x p pr eq) = strictK (eval' e a) (eval' e x) (eval' e p) (eval' e pr) (eval' e eq)
eval' e (Syntax.AxJ a x p pr y eq) = strictJ (eval' e a) (eval' e x) (eval' e p) (eval' e pr) (eval' e y) (eval' e eq)
evalCase :: ElabEnv -> (Value -> Value) -> Value -> [(Term, Int, Term)] -> Value
evalCase _ _ sc [] = error $ "unmatched pattern for value: " ++ show (prettyTm (quote sc))
@ -225,11 +235,23 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go (VNe (HMeta mv) sp) rhs = solveMeta mv sp rhs
go rhs (VNe (HMeta mv) sp) = solveMeta mv sp rhs
go (VNe (HPCon s _ _) _) rhs
| VSystem _ <- s = go (force s) rhs
go (VNe (HPCon s _ _) _) rhs = go (force s) rhs
go lhs (VNe (HPCon s _ _) _) = go lhs (force s)
go (VCase e _ a b) (VCase e' _ a' b') = do
env <- ask
unify' a a'
let go (_, _, a) (_, _, b) = unify' (eval' env{getEnv=e} a) (eval' env{getEnv=e'} b)
zipWithM_ go (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b) (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b')
go lhs (VNe (HPCon s _ _) _)
| VSystem _ <- s = go lhs (force s)
go (VCase e _ _ b) y = do
env <- ask
go (_, n, a') = do
ns <- replicateM n (VVar <$> newName)
let a = foldl (vApp Ex) (eval' env{getEnv=e} a') ns
unify' a y
traverse_ go b
go (VNe x a) (VNe x' a')
| x == x', length a == length a' =
@ -301,10 +323,8 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go (VSystem sys) rhs = goSystem unify' sys rhs
go rhs (VSystem sys) = goSystem (flip unify') sys rhs
go (VCase _ _ a b) (VCase _ _ a' b') = do
unify' a a'
let go (_, _, a) (_, _, b) = join $ unify' <$> eval a <*> eval b
zipWithM_ go (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b) (sortOn (\(x, _, _) -> x) b')
go (VEqStrict a x y) (VEqStrict a' x' y') = traverse_ (uncurry unify') [(a, a'), (x, x'), (y, y')]
go (VReflStrict a x) (VReflStrict a' x') = traverse_ (uncurry unify') [(a, a'), (x, x')]
go x y
| x == y = pure ()
@ -334,6 +354,12 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
unify'Spine (POuc a phi u) (POuc a' phi' u') =
traverse_ (uncurry unify') [(a, a'), (phi, phi'), (u, u')]
unify'Spine (PK a x p pr) (PK a' x' p' pr') =
traverse_ (uncurry unify') [(a, a'), (x, x'), (p, p'), (pr, pr')]
unify'Spine (PJ a x p pr y) (PJ a' x' p' pr' y') =
traverse_ (uncurry unify') [(a, a'), (x, x'), (p, p'), (pr, pr'), (y, y')]
unify'Spine _ _ = fail
unify'Formula x y
@ -429,6 +455,8 @@ checkScope scope (VNe h sp) =
checkProj (PApp _ t) = checkScope scope t
checkProj (PIElim l x y i) = traverse_ (checkScope scope) [l, x, y, i]
checkProj (PK l x y i) = traverse_ (checkScope scope) [l, x, y, i]
checkProj (PJ l x y i j) = traverse_ (checkScope scope) [l, x, y, i, j]
checkProj (POuc a phi u) = traverse_ (checkScope scope) [a, phi, u]
checkProj PProj1 = pure ()
checkProj PProj2 = pure ()
@ -481,6 +509,9 @@ checkScope s (VUnglue a phi ty eq vl) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [a, phi, ty, eq
checkScope s (VCase _ _ v _) = checkScope s v
checkScope s (VEqStrict a x y) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [a, x, y]
checkScope s (VReflStrict a x) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [a, x]
checkSpine :: Set Name -> Seq Projection -> ElabM [Name]
checkSpine scope (PApp Ex (VVar n@Bound{}) Seq.:<| xs)
| n `Set.member` scope = throwElab $ NonLinearSpine n
@ -549,6 +580,8 @@ substituteIO sub = substituteIO . force where
substituteIO (VGlue a phi ty e t x) = glueElem <$> substituteIO a <*> substituteIO phi <*> substituteIO ty <*> substituteIO e <*> substituteIO t <*> substituteIO x
substituteIO (VUnglue a phi ty e x) = unglue <$> substituteIO a <*> substituteIO phi <*> substituteIO ty <*> substituteIO e <*> substituteIO x
substituteIO (VCase env t x xs) = VCase env <$> substituteIO t <*> substituteIO x <*> pure xs
substituteIO (VEqStrict a x y) = VEqStrict <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
substituteIO (VReflStrict a x) = VReflStrict <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO x
substitute :: Map Name Value -> Value -> Value
substitute sub = unsafePerformIO . substituteIO sub
@ -556,16 +589,23 @@ substitute sub = unsafePerformIO . substituteIO sub
substituteSp :: Map Name Value -> Projection -> IO Projection
substituteSp sub (PApp p x) = PApp p <$> substituteIO sub x
substituteSp sub (PIElim l x y i) = PIElim <$> substituteIO sub l <*> substituteIO sub x <*> substituteIO sub y <*> substituteIO sub i
substituteSp sub (PK l x y i) = PK <$> substituteIO sub l <*> substituteIO sub x <*> substituteIO sub y <*> substituteIO sub i
substituteSp sub (PJ l x y i j) = PJ <$> substituteIO sub l <*> substituteIO sub x <*> substituteIO sub y <*> substituteIO sub i <*> substituteIO sub j
substituteSp sub (POuc a phi u) = POuc <$> substituteIO sub a <*> substituteIO sub phi <*> substituteIO sub u
substituteSp _ PProj1 = pure PProj1
substituteSp _ PProj2 = pure PProj2
mkVSystem :: Map.Map Value Value -> Value
mkVSystem vals =
let map' = Map.fromList (map (\(a, b) -> (force a, b)) (Map.toList vals)) in
case Map.lookup VI1 map' of
let map' = Map.fromList (Map.toList vals >>= go)
go (x, y) =
case (force x, y) of
(VI0, _) -> []
(VIOr _ _, VSystem y) -> Map.toList y >>= go
(a, b) -> [(a, b)]
in case Map.lookup VI1 map' of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> VSystem (Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k /= VI0) map')
Nothing -> VSystem map'
forceIO :: MonadIO m => Value -> m Value
forceIO mv@(VNe (HMeta (mvCell -> cell)) args) = do
@ -579,6 +619,7 @@ forceIO vl@(VSystem fs) =
Nothing -> pure vl
forceIO (GluedVl _ _ vl) = forceIO vl
forceIO (VComp line phi u a0) = comp <$> forceIO line <*> forceIO phi <*> pure u <*> pure a0
forceIO (VHComp line phi u a0) = hComp <$> forceIO line <*> forceIO phi <*> pure u <*> pure a0
forceIO (VCase env rng v vs) = do
env' <- liftIO emptyEnv
r <- forceIO rng
@ -592,17 +633,17 @@ applProj :: HasCallStack => Value -> Projection -> Value
applProj fun (PApp p arg) = vApp p fun arg
applProj fun (PIElim l x y i) = ielim l x y fun i
applProj fun (POuc a phi u) = outS a phi u fun
applProj fun (PK a x p pr) = strictK a x p pr fun
applProj fun (PJ a x p pr y) = strictJ a x p pr y fun
applProj fun PProj1 = vProj1 fun
applProj fun PProj2 = vProj2 fun
vApp :: HasCallStack => Plicity -> Value -> Value -> Value
vApp p (VLam p' k) arg
| p == p' = clCont k arg
| otherwise = error $ "wrong plicity " ++ show p ++ " vs " ++ show p' ++ " in app " ++ show (App p (quote (VLam p' k)) (quote arg))
vApp p (VNe h sp) arg = VNe h (sp Seq.:|> PApp p arg)
| p == p' = clCont k arg
vApp p (VNe h sp) arg = VNe h (sp Seq.:|> PApp p arg)
vApp p (GluedVl h sp vl) arg = GluedVl h (sp Seq.:|> PApp p arg) (vApp p vl arg)
vApp p (VSystem fs) arg = VSystem (fmap (flip (vApp p) arg) fs)
vApp p (VInc (VPi _ _ (Closure _ r)) phi f) arg = VInc (r (vApp p f arg)) phi (vApp p f arg)
vApp p (VSystem fs) arg = mkVSystem (fmap (flip (vApp p) arg) fs)
vApp p (VCase env rng sc branches) arg =
VCase env (fun \x -> let VPi _ _ (Closure _ r) = rng @@ x in r arg) sc
(map (projIntoCase (flip (App p) (quote arg))) branches)
@ -631,10 +672,3 @@ vProj2 (VInc (VSigma _ (Closure _ r)) b c) = VInc (r (vProj1 c)) b (vProj2 c)
vProj2 (VCase env rng sc branches) =
VCase env rng sc (map (projIntoCase Proj2) branches)
vProj2 x = error $ "can't proj2 " ++ show (prettyTm (quote x))
projIntoCase :: (Term -> Term) -> (Term, Int, Term) -> (Term, Int, Term)
projIntoCase fun (pat, nLams, term) = (pat, nLams, go nLams term) where
go 0 x = fun x
go n (Lam p x r) = Lam p x (go (n - 1) r)
go n (PathIntro l a b r) = PathIntro l a b (go (n - 1) r)
go _ x = x

+ 24
- 9
src/Elab/Eval/Formula.hs View File

@ -7,17 +7,32 @@ import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Syntax
import {-# SOURCE #-} Elab.WiredIn (inot, ior, iand)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
toDnf :: Value -> Maybe Value
toDnf (VNe _ _) = Nothing
toDnf x = toDnf x where
toDnf (VIAnd x y) = idist <$> toDnf (inot x) <*> toDnf (inot y)
toDnf (VIOr x y) = ior <$> toDnf x <*> toDnf y
toDnf (VINot x) = inot <$> toDnf x
toDnf VI0 = pure VI0
toDnf VI1 = pure VI1
toDnf v@(VNe _ Seq.Empty) = pure v
toDnf _ = Nothing
toDnf = fmap (dnf2Val . normalise) . val2Dnf where
val2Dnf (VNe _ _) = Nothing
val2Dnf x = toDnf x where
toDnf (VIAnd x y) = idist <$> toDnf (inot x) <*> toDnf (inot y)
toDnf (VIOr x y) = ior <$> toDnf x <*> toDnf y
toDnf (VINot x) = inot <$> toDnf x
toDnf VI0 = pure VI0
toDnf VI1 = pure VI1
toDnf v@(VNe _ Seq.Empty) = pure v
toDnf _ = Nothing
dnf2Val xs = Set.foldl ior VI0 ( (Set.foldl iand VI1) xs)
type Nf = Set (Set Value)
normalise :: Value -> Nf
normalise = normaliseOr where
normaliseOr (VIOr x y) = Set.singleton (normaliseAnd x) <> normaliseOr y
normaliseOr x = Set.singleton (normaliseAnd x)
normaliseAnd (VIAnd x y) = Set.insert x (normaliseAnd y)
normaliseAnd x = Set.singleton x
compareDNFs :: Value -> Value -> Bool
compareDNFs (VIOr x y) (VIOr x' y') =

+ 23
- 4
src/Elab/Monad.hs View File

@ -26,17 +26,19 @@ data ElabEnv =
, nameMap :: Map Text Name
, pingPong :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, commHook :: Value -> IO ()
, commHook :: Doc AnsiStyle -> IO ()
, currentSpan :: Maybe (P.Posn, P.Posn)
, currentFile :: Maybe Text
, whereBound :: Map Name (P.Posn, P.Posn)
, whereBound :: Map Name (P.Posn, P.Posn)
, definedNames :: Set Name
, boundaries :: Map Name Boundary
, boundaries :: Map Name Boundary
, unsolvedMetas :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (Map MV [(Seq Projection, Value)]))
, loadedFiles :: [String]
newtype ElabM a = ElabM { runElab :: ElabEnv -> IO a }
@ -44,7 +46,24 @@ newtype ElabM a = ElabM { runElab :: ElabEnv -> IO a }
via ReaderT ElabEnv IO
emptyEnv :: IO ElabEnv
emptyEnv = ElabEnv mempty mempty 0 (const (pure ())) Nothing Nothing mempty mempty mempty <$> newIORef mempty
emptyEnv = do
u <- newIORef mempty
pure $ ElabEnv { getEnv = mempty
, nameMap = mempty
, pingPong = 0
, commHook = const (pure ())
, currentSpan = Nothing
, currentFile = Nothing
, whereBound = mempty
, definedNames = mempty
, boundaries = mempty
, unsolvedMetas = u
, loadedFiles = []
addBoundary :: Name -> Boundary -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
addBoundary nm boundary = local (\e -> e { boundaries = Map.insert nm boundary (boundaries e)} )

+ 77
- 35
src/Elab/WiredIn.hs View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import qualified Presyntax.Presyntax as P
import Syntax.Pretty (prettyTm)
import Syntax.Pretty (prettyTm, prettyVl)
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ wiType WiGlueElem = forAll' "A" VType \a -> forAll' "phi" VI \phi -> forAll' "T"
-- {A : Type} {phi : I} {T : Partial phi Type} {e : PartialP phi (\o -> Equiv (T o) A)} -> Glue A phi T e -> A
wiType WiUnglue = forAll' "A" VType \a -> forAll' "phi" VI \phi -> forAll' "T" (VPartial phi VType) \ty -> forAll' "e" (VPartialP phi (fun \o -> equiv (ty @@ o) a)) \e -> VGlueTy a phi ty e ~> a
wiType WiSEq = forAll' "A" VTypeω \a -> a ~> a ~> VTypeω
wiType WiSRefl = forAll' "A" VTypeω \a -> forAll' "x" a \x -> VEqStrict a x x
wiType WiSK = forAll' "A" VTypeω \a -> forAll' "x" a \x -> dprod' "P" (VEqStrict a x x ~> VTypeω) \bigp -> (bigp @@ VReflStrict a x) ~> dprod' "p" (VEqStrict a x x) \p -> bigp @@ p
wiType WiSJ = forAll' "A" VTypeω \a -> forAll' "x" a \x -> dprod' "P" (dprod' "y" a \y -> VEqStrict a x y ~> VTypeω) \bigp -> bigp @@ x @@ VReflStrict a x ~> forAll' "y" a \y -> dprod' "p" (VEqStrict a x y) \p -> bigp @@ y @@ p
wiValue :: WiredIn -> Value
wiValue WiType = VType
wiValue WiPretype = VTypeω
@ -85,6 +90,11 @@ wiValue WiGlue = fun \a -> forallI \phi -> fun \t -> fun \e -> glueType a ph
wiValue WiGlueElem = forallI \a -> forallI \phi -> forallI \ty -> forallI \eqv -> fun \x -> fun \y -> glueElem a phi ty eqv x y
wiValue WiUnglue = forallI \a -> forallI \phi -> forallI \ty -> forallI \eqv -> fun \x -> unglue a phi ty eqv x
wiValue WiSEq = forallI \a -> fun \x -> fun \y -> VEqStrict a x y
wiValue WiSRefl = forallI \a -> forallI \x -> VReflStrict a x
wiValue WiSK = forallI \a -> forallI \x -> fun \bigp -> fun \pr -> fun \p -> strictK a x bigp pr p
wiValue WiSJ = forallI \a -> forallI \x -> fun \bigp -> fun \pr -> forallI \y -> fun \p -> strictJ a x bigp pr y p
(~>) :: Value -> Value -> Value
a ~> b = VPi P.Ex a (Closure (Bound "_" 0) (const b))
infixr 7 ~>
@ -143,6 +153,11 @@ wiredInNames = Map.fromList
, ("Glue", WiGlue)
, ("glue", WiGlueElem)
, ("unglue", WiUnglue)
, ("Eq_s", WiSEq)
, ("refl_s", WiSRefl)
, ("K_s", WiSK)
, ("J_s", WiSJ)
newtype NoSuchPrimitive = NoSuchPrimitive { getUnknownPrim :: Text }
@ -199,7 +214,9 @@ ielim line left right fn i =
VNe n sp -> VNe n (sp Seq.:|> PIElim line left right i)
VSystem map -> VSystem (fmap (flip (ielim line left right) i) map)
VInc (VPath _ _ _) _ u -> ielim line left right u i
VCase env r x xs -> VCase env r x (fmap (fmap (flip (IElim (quote line) (quote left) (quote right)) (quote i))) xs)
_ -> error $ "can't ielim " ++ show (prettyTm (quote fn))
outS :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
@ -210,7 +227,7 @@ outS _ VI0 _ x = x
outS a phi u (GluedVl x sp vl) = GluedVl x (sp Seq.:|> POuc a phi u) (outS a phi u vl)
outS a phi u (VNe x sp) = VNe x (sp Seq.:|> POuc a phi u)
outS a phi u (VSystem fs) = VSystem (fmap (outS a phi u) fs)
outS a phi u (VSystem fs) = mkVSystem (fmap (outS a phi u) fs)
outS _ _ _ v = error $ "can't outS " ++ show (prettyTm (quote v))
-- Composition
@ -237,7 +254,6 @@ comp a psi@phi u incA0@(compOutS (a @@ VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) -> a0) =
rng i = let VSigma _ (Closure _ r) = force (a @@ i) in r
w i = fill (fun dom) phi (system \i isone -> vProj1 (u @@ i @@ isone)) (VInc (dom VI0) phi (vProj1 a0)) i
-- c1 = comp (fun dom) phi (system \i isone -> vProj1 (u @@ i @@ isone)) (VInc (dom VI0) phi (vProj1 a0))
c2 = comp (fun \x -> rng x (w x)) phi (system \i isone -> vProj2 (u @@ i @@ isone)) (VInc (rng VI0 (w VI0)) phi (vProj2 a0))
VPair (w VI1) c2
@ -332,11 +348,12 @@ compHIT :: HasCallStack => Name -> Int -> (NFEndp -> NFSort) -> NFEndp -> Value
compHIT name n a phi u a0 =
case force phi of
VI1 -> u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne
VI0 -> transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI0) phi u a0)
VI0 | n == 0 -> compOutS (a VI0) phi u a0
| otherwise -> transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI0) phi u a0)
x -> go n a x u a0
go 0 a phi u a0 = VHComp (a VI0) phi u a0
go _ a phi u a0 = VHComp (a VI1) phi (system \i n -> squeezeHit name a VI0 (\i -> u @@ i @@ n) i) (transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) a0))
go _ a phi u a0 = VHComp (a VI1) phi (system \i n -> transSqueeze name a VI0 (\i -> u @@ i @@ n) i) (transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) a0))
compConArgs :: (Name -> Int -> Value -> t1 -> t2 -> Value -> Value)
-> Int
@ -370,21 +387,22 @@ makeSetFiller typeArgument nth (VNe (HData _ n') args) phi u a0
makeSetFiller _ _ _ _ _ a0 = fun (const a0)
nthArg :: Int -> Value -> Value
nthArg i (VNe hd s) =
nthArg i (force -> VNe hd s) =
case s Seq.!? i of
Just (PApp _ t) -> t
_ -> error $ "invalid " ++ show i ++ "th argument to data type " ++ show hd
nthArg i (VSystem vs) = VSystem (fmap (nthArg i) vs)
nthArg i (force -> VSystem vs) = VSystem (fmap (nthArg i) vs)
nthArg i xs = error $ "can't get " ++ show i ++ "th argument of " ++ show (prettyTm (quote xs))
compOutS :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
compOutS a b c d = compOutS a b c (force d) where
compOutS _ _hi _0 vl@VComp{} = vl
compOutS _ _hi _0 vl@VComp{} = error $ "unwrapped composition given as input to composition operation is fuckign illegal " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk vl)))
compOutS _ _hi _0 vl@VHComp{} = error $ "unwrapped composition (gay) given as input to composition operation is fuckign illegal " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk vl)))
compOutS _ _hi _0 (VInc _ _ x) = x
compOutS a phi a0 v = outS a phi a0 v
system :: (Value -> Value -> Value) -> Value
system k = VLam P.Ex $ Closure (Bound "i" 0) \i -> VLam P.Ex $ Closure (Bound "phi" 0) \isone -> k i isone
system k = VLam P.Ex $ Closure (Bound "i" 0) \i -> VLam P.Ex $ Closure (Bound "[i]" 0) \isone -> k i isone
fill :: HasCallStack => NFLine -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value
fill a phi u a0 j =
@ -471,34 +489,35 @@ gtrans :: (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value
gtrans line phi a0 = comp (fun line) phi (system \_ _ -> mkVSystem (Map.singleton phi a0)) (VInc (line VI0) VI0 a0)
transHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value
transHit name line phi (VHComp _ psi u u0) = VHComp (line VI1) psi (system \i j -> transHit name line phi (u @@ i @@ j)) (transHit name line phi u0)
transHit name line phi (VNe (HCon con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HCon con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VNe (HPCon sys con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HPCon (mapVSystem rec sys) con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
rec = transHit name line phi
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VSystem xs) = mkVSystem (fmap (transHit name line phi) xs)
transHit _ line phi a0 = gtrans line phi a0
fillHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value
fillHit name a phi a0 i = transHit name (\j -> a (iand i j)) (phi `ior` inot i) a0 where
squeezeHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value
squeezeHit name a phi x i = transHit name (\j -> a (ior i j)) (phi `ior` i) (x i)
transHit name line phi x = transHit name line phi (force x) where
transHit name line phi (VHComp _ psi u u0) = VHComp (line VI1) psi (system \i j -> transHit name line phi (u @@ i @@ j)) (transHit name line phi (compOutS (line VI0) phi u u0))
transHit name line phi (VNe (HCon con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HCon con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VNe (HPCon sys con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HPCon (mapVSystem rec sys) con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
rec = transHit name line phi
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VSystem xs) = mkVSystem (fmap (transHit name line phi) xs)
transHit _ line phi a0 = gtrans line phi a0
transFill :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value
transFill name a phi a0 i = transHit name (\j -> a (iand i j)) (phi `ior` inot i) a0 where
transSqueeze :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value
transSqueeze name a phi x i = transHit name (\j -> a (ior i j)) (phi `ior` i) (x i)
makeTransFiller :: Name -> Name -> p -> Value -> NFEndp -> () -> Value -> Value
makeTransFiller thedata typeArgument _ (VNe (HData _ n') args) phi () a0
| n' == typeArgument = fun (fillHit thedata (makeDomain args) phi a0)
| n' == typeArgument = fun (transFill thedata (makeDomain args) phi a0)
makeDomain (PApp _ x Seq.:<| xs) = \i -> foldl (\t (~(PApp _ x)) -> t @@ (x @@ i)) (x @@ i) xs
makeDomain _ = error "somebody smuggled something that smells"
@ -544,4 +563,27 @@ idEquiv a = VPair idfun idisequiv where
VLine (fun (const a)) y (vProj1 u) $ fun \j ->
ielim (fun (const a)) y y (vProj2 u) (iand i j)
id_fiber y = VPair y (VLine a y y (fun (const y)))
id_fiber y = VPair y (VLine a y y (fun (const y)))
strictK :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
strictK _ _ _ pr (VReflStrict _ _) = pr
strictK a x bigp pr (VNe h sp) = VNe h (sp Seq.:|> PK a x bigp pr)
strictK a x bigp pr (VCase env rng sc cases) = VCase env rng sc (map (projIntoCase func) cases) where
func = AxK (quote a) (quote x) (quote bigp) (quote pr)
strictK a x bigp pr (GluedVl h sp vl) = GluedVl h (sp Seq.:|> PK a x bigp pr) (strictK a x bigp pr vl)
strictK _ _ _ _r eq = error $ "can't K " ++ show (prettyVl eq)
strictJ :: Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
strictJ _a _x _bigp pr _ (VReflStrict _ _) = pr
strictJ a x bigp pr y (VNe h sp) = VNe h (sp Seq.:|> PJ a x bigp pr y)
strictJ a x bigp pr y (VCase env rng sc cases) = VCase env rng sc (map (projIntoCase func) cases) where
func = AxJ (quote a) (quote x) (quote bigp) (quote pr) (quote y)
strictJ a x bigp pr y (GluedVl h sp vl) = GluedVl h (sp Seq.:|> PJ a x bigp pr y) (strictJ a x bigp pr y vl)
strictJ _ _ _ _r _ eq = error $ "can't J " ++ show eq
projIntoCase :: (Term -> Term) -> (Term, Int, Term) -> (Term, Int, Term)
projIntoCase fun (pat, nLams, term) = (pat, nLams, go nLams term) where
go 0 x = fun x
go n (Lam p x r) = Lam p x (go (n - 1) r)
go n (PathIntro l a b r) = PathIntro l a b (go (n - 1) r)
go _ x = x

+ 6
- 1
src/Elab/WiredIn.hs-boot View File

@ -21,4 +21,9 @@ glueElem :: NFSort -> NFEndp -> NFPartial -> NFPartial -> NFPartial -> Value ->
unglue :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> NFPartial -> NFPartial -> Value -> Value
fun :: (Value -> Value) -> Value
system :: (Value -> Value -> Value) -> Value
system :: (Value -> Value -> Value) -> Value
strictK :: NFSort -> Value -> NFSort -> Value -> Value -> Value
strictJ :: NFSort -> Value -> NFSort -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
projIntoCase :: (Term -> Term) -> (Term, Int, Term) -> (Term, Int, Term)

+ 78
- 34
src/Main.hs View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ main = do
Check files verbose -> do
env <- checkFiles files
when verbose $ dumpEnv env
Repl -> enterReplIn =<< checkFiles ["./"]
Repl -> enterReplIn =<< emptyEnv
evalArgExpr :: ElabEnv -> String -> IO ()
evalArgExpr env str =
@ -71,30 +72,59 @@ evalArgExpr env str =
inp = T.pack str
enterReplIn :: ElabEnv -> IO ()
enterReplIn env = runInputT defaultSettings (loop env') where
env' = env { commHook = T.putStrLn . render . prettyTm . quote . zonk }
enterReplIn env =
let env' = mkrepl env
envref <- newIORef env'
runInputT (setComplete (complete envref) defaultSettings) (loop env' envref)
mkrepl env = env { commHook = T.putStrLn . render }
loop :: ElabEnv -> InputT IO ()
loop env = do
inp <- fmap T.pack <$> getInputLine "% "
case inp of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just inp ->
case runAlex (Bsl.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 inp)) parseRepl of
Left e -> do
liftIO $ print e
loop env
Right st -> do
env <- liftIO $
runElab (checkStatement st ask) env
`catch` \e -> do
displayExceptions' inp (e :: SomeException)
pure env
loop env
complete :: IORef ElabEnv -> (String, String) -> IO (String, [Completion])
complete c = completeWord Nothing " \n\t\r" go where
go w = do
env <- readIORef c
w' = T.pack w
words = Set.toList $ Set.filter ((w' `T.isPrefixOf`) . getNameText) (definedNames env)
pure (map (simpleCompletion . T.unpack . getNameText) words)
loop :: ElabEnv -> IORef ElabEnv -> InputT IO ()
loop env envvar = do
inp <- fmap T.pack <$> getInputLine "% "
case inp of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just inp | ":r" `T.isPrefixOf` inp -> reload env envvar
Just inp ->
case runAlex (Bsl.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 inp)) parseRepl of
Left e -> do
liftIO $ print e
loop env envvar
Right st -> do
env <- liftIO $
runElab (checkStatement st ask) env
`catch` \e -> do
displayExceptions' inp (e :: SomeException)
pure env
liftIO $ writeIORef envvar env
loop env envvar
reload :: ElabEnv -> IORef ElabEnv -> InputT IO ()
reload ElabEnv{loadedFiles} envref = do
newe <- liftIO $ mkrepl <$> checkFiles (reverse loadedFiles)
liftIO $ writeIORef envref newe
loop newe envref
checkFiles :: [String] -> IO ElabEnv
checkFiles files = runElab (go files ask) =<< emptyEnv where
go [] k = do
checkFiles files = runElab (go 1 files ask) =<< emptyEnv where
size = length files
sl = length (show size)
pad s
| length s < sl = replicate (sl - length s) ' ' ++ s
| otherwise = s
go _ [] k = do
env <- ask
for_ (Map.toList (nameMap env)) \case
(_, v@Defined{})
@ -108,28 +138,35 @@ checkFiles files = runElab (go files ask) =<< emptyEnv where
metas <- liftIO $ readIORef (unsolvedMetas env)
unless (Map.null metas) $ do
liftIO $ reportUnsolved metas
go (x:xs) k = do
go n (x:xs) k = do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "[" ++ pad (show n) ++ "/" ++ show size ++ "] Loading " ++ x
code <- liftIO $ Bsl.readFile x
case runAlex (code <> Bsl.singleton 10) parseProg of
Left e -> liftIO $ print e *> error (show e)
Right prog ->
local (\e -> e { currentFile = Just (T.pack x) }) (checkProgram prog (go xs k))
local (\e -> e { currentFile = Just (T.pack x), loadedFiles = x:loadedFiles e }) (checkProgram prog (go (n + 1 :: Int) xs k))
`catchElab` \e -> liftIO $ displayAndDie (T.decodeUtf8 (Bsl.toStrict code)) (e :: SomeException)
dumpEnv :: ElabEnv -> IO ()
dumpEnv env = for_ (Map.toList (nameMap env)) $ \(_, name) ->
let nft = fst $ getEnv env Map.! name in
T.putStrLn $ render (pretty name <+> align (nest (negate 1) (colon <+> prettyTm (quote (zonk nft)))))
T.putStrLn $ render (pretty name <+> nest (negate 1) (colon <+> align (prettyTm (quote (zonk nft)))))
parser :: ParserInfo Opts
parser = info (subparser (load <> check) <|> pure Repl <**> helper) (header "cubical - a cubical programming language")
parser = info (subparser (load <> check <> repl) <|> pure Repl <**> helper) (header "cubical - a cubical programming language")
load = command "load" $
info ((Load <$> (some (argument str (metavar "file...")))
<*> (many (strOption (long "eval" <> short 'e' <> help "Also evaluate this expression"))))
<**> helper) (progDesc "Check and load a list of files in the REPL")
repl = command "load" $
info ((Load <$> (many (argument str (metavar "file...")))
<*> (many (strOption (long "eval" <> short 'e' <> help "Also evaluate this expression"))))
<**> helper) (progDesc "Enter the REPL, optionally with loaded files")
check = command "check" $
info ((Check <$> some (argument str (metavar "file..."))
<*> switch ( long "verbose"
@ -160,23 +197,25 @@ displayExceptions lines =
, Handler \(AttachedNote n e) -> do
displayExceptions' lines e
T.putStrLn $ "\x1b[1;32mnote\x1b[0m: " <> render n
, Handler \(WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri ep e) -> do
, Handler \(WhenCheckingEndpoint dir le ri ep e) -> do
displayExceptions' lines e
endp = case ep of
VI0 -> T.pack "left"
VI1 -> T.pack "right"
_ -> T.pack $ show (prettyTm (quote ep))
left = render (prettyTm (quote le))
right = render (prettyTm (quote ri))
T.putStrLn . T.unlines $
[ "\x1b[1;32mnote\x1b[0m: This path was expected to fill the diagram"
, "\t " <> render (prettyTm (quote le)) <> " " <> T.replicate 7 (T.singleton '\x2500') <> " " <> render (prettyTm (quote ri))
, "\x1b[1;32mnote\x1b[0m: the " <> endp <> " endpoint is incorrect"
[ "\n\x1b[1;32mnote\x1b[0m: This path was expected to fill the diagram <<"
, "\t " <> redact left <> " " <> T.replicate 7 (T.singleton '\x2500') <> " " <> redact right
, " >> in the direction " <> render (pretty dir) <> ", but the " <> endp <> " endpoint is incorrect"
, Handler \(NotEqual ta tb) -> do
putStrLn . unlines $
T.putStrLn . render . vsep $
[ "\x1b[1;31merror\x1b[0m: Mismatch between actual and expected types:"
, " * \x1b[1mActual\x1b[0m: " ++ showValue (zonk ta)
, " * \x1b[1mExpected\x1b[0m: " ++ showValue (zonk tb)
, indent 2 $ "* \x1b[1mActual\x1b[0m:" <> softline <> align (prettyVl (zonk ta))
, indent 2 $ "* \x1b[1mExpected\x1b[0m:" <> softline <> align (prettyVl (zonk tb))
, Handler \(NoSuchPrimitive x) -> do
putStrLn $ "Unknown primitive: " ++ T.unpack x
@ -186,6 +225,11 @@ displayExceptions lines =
putStrLn $ "Name declared but not defined: " ++ show (pretty n)
redact :: Text -> Text
redact x
| length (T.lines x) >= 2 = head (T.lines x) <> T.pack "\x1b[1;32m[...]\x1b[0m"
| otherwise = x
reportUnsolved :: Foldable t => Map.Map MV (t (Seq Projection, Value)) -> IO ()
reportUnsolved metas = do
for_ (Map.toList metas) \(m, p) -> do

+ 27
- 2
src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
@ -45,6 +46,12 @@ data WiredIn
| WiGlue -- (A : Type) {phi : I} (T : Partial phi Type) (e : PartialP phi (\o -> Equiv (T o) A)) -> Type
| WiGlueElem -- {A : Type} {phi : I} {T : Partial phi Type} {e : PartialP phi (\o -> Equiv (T o) A)} -> (t : PartialP phi T) -> Sub A phi (\o -> e o (t o)) -> Glue A phi T e
| WiUnglue -- {A : Type} {phi : I} {T : Partial phi Type} {e : PartialP phi (\o -> Equiv (T o) A)} -> Glue A phi T e -> A
-- Two-level
| WiSEq -- Eq_s : {A : Pretype} (x y : A) -> Pretype
| WiSRefl -- refl_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} -> EqS {A} x x
| WiSK -- K_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} (P : x = x -> Pretype) -> P refl -> (p : x = x) -> P p
| WiSJ -- J_s : {A : Pretype} {x : A} (P : (y : A) -> x = y -> Pretype) -> P x refl -> {y : A} -> (p : x = y) -> P y p
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Term
@ -99,6 +106,11 @@ data Term
| Unglue Term Term Term Term Term
| Case Term Term [(Term, Int, Term)]
| EqS Term Term Term
| Refl Term Term
| AxK Term Term Term Term Term
| AxJ Term Term Term Term Term Term
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data)
data MV =
@ -177,6 +189,9 @@ data Value
| VUnglue NFSort NFEndp NFPartial NFPartial Value
| VCase (Map.Map Name (NFType, Value)) Value Value [(Term, Int, Term)]
| VEqStrict NFSort Value Value
| VReflStrict NFSort Value
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
pattern VVar :: Name -> Value
@ -198,6 +213,8 @@ quoteWith names (VNe h sp) = foldl goSpine (goHead h) sp where
goSpine t (PApp p v) = App p t (quoteWith names v)
goSpine t (PIElim l x y i) = IElim (quote l) (quote x) (quote y) t (quote i)
goSpine t (PK l x y i) = AxK (quote l) (quote x) (quote y) (quote i) t
goSpine t (PJ l x y i f) = AxJ (quote l) (quote x) (quote y) (quote i) (quote f) t
goSpine t PProj1 = Proj1 t
goSpine t PProj2 = Proj2 t
goSpine t (POuc a phi u) = Ouc (quote a) (quote phi) (quote u) t
@ -212,7 +229,7 @@ quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp (VLam p (Closure n k))) =
quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp vl)
| GluedVl _ _ inner <- vl = quoteWith names (GluedVl h sp inner)
| True || alwaysShort vl = quoteWith names vl
| alwaysShort vl = quoteWith names vl
| otherwise = quoteWith names (VNe h sp)
quoteWith names (VLam p (Closure n k)) =
@ -258,9 +275,15 @@ quoteWith names (VUnglue a phi ty e x) = Unglue (quoteWith names a) (quoteWith n
quoteWith names (VCase _ rng v xs) = Case (quoteWith names rng) (quoteWith names v) xs
quoteWith names (VEqStrict a x y) = EqS (quoteWith names a) (quoteWith names x) (quoteWith names y)
quoteWith names (VReflStrict a x) = Syntax.Refl (quoteWith names a) (quoteWith names x)
alwaysShort :: Value -> Bool
alwaysShort (VNe HCon{} _) = True
alwaysShort (VNe HPCon{} _) = True
alwaysShort VVar{} = True
alwaysShort (VLine _ _ _ v) = alwaysShort v
alwaysShort (VLam _ (Closure n k)) = alwaysShort (k (VVar n))
alwaysShort _ = False
refresh :: Maybe Value -> Set Name -> Name -> Name
@ -303,7 +326,9 @@ data Projection
| PIElim Value Value Value NFEndp
| PProj1
| PProj2
| POuc NFSort NFEndp Value
| POuc NFSort NFEndp Value
| PK NFSort Value NFSort Value
| PJ NFSort Value NFSort Value Value
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Boundary = Boundary { getBoundaryNames :: [Name], getBoundaryMap :: Value }

+ 178
- 179
src/Syntax/Pretty.hs View File

@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Syntax.Pretty where
import Control.Arrow (Arrow(first))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Generics
import Presyntax.Presyntax (Plicity(..))
@ -24,187 +22,188 @@ instance Pretty Name where
pretty = pretty . getNameText
prettyTm :: Term -> Doc AnsiStyle
prettyTm = prettyTm . everywhere (mkT beautify) where
prettyTm (Ref v) =
case T.uncons (getNameText v) of
Just ('.', w) -> keyword (pretty w)
_ -> pretty v
prettyTm (Con v) = keyword (pretty v)
prettyTm (PCon _ v) = keyword (pretty v)
prettyTm (Data _ v) = operator (pretty v)
prettyTm = go True 0 where
go t p =
Ref v -> pretty v
Con v -> keyword $ pretty v
PCon _ v -> keyword $ pretty v
Data _ v -> keyword $ pretty v
App Im f _ -> go t p f
App Ex f x ->
parenIf (p >= arg_prec) $
go False fun_prec f
<+> group (go False arg_prec x)
Lam Ex v (App Ex f (Ref v')) | v == v' -> instead f
Lam i v t ->
getArgs (Lam i v t) =
let (as, b) = getArgs t in ((i, v):as, b)
getArgs (PathIntro _ _ _ (Lam _ v t)) =
let (as, b) = getArgs t in ((Ex, v):as, b)
getArgs t = ([], t)
(as, b) = getArgs (Lam i v t)
parenIf (p >= fun_prec) . group $
pretty '\\' <> hsep (map (\(i, v) -> braceIf (i == Im) (pretty v)) as)
<+> arrow
<+> nest 2 (go False 0 b)
Pi _ (T.unpack . getNameText -> "_") d r ->
parenIf (p >= fun_prec) $
group (go False dom_prec d)
<> space <> arrow <> sp
<> go t 0 r
Pi i x d r ->
c = case r of
Pi _ (getNameText -> x) _ _ | x /= T.pack "_" -> sp
_ -> space <> arrow <> sp
parenIf (p >= fun_prec) $
plic i (pretty x <+> colon <+> go False 0 d)
<> c <> go t 0 r
Let binds body ->
parenIf (p >= fun_prec) $
align $ keyword (pretty "let")
<> line
<> indent 2 (prettyBinds binds)