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implement composition for HITs

Amélia Liao 3 years ago
committed by Abigail Magalhães
8 changed files with 162 additions and 57 deletions
  1. +34
  2. +9
  3. +1
  4. +76
  5. +3
  6. +18
  7. +15
  8. +6

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@ -278,6 +278,9 @@ hcomp {A} {phi} u a0 = comp (\i -> A) {phi} u a0
transRefl : {A : Type} {x : A} {y : A} (p : Path x y) -> Path (trans p refl) p
transRefl p j i = fill (\i -> A) {ior i (inot i)} (\k [ (i = i0) -> x, (i = i1) -> y ]) (inS (p i)) (inot j)
transpFill : {A : Type} (x : A) -> Path x (transp (\i -> A) x)
transpFill {A} x i = fill (\i -> A) (\k []) (inS x) i
-- Reduction of composition
@ -623,11 +626,13 @@ notp = univalence (IsoToEquiv (not, involToIso not notInvol))
-- This follows from setting bottom := ∀ A, A.
bottom : Type
bottom = {A : Type} -> A
data bottom : Type where {}
elimBottom : (P : bottom -> Type) -> (b : bottom) -> P b
elimBottom P x = x
elimBottom P = \case {}
absurd : {P : Type} -> bottom -> P
absurd = \case {}
-- We prove that true != false by transporting along the path
@ -642,7 +647,7 @@ elimBottom P x = x
-- and evaluate the if at either end.
trueNotFalse : Path true false -> bottom
trueNotFalse p {A} = transp (\i -> if (Bool -> Bool) A (p i)) id
trueNotFalse p = transp (\i -> if (Bool -> Bool) bottom (p i)) id
-- To be an h-Set is to have no "higher path information". Alternatively,
@ -823,6 +828,9 @@ helix = \case
base -> Int
loop i -> intPath i
loopP : Path base base
loopP i = loop i
winding : Path base base -> Int
winding p = transp (\i -> helix (p i)) (pos zero)
@ -898,6 +906,9 @@ Susp_to_poSusp_to_Susp = \case
unitEta : (x : Unit) -> Path x tt
unitEta = \case tt -> refl
unitContr : isContr Unit
unitContr = (tt, \x -> sym (unitEta x))
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp : {A : Type} -> (x : poSusp A) -> Path (Susp_to_poSusp (poSusp_to_Susp x)) x
poSusp_to_Susp_to_poSusp {A} = \case
inl x -> cong inl (sym (unitEta x))
@ -1023,4 +1034,22 @@ four : Int
four = multInt two two
sixteen : Int
sixteen = multInt four four
sixteen = multInt four four
isProp : Type -> Type
isProp A = (x : A) (y : A) -> Path x y
data Sq (A : Type) : Type where
inc : A -> Sq A
sq i : (x : A) (y : A) -> Sq A [ (i = i0) -> inc x, (i = i1) -> inc y ]
Sq_rec : {A : Type} {B : Type}
-> isProp B
-> (f : A -> B)
-> Sq A -> B
Sq_rec prop f = \case
inc x -> f x
sq x y i -> prop (f x) (f y) i
hitTranspExample : Path (inc false) (inc true)
hitTranspExample i = transp (\i -> Sq (notp i)) (sq true false i)

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src/Elab.hs View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
module Elab where
import Control.Arrow (Arrow(first))
@ -330,7 +331,11 @@ skipLams k = do
(Lam P.Im n . ) <$> skipLams (k - 1)
checkLetItems :: Map Text (Maybe (Name, NFType)) -> [P.LetItem] -> ([(Name, Term, Term)] -> ElabM a) -> ElabM a
checkLetItems _ [] cont = cont []
checkLetItems map [] cont = do
for_ (Map.toList map) $ \case
(_, Nothing) -> pure ()
(n, Just _) -> throwElab $ DeclaredUndefined (Bound n 0)
cont []
checkLetItems map (P.LetDecl v t:xs) cont = do
t <- check t VTypeω
t_nf <- eval t
@ -616,3 +621,6 @@ data UnsaturatedCon = UnsaturatedCon { theConstr :: Name }
data NotACon = NotACon { theNotConstr :: Name }
deriving (Show, Typeable)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
newtype DeclaredUndefined = DeclaredUndefined { declaredUndefName :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Show, Exception)

+ 1
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src/Elab/Eval.hs View File

@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ forceIO x = pure x
force :: Value -> Value
force = unsafePerformIO . forceIO
applProj :: Value -> Projection -> Value
applProj :: HasCallStack => Value -> Projection -> Value
applProj fun (PApp p arg) = vApp p fun arg
applProj fun (PIElim l x y i) = ielim l x y fun i
applProj fun (POuc a phi u) = outS a phi u fun

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src/Elab/WiredIn.hs View File

@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ comp a psi@phi u incA0@(compOutS (a @@ VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) -> a0) =
VNe (HData False _) args ->
case force a0 of
VNe (HCon con_type con_name) con_args ->
VNe (HCon con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (length args) (a @@) con_type con_args phi u
VNe (HCon con_type con_name) $ compConArgs makeSetFiller (length args) (a @@) con_type con_args phi u
_ -> VComp a phi u (VInc (a @@ VI0) phi a0)
VNe (HData True _) args -> compHIT (length args) (a @@) phi u incA0
VNe (HData True name) args -> compHIT name (length args) (a @@) phi u incA0
VLam{} -> error $ "comp VLam " ++ show (prettyTm (quote a))
sys@VSystem{} -> error $ "comp VSystem: " ++ show (prettyTm (quote sys))
@ -328,50 +328,55 @@ forceAndGlue v =
v@VGlueTy{} -> v
y -> VGlueTy y VI1 (fun (const y)) (fun (const (idEquiv y)))
compHIT :: HasCallStack => Int -> (NFEndp -> NFSort) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
compHIT 0 a phi u a0 =
case phi of
compHIT :: HasCallStack => Name -> Int -> (NFEndp -> NFSort) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
compHIT name n a phi u a0 =
case force phi of
VI1 -> u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne
VI0 -> compOutS (a VI0) phi u a0
_ -> VHComp (a VI0) phi u a0
compHIT _ a phi u a0 = error $ unlines
[ "*** TODO: composition for HIT: "
, "domain = " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk (fun a))))
, "phi = " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk phi)))
, "u = " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk u)))
, "a0 = " ++ show (prettyTm (quote (zonk a0)))
compConArgs :: Int -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> Value -> Seq.Seq Projection -> NFEndp -> Value -> Seq.Seq Projection
compConArgs total_args fam = go total_args where
VI0 -> transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI0) phi u a0)
x -> go n a x u a0
go 0 a phi u a0 = VHComp (a VI0) phi u a0
go _ a phi u a0 = VHComp (a VI1) phi (system \i n -> squeezeHit name a VI0 (\i -> u @@ i @@ n) i) (transHit name a VI0 (compOutS (a VI1) phi (u @@ VI1 @@ VItIsOne) a0))
compConArgs :: (Name -> Int -> Value -> t1 -> t2 -> Value -> Value)
-> Int
-> (Value -> Value)
-> Value
-> Seq.Seq Projection
-> t1 -> t2
-> Seq.Seq Projection
compConArgs makeFiller total_args fam = go total_args where
go _ _ Seq.Empty _ _ = Seq.Empty
go nargs (VPi p dom (Closure _ rng)) (PApp p' y Seq.:<| xs) phi u
| nargs > 0 = assert (p == p') $ go (nargs - 1) (rng (smuggle (fun (\i -> nthArg (total_args - nargs) (fam i))))) xs phi u
| nargs > 0 = assert (p == p') $
PApp p' (nthArg (total_args - nargs) (fam VI1)) Seq.:<| go (nargs - 1) (rng (smuggle (fun (\i -> nthArg (total_args - nargs) (fam i))))) xs phi u
| otherwise = assert (p == p') $
let fill = makeFiller nargs dom phi u y
let fill = makeFiller typeArgument nargs dom phi u y
in PApp p' (fill @@ VI1) Seq.:<| go (nargs - 1) (rng fill) xs phi u
go _ _ _ _ _ = error $ "invalid constructor"
nthArg i (VNe hd s) =
case s Seq.!? i of
Just (PApp _ t) -> t
_ -> error $ "invalid " ++ show i ++ "th argument to data type " ++ show hd
nthArg i (VSystem vs) = VSystem (fmap (nthArg i) vs)
nthArg i xs = error $ "can't get " ++ show i ++ "th argument of " ++ show (prettyTm (quote xs))
makeFiller nth (VNe (HData _ n') args) phi u a0
| n' == typeArgument =
fun $ fill (makeDomain args) phi (system \i is1 -> nthArg nth (u @@ i @@ is1) ) a0
makeFiller _ _ _ _ a0 = fun (const a0)
makeDomain (PApp _ x Seq.:<| xs) = fun \i -> foldl (\t (~(PApp _ x)) -> t @@ (x @@ i)) (x @@ i) xs
makeDomain _ = error "somebody smuggled something that smells"
smuggle x = VNe (HData False typeArgument) (Seq.singleton (PApp P.Ex x))
typeArgument = unsafePerformIO newName
{-# NOINLINE typeArgument #-}
makeSetFiller :: Name -> Int -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
makeSetFiller typeArgument nth (VNe (HData _ n') args) phi u a0
| n' == typeArgument =
fun $ fill (makeDomain args) phi (system \i is1 -> nthArg nth (u @@ i @@ is1) ) a0
makeDomain (PApp _ x Seq.:<| xs) = fun \i -> foldl (\t (~(PApp _ x)) -> t @@ (x @@ i)) (x @@ i) xs
makeDomain _ = error "somebody smuggled something that smells"
makeSetFiller _ _ _ _ _ a0 = fun (const a0)
nthArg :: Int -> Value -> Value
nthArg i (VNe hd s) =
case s Seq.!? i of
Just (PApp _ t) -> t
_ -> error $ "invalid " ++ show i ++ "th argument to data type " ++ show hd
nthArg i (VSystem vs) = VSystem (fmap (nthArg i) vs)
nthArg i xs = error $ "can't get " ++ show i ++ "th argument of " ++ show (prettyTm (quote xs))
compOutS :: HasCallStack => NFSort -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value -> Value
compOutS a b c d = compOutS a b c (force d) where
compOutS _ _hi _0 vl@VComp{} = vl
@ -462,6 +467,43 @@ contr a aC phi u =
transp :: (NFEndp -> Value) -> Value -> Value
transp line a0 = comp (fun line) VI0 (system \_ _ -> VSystem mempty) (VInc (line VI0) VI0 a0)
gtrans :: (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value
gtrans line phi a0 = comp (fun line) phi (system \_ _ -> mkVSystem (Map.singleton phi a0)) (VInc (line VI0) VI0 a0)
transHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> Value
transHit name line phi (VHComp _ psi u u0) = VHComp (line VI1) psi (system \i j -> transHit name line phi (u @@ i @@ j)) (transHit name line phi u0)
transHit name line phi (VNe (HCon con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HCon con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VNe (HPCon sys con_type con_name) spine) | ourType = x' where
x' = VNe (HPCon (mapVSystem rec sys) con_type con_name) $ compConArgs (makeTransFiller name) nargs line con_type spine phi ()
rec = transHit name line phi
(_, VNe hd (length -> nargs)) = unPi con_type
ourType = case hd of
HData True n' -> n' == name
_ -> False
transHit name line phi (VSystem xs) = mkVSystem (fmap (transHit name line phi) xs)
transHit _ line phi a0 = gtrans line phi a0
fillHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value -> NFEndp -> Value
fillHit name a phi a0 i = transHit name (\j -> a (iand i j)) (phi `ior` inot i) a0 where
squeezeHit :: Name -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> (NFEndp -> Value) -> NFEndp -> Value
squeezeHit name a phi x i = transHit name (\j -> a (ior i j)) (phi `ior` i) (x i)
makeTransFiller :: Name -> Name -> p -> Value -> NFEndp -> () -> Value -> Value
makeTransFiller thedata typeArgument _ (VNe (HData _ n') args) phi () a0
| n' == typeArgument = fun (fillHit thedata (makeDomain args) phi a0)
makeDomain (PApp _ x Seq.:<| xs) = \i -> foldl (\t (~(PApp _ x)) -> t @@ (x @@ i)) (x @@ i) xs
makeDomain _ = error "somebody smuggled something that smells"
makeTransFiller _ _ _ _ _ _ a0 = fun (const a0)
makeEquiv :: Name -> Value -> Value
makeEquiv var vne = VPair f $ fun \y -> VPair (fib y) (fun \u -> p (vProj1 u) (vProj2 u) y)

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src/Main.hs View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ evalArgExpr env str =
enterReplIn :: ElabEnv -> IO ()
enterReplIn env = runInputT defaultSettings (loop env') where
env' = env { commHook = putStrLn . show . prettyTm . quote }
env' = env { commHook = T.putStrLn . render . prettyTm . quote . zonk }
loop :: ElabEnv -> InputT IO ()
loop env = do
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ checkFiles files = runElab (go files ask) =<< emptyEnv where
| otherwise ->
pos = fromJust (Map.lookup v (whereBound env))
in withSpan (fst pos) (snd pos) $ throwElab $ DeclaredUndefined v
in withSpan (fst pos) (snd pos) $ throwElab $ Elab.DeclaredUndefined v
_ -> pure ()
metas <- liftIO $ readIORef (unsolvedMetas env)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ displayExceptions lines =
putStrLn $ "Unknown primitive: " ++ T.unpack x
, Handler \(NotInScope x) -> do
putStrLn $ "Variable not in scope: " ++ show (pretty x)
, Handler \(DeclaredUndefined n) -> do
, Handler \(Elab.DeclaredUndefined n) -> do
putStrLn $ "Name declared but not defined: " ++ show (pretty n)
@ -212,9 +212,6 @@ squiggleUnder (Posn l c) (Posn l' c') file
in T.unlines [ padding, line, padding <> squiggle ]
| otherwise = T.unlines (take (l' - l) (drop l (T.lines file)))
newtype DeclaredUndefined = DeclaredUndefined { declaredUndefName :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Show, Exception)
dumpTokens :: Alex ()
dumpTokens = do
t <- alexMonadScan

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src/Presyntax/Lexer.x View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Presyntax.Tokens
import Debug.Trace
%wrapper "monadUserState-bytestring"
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ tokens :-
<0> \[ { always TokOSquare }
<0> \) { always TokCParen }
<0> \} { always TokCBrace }
<0> \} { closeBrace }
<0> \] { always TokCSquare }
<0> \; { always TokSemi }
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ tokens :-
-- layout: indentation of the next token is context for offside rule
<layout> {
\n ;
\{ { openBrace }
() { startLayout }
@ -145,6 +148,20 @@ startLayout (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
else mapUserState $ \s -> s { layoutColumns = col:layoutColumns s }
pure (Token TokLStart line col)
openBrace :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
openBrace (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
mapUserState $ \s -> s { layoutColumns = minBound:layoutColumns s }
pure (Token TokOBrace line col)
closeBrace :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
closeBrace (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
~(col':tail) <- layoutColumns <$> getUserState
if col' < 0
then mapUserState $ \s -> s { layoutColumns = tail }
else pure ()
pure (Token TokCBrace line col)
variableOrKeyword :: AlexAction Token
variableOrKeyword (AlexPn _ l c, _, s, _) size =
let text = T.decodeUtf8 (Lbs.toStrict (Lbs.take size s)) in

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src/Presyntax/Parser.y View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
module Presyntax.Parser where
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Exp :: { Expr }
: '\\' LambdaList '->' Exp { span $1 $4 $ makeLams $2 $4 }
| '\\' MaybeLambdaList '[' System ']' { span $1 $5 $ makeLams $2 $ LamSystem $4 }
| '\\' 'case' START CaseList END { span $1 $5 $ LamCase $4 }
| '\\' 'case' Block(CaseList) { span $1 $3 $ LamCase (thd $3) }
| '(' var ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Ex (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
| '{' var ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Im (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
| ExpApp '->' Exp { span $1 $3 $ Pi Ex (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ Exp
| '(' var ':' Exp ')' '*' Exp { span $1 $7 $ Sigma (getVar $2) $4 $7 }
| ExpApp '*' Exp { span $1 $3 $ Sigma (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
| 'let' START LetList END 'in' Exp { span $1 $6 $ Let $3 $6 }
| 'let' START LetList END Exp { span $1 $5 $ Let $3 $5 }
| 'let' Block(LetList) 'in' Exp { span $1 $4 $ Let (thd $2) $4 }
| ExpApp { $1 }
@ -149,7 +148,8 @@ CaseItem :: { (Pattern, Expr) }
: Pattern '->' Exp { ($1, $3) }
CaseList :: { [(Pattern, Expr)] }
: CaseItem { [$1] }
: { [] }
| CaseItem { [$1] }
| CaseItem Semis CaseList { $1:$3 }
Pattern :: { Pattern }
@ -163,12 +163,14 @@ Statement :: { Statement }
: VarList ':' Exp { spanSt $1 $3 $ Decl (thd $1) $3 }
| var LhsList '=' Rhs { spanSt $1 $4 $ Defn (getVar $1) (makeLams $2 $4) }
| '{-#' Pragma '#-}' { spanSt $1 $3 $ $2 }
| 'postulate' START Postulates END { spanSt $1 $4 $ Postulate $3 }
| 'data' var Parameters ':' Exp 'where' START Constructors END
{ spanSt $1 $9 $ Data (getVar $2) $3 $5 $8 }
| 'postulate' Block(Postulates) { spanSt $1 $2 $ Postulate (thd $2) }
| 'data' var Parameters ':' Exp 'where' Block(Constructors)
{ spanSt $1 $7 $ Data (getVar $2) $3 $5 (thd $7) }
Constructors :: { [(Posn, Posn, Constructor)] }
: var ':' Exp { [(startPosn $1, endPosn $3, Point (getVar $1) $3)] }
: { [] }
| var ':' Exp { [(startPosn $1, endPosn $3, Point (getVar $1) $3)] }
| var PatVarList ':' Exp '[' Faces ']' { [(startPosn $1, endPosn $7, Path (getVar $1) (thd $2) $4 $6)] }
| var ':' Exp Semis Constructors { (startPosn $1, endPosn $3, Point (getVar $1) $3):$5 }
| var PatVarList ':' Exp '[' Faces ']' Semis Constructors
@ -250,6 +252,10 @@ FAtom :: { Formula }
x -> parseError (x, ["i0", "i1"])
: START p END { (startPosn $1, endPosn $3, $2) }
| '{' p '}' { (startPosn $1, endPosn $3, $2) }
lexer cont = alexMonadScan >>= cont

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src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -308,3 +308,9 @@ data Projection
data Boundary = Boundary { getBoundaryNames :: [Name], getBoundaryMap :: Value }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
unPi :: Value -> ([(Plicity, Value)], Value)
unPi (VPi p d (Closure n k)) =
let (a, x) = unPi (k (VVar n))
in ((p, d):a, x)
unPi x = ([], x)
