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Implement partial elements and systems

Amélia Liao 4 years ago
12 changed files with 475 additions and 39 deletions
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  11. +24
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+ 1
- 0
cubical.cabal View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ executable cubical
, Elab.Eval
, Elab.Monad
, Elab.WiredIn
, Elab.Eval.Formula
build-tool-depends: alex:alex >= 3.2.4 && < 4.0
, happy:happy >= 1.19.12 && < 2.0

+ 105
- 7
src/Elab.hs View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Elab where
@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Foldable
import Elab.Eval.Formula (possible)
import Elab.WiredIn
import Elab.Monad
import Elab.Eval
@ -17,8 +20,9 @@ import qualified Presyntax.Presyntax as P
import Prettyprinter
import Syntax.Pretty
import Syntax
import Syntax.Pretty
import qualified Data.Text as T
infer :: P.Expr -> ElabM (Term, NFType)
infer (P.Span ex a b) = withSpan a b $ infer ex
@ -40,6 +44,27 @@ infer (P.App p f x) = do
x <- check x VI
x_nf <- eval x
pure (IElim (quote (fun li)) (quote le) (quote ri) (wp f) x, li x_nf)
It'sPartial phi a w -> do
x <- check x (VIsOne phi)
pure (App P.Ex (w f) x, a)
It'sPartialP phi a w -> do
x <- check x (VIsOne phi)
x_nf <- eval x
pure (App P.Ex (w f) x, a @@ x_nf)
infer (P.Bracket ex) = do
nm <- getNameFor (T.pack "IsOne")
ty <- getNfType nm
porp <- isPiType P.Ex ty
case porp of
It'sProd d r w -> do
t <- check ex d
t_nf <- eval t
pure (App P.Ex (w (Ref nm)) t, r t_nf)
_ -> do
d <- newMeta VType
r <- newMeta VType
throwElab $ NotEqual ty (VPi P.Ex d (Closure (T.pack "x") (const r)))
infer (P.Proj1 x) = do
(tm, ty) <- infer x
@ -71,19 +96,32 @@ check tm (VPi P.Im dom (Closure var rng)) =
check (P.Lam p v b) ty = do
porp <- isPiType p =<< forceIO ty
case porp of
It'sProd d r wp -> do
It'sProd d r wp ->
assume (Bound v) d $
wp . Lam p v <$> check b (r (VVar (Bound v)))
It'sPath li le ri wp -> do
tm <- assume (Bound v) VI $
Lam P.Ex v <$> check b (li (VVar (Bound v)))
Lam P.Ex v <$> check b (force (li (VVar (Bound v))))
tm_nf <- eval tm
unify (tm_nf @@ VI0) le
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI0)
unify (tm_nf @@ VI1) ri
`catchElab` (throwElab . WhenCheckingEndpoint le ri VI1)
pure (wp (PathIntro (quote (fun li)) tm))
It'sPartial phi a wp ->
assume (Bound v) (VIsOne phi) $
wp . Lam p v <$> check b a
It'sPartialP phi a wp ->
assume (Bound v) (VIsOne phi) $
wp . Lam p v <$> check b (a @@ VVar (Bound v))
check (P.Pair a b) ty = do
(d, r, wp) <- isSigmaType =<< forceIO ty
a <- check a d
@ -107,11 +145,52 @@ check (P.Sigma s d r) ty = do
r <- check r ty
pure (Sigma s d r)
check (P.LamSystem bs) ty = do
(extent, dom) <- isPartialType ty
eqns <- for (zip [(0 :: Int)..] bs) $ \(n, (formula, rhs)) -> do
formula <- checkFormula formula
rhs <- check rhs dom
pure (n, (formula, rhs))
unify extent (foldl ior VI0 (map (fst . snd) eqns))
for_ eqns $ \(n, (formula, rhs)) ->
for_ eqns $ \(n', (formula', rhs')) -> do
let truth = possible mempty (iand formula formula')
when ((n /= n') && fst truth) $ do
vl <- eval rhs
vl' <- eval rhs'
unify vl vl'
`withNote` vsep [ pretty "These two cases must agree because they are both possible:"
, indent 2 $ pretty '*' <+> prettyTm (quote formula) <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm rhs
, indent 2 $ pretty '*' <+> prettyTm (quote formula') <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm rhs'
`withNote` (pretty "Consider this face, where both are true:" <+> showFace (snd truth))
name <- newName
pure (Lam P.Ex name (System (Map.fromList (map (\(_, (x, y)) -> (quote x, y)) eqns))))
check exp ty = do
(tm, has) <- switch $ infer exp
wp <- isConvertibleTo has ty
pure (wp tm)
checkFormula :: P.Formula -> ElabM Value
checkFormula P.FTop = pure VI1
checkFormula P.FBot = pure VI0
checkFormula (P.FAnd x y) = iand <$> checkFormula x <*> checkFormula y
checkFormula (P.FOr x y) = ior <$> checkFormula x <*> checkFormula y
checkFormula (P.FIs0 x) = do
nm <- getNameFor x
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty VI
pure (inot (VVar nm))
checkFormula (P.FIs1 x) = do
nm <- getNameFor x
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty VI
pure (VVar nm)
isSort :: NFType -> ElabM ()
isSort VType = pure ()
isSort VTypeω = pure ()
@ -128,16 +207,29 @@ data ProdOrPath
, pathRight :: Value
, pathWrap :: Term -> Term
| It'sPartial { partialExtent :: NFEndp
, partialDomain :: Value
, partialWrap :: Term -> Term
| It'sPartialP { partialExtent :: NFEndp
, partialDomain :: Value
, partialWrap :: Term -> Term
isPiType :: P.Plicity -> NFType -> ElabM ProdOrPath
isPiType p (VPi p' d (Closure _ k)) | p == p' = pure (It'sProd d k id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPath li le ri) = pure (It'sPath (li @@) le ri id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPartial phi a) = pure (It'sPartial phi a id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPartialP phi a) = pure (It'sPartialP phi a id)
isPiType P.Ex (VPi P.Im d (Closure _ k)) = do
meta <- newMeta d
porp <- isPiType P.Ex (k meta)
pure $ case porp of
It'sProd d r w -> It'sProd d r (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
It'sPath l x y w -> It'sPath l x y (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
It'sPartial phi a w -> It'sPartial phi a (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
It'sPartialP phi a w -> It'sPartialP phi a (\f -> w (App P.Im f (quote meta)))
isPiType p t = do
dom <- newMeta VType
name <- newName
@ -156,8 +248,14 @@ isSigmaType t = do
wp <- isConvertibleTo t (VSigma dom (Closure name (const rng)))
pure (dom, const rng, wp)
identityTy :: NFType
identityTy = VPi P.Im VType (Closure "A" $ \t -> VPi P.Ex t (Closure "_" (const t)))
isPartialType :: NFType -> ElabM (NFEndp, Value)
isPartialType (VPartial phi a) = pure (phi, a)
isPartialType (VPartialP phi a) = pure (phi, a)
isPartialType t = do
phi <- newMeta VI
dom <- newMeta (VPartial phi VType)
unify t (VPartial phi dom)
pure (phi, dom)
checkStatement :: P.Statement -> ElabM a -> ElabM a
checkStatement (P.SpanSt s a b) k = withSpan a b $ checkStatement s k
@ -194,7 +292,7 @@ checkStatement (P.Builtin winame var) k = do
nm <- getNameFor var
ty <- getNfType nm
unify ty (wiType wi)
`withNote` hsep [ "Previous definition of", pretty nm, "here" ]
`withNote` hsep [ pretty "Previous definition of", pretty nm, pretty "here" ]
`seeAlso` nm
env <- ask

+ 70
- 12
src/Elab/Eval.hs View File

@ -18,17 +18,19 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Elab.Eval.Formula
import Elab.Monad
import Presyntax.Presyntax (Plicity(..))
import Prettyprinter
import Syntax.Pretty
import Syntax
import System.IO.Unsafe
import {-# SOURCE #-} Elab.WiredIn
import Prettyprinter
eval :: Term -> ElabM Value
eval t = asks (flip eval' t)
@ -86,6 +88,23 @@ zonkIO (VIAnd x y) = iand <$> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
zonkIO (VIOr x y) = ior <$> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
zonkIO (VINot x) = inot <$> zonkIO x
zonkIO (VIsOne x) = VIsOne <$> zonkIO x
zonkIO (VIsOne1 x) = VIsOne1 <$> zonkIO x
zonkIO (VIsOne2 x) = VIsOne2 <$> zonkIO x
zonkIO VItIsOne = pure VItIsOne
zonkIO (VPartial x y) = VPartial <$> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
zonkIO (VPartialP x y) = VPartialP <$> zonkIO x <*> zonkIO y
zonkIO (VSystem fs) =
t <- for (Map.toList fs) $ \(a, b) -> (,) <$> zonkIO a <*> zonkIO b
pure (mkVSystem (Map.fromList t))
mkVSystem map =
case Map.lookup VI1 map of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> VSystem map
zonk :: Value -> Value
zonk = unsafePerformIO . zonkIO
@ -129,6 +148,15 @@ eval' e (PathP l a b) = VPath (eval' e l) (eval' e a) (eval' e b)
eval' e (IElim l x y f i) = ielim (eval' e l) (eval' e x) (eval' e y) (eval' e f) (eval' e i)
eval' e (PathIntro p f) = VLine (eval' e p) (eval' e f)
eval' e (IsOne i) = VIsOne (eval' e i)
eval' e (IsOne1 i) = VIsOne1 (eval' e i)
eval' e (IsOne2 i) = VIsOne2 (eval' e i)
eval' _ ItIsOne = VItIsOne
eval' e (Partial x y) = VPartial (eval' e x) (eval' e y)
eval' e (PartialP x y) = VPartialP (eval' e x) (eval' e y)
eval' e (System fs) = VSystem (Map.fromList $ map (\(x, y) -> (eval' e x, eval' e y)) $ Map.toList $ fs)
vApp :: Plicity -> Value -> Value -> Value
vApp p (VLam p' k) arg
| p == p' = clCont k arg
@ -161,13 +189,19 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go (VNe x a) (VNe x' a')
| x == x', length a == length a' =
traverse_ (uncurry unify'Spine) ( a a')
go (VNe _hd (_ Seq.:|> PIElim _l x y i)) rhs =
case force i of
VI0 -> unify' x rhs
VI1 -> unify' y rhs
_ -> fail
go rhs (VNe _hd (_ Seq.:|> PIElim _l x y i)) =
case force i of
VI0 -> unify' rhs x
VI1 -> unify' rhs y
_ -> fail
go (VLam p (Closure _ k)) vl = do
t <- VVar . Bound <$> newName
unify' (k t) (vApp p vl t)
@ -193,18 +227,12 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
go VTypeω VTypeω = pure ()
go VI VI = pure ()
go VI0 VI0 = pure ()
go VI1 VI1 = pure ()
go (VINot x) (VINot y) = unify' x y
go (VIAnd x y) (VIAnd x' y') = unify' x x' *> unify' y y'
go (VIOr x y) (VIOr x' y') = unify' x x' *> unify' y y'
go (VPath l x y) (VPath l' x' y') = do
unify' l l'
unify' x x'
unify' y y'
go (VLine l p) p' = do
n <- VVar . Bound <$> newName
unify (p @@ n) (ielim l (l @@ VI0) (l @@ VI1) p' n)
@ -213,7 +241,23 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
n <- VVar . Bound <$> newName
unify (ielim l (l @@ VI0) (l @@ VI1) p' n) (p @@ n)
go _ _ = fail
go (VIsOne x) (VIsOne y) = unify' x y
-- IsOne is proof-irrelevant:
go VItIsOne _ = pure ()
go _ VItIsOne = pure ()
go VIsOne1{} _ = pure ()
go _ VIsOne1{} = pure ()
go VIsOne2{} _ = pure ()
go _ VIsOne2{} = pure ()
go (VPartial phi r) (VPartial phi' r') = unify' phi phi' *> unify r r'
go (VPartialP phi r) (VPartialP phi' r') = unify' phi phi' *> unify r r'
go x y =
case (toDnf x, toDnf y) of
(Just xs, Just ys) -> unify'Formula xs ys
_ -> fail
fail = liftIO . throwIO $ NotEqual topa topb
@ -227,8 +271,12 @@ unify' topa topb = join $ go <$> forceIO topa <*> forceIO topb where
unify'Spine _ _ = fail
unify'Formula x y
| compareDNFs x y = pure ()
| otherwise = fail
unify :: Value -> Value -> ElabM ()
unify a b = unify' a b `catchElab` \(_ :: SomeException) -> liftIO $ throwIO (NotEqual a b)
unify a b = unify' a b `catchElab` \(_ :: NotEqual) -> liftIO $ throwIO (NotEqual a b)
isConvertibleTo :: Value -> Value -> ElabM (Term -> Term)
VPi Im d (Closure _v k) `isConvertibleTo` ty = do
@ -326,7 +374,17 @@ checkScope s (VIOr x y) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [x, y]
checkScope s (VINot x) = checkScope s x
checkScope s (VPath line a b) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [line, a, b]
checkScope s (VLine _ line) = checkScope s line
checkScope s (VLine _ line) = checkScope s line
checkScope s (VIsOne x) = checkScope s x
checkScope s (VIsOne1 x) = checkScope s x
checkScope s (VIsOne2 x) = checkScope s x
checkScope _ VItIsOne = pure ()
checkScope s (VPartial x y) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [x, y]
checkScope s (VPartialP x y) = traverse_ (checkScope s) [x, y]
checkScope s (VSystem fs) =
for_ (Map.toList fs) $ \(x, y) -> traverse_ (checkScope s) [x, y]
checkSpine :: Set Name -> Seq Projection -> ElabM [T.Text]
checkSpine scope (PApp Ex (VVar n@(Bound t)) Seq.:<| xs)

+ 62
- 0
src/Elab/Eval/Formula.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
module Elab.Eval.Formula where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Syntax
import {-# SOURCE #-} Elab.WiredIn (inot, ior, iand)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
toDnf :: Value -> Maybe Value
toDnf (VNe _ _) = Nothing
toDnf x = toDnf x where
toDnf (VIAnd x y) = idist <$> toDnf (inot x) <*> toDnf (inot y)
toDnf (VIOr x y) = ior <$> toDnf x <*> toDnf y
toDnf (VINot x) = inot <$> toDnf x
toDnf VI0 = pure VI0
toDnf VI1 = pure VI1
toDnf v@(VNe _ Seq.Empty) = pure v
toDnf _ = Nothing
compareDNFs :: Value -> Value -> Bool
compareDNFs (VIOr x y) (VIOr x' y') =
let (a, a') = swap x y
(b, b') = swap x' y'
in compareDNFs a b && compareDNFs a' b'
compareDNFs (VIAnd x y) (VIAnd x' y') =
let (a, a') = swap x x'
(b, b') = swap y y'
in compareDNFs a a' && compareDNFs b b'
compareDNFs x y = x == y
swap :: Ord b => b -> b -> (b, b)
swap x y =
if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x)
possible :: Map Head Bool -> Value -> (Bool, Map Head Bool)
possible sc (VINot (VNe n Seq.Empty)) =
case Map.lookup n sc of
Just True -> (False, sc)
_ -> (True, Map.insert n False sc)
possible sc (VNe n Seq.Empty) =
case Map.lookup n sc of
Just False -> (False, sc)
_ -> (True, Map.insert n True sc)
possible sc (VIAnd x y) =
let (a, sc') = possible sc x
(b, sc'') = possible sc' y
in (a && b, sc'')
possible sc (VIOr x y) =
case possible sc x of
(True, sc') -> (True, sc')
(False, _) -> possible sc y
possible sc VI0 = (False, sc)
possible sc VI1 = (True, sc)
possible sc _ = (False, sc)
idist :: Value -> Value -> Value
idist (VIOr x y) z = (x `idist` z) `ior` (y `idist` z)
idist z (VIOr x y) = (z `idist` x) `ior` (z `idist` y)
idist z x = iand z x

+ 36
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src/Elab/WiredIn.hs View File

@ -23,10 +23,18 @@ wiType WiInterval = VTypeω
wiType WiI0 = VI
wiType WiI1 = VI
wiType WiIAnd = VI ~> VI ~> VI
wiType WiIOr = VI ~> VI ~> VI
wiType WiINot = VI ~> VI
wiType WiPathP = dprod (VI ~> VTypeω) \a -> a @@ VI0 ~> a @@ VI1 ~> VType
wiType WiIAnd = VI ~> VI ~> VI
wiType WiIOr = VI ~> VI ~> VI
wiType WiINot = VI ~> VI
wiType WiPathP = dprod (VI ~> VTypeω) \a -> a @@ VI0 ~> a @@ VI1 ~> VType
wiType WiIsOne = VI ~> VType
wiType WiItIsOne = VIsOne VI1
wiType WiIsOne1 = forAll VI \i -> forAll VI \j -> VIsOne i ~> VIsOne (ior i j)
wiType WiIsOne2 = forAll VI \i -> forAll VI \j -> VIsOne j ~> VIsOne (ior i j)
wiType WiPartial = VI ~> VType ~> VTypeω
wiType WiPartialP = dprod VI \x -> VPartial x VType ~> VTypeω
wiValue :: WiredIn -> Value
wiValue WiType = VType
@ -41,6 +49,14 @@ wiValue WiIOr = fun \x -> fun \y -> ior x y
wiValue WiINot = fun inot
wiValue WiPathP = fun \a -> fun \x -> fun \y -> VPath a x y
wiValue WiIsOne = fun VIsOne
wiValue WiItIsOne = VItIsOne
wiValue WiIsOne1 = forallI \_ -> forallI \_ -> fun VIsOne1
wiValue WiIsOne2 = forallI \_ -> forallI \_ -> fun VIsOne2
wiValue WiPartial = fun \phi -> fun \r -> VPartial phi r
wiValue WiPartialP = fun \phi -> fun \r -> VPartialP phi r
(~>) :: Value -> Value -> Value
a ~> b = VPi P.Ex a (Closure "_" (const b))
infixr 7 ~>
@ -68,6 +84,14 @@ wiredInNames = Map.fromList
, ("ior", WiIOr)
, ("inot", WiINot)
, ("PathP", WiPathP)
, ("IsOne", WiIsOne)
, ("itIs1", WiItIsOne)
, ("isOneL", WiIsOne1)
, ("isOneR", WiIsOne2)
, ("Partial", WiPartial)
, ("PartialP", WiPartialP)
newtype NoSuchPrimitive = NoSuchPrimitive { getUnknownPrim :: Text }
@ -80,6 +104,10 @@ iand, ior :: Value -> Value -> Value
iand = \case
VI1 -> id
VI0 -> const VI0
VIAnd x y -> \case
VI0 -> VI0
VI1 -> VI1
z -> iand x (iand y z)
x -> \case
VI0 -> VI0
VI1 -> x
@ -88,6 +116,10 @@ iand = \case
ior = \case
VI0 -> id
VI1 -> const VI1
VIOr x y -> \case
VI1 -> VI1
VI0 -> VIOr x y
z -> ior x (ior y z)
x -> \case
VI1 -> VI1
VI0 -> x

+ 26
- 10
src/Presyntax/Lexer.x View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ $white_nol = $white # \n
tokens :-
$white_nol+ ;
"--" .* \n ;
<0,prtext> $alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { yield TokVar }
@ -32,13 +33,26 @@ tokens :-
<0> \( { always TokOParen }
<0> \{ { always TokOBrace }
<0> \[ { always TokOSquare }
<0> \) { always TokCParen }
<0> \} { always TokCBrace }
<0> \] { always TokCSquare }
<0> \; { always TokSemi }
<0> \n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
<0> "&&" { always TokAnd }
<0> "||" { always TokOr }
<0> "{-" { just $ pushStartCode comment }
<comment> {
"-}" { \i l -> popStartCode *> skip i l }
. ;
<0> "{-#" { \i l -> pushStartCode prkw *> always TokOPragma i l }
<prkw> "PRIMITIVE" { \i l -> popStartCode *> pushStartCode prtext *> always TokPrim i l }
<prtext> "#-}" { \i l -> popStartCode *> always TokCPragma i l }
@ -91,14 +105,16 @@ popStartCode = do
alexSetStartCode x
offsideRule :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
offsideRule (AlexPn _ line col, _, _, _) _ = do
~(col':_) <- layoutColumns <$> getUserState
case col `compare` col' of
EQ -> do
pure (Token TokSemi line col)
GT -> do
LT -> alexError "wrong ass indentation"
offsideRule (AlexPn _ line col, _, s, _) _
| Lbs.null s = pure (Token TokEof line col)
| otherwise = do
~(col':_) <- layoutColumns <$> getUserState
case col `compare` col' of
EQ -> do
pure (Token TokSemi line col)
GT -> do
LT -> alexError "wrong ass indentation"

+ 42
- 3
src/Presyntax/Parser.y View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
module Presyntax.Parser where
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -28,12 +28,17 @@ import Prelude hiding (span)
var { Token (TokVar _) _ _ }
'eof' { Token TokEof _ _ }
'(' { Token TokOParen _ _ }
')' { Token TokCParen _ _ }
'{' { Token TokOBrace _ _ }
'}' { Token TokCBrace _ _ }
'[' { Token TokOSquare _ _ }
']' { Token TokCSquare _ _ }
'{-#' { Token TokOPragma _ _ }
'#-}' { Token TokCPragma _ _ }
@ -46,6 +51,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (span)
',' { Token TokComma _ _ }
'*' { Token TokStar _ _ }
'&&' { Token TokAnd _ _ }
'||' { Token TokOr _ _ }
'.1' { Token TokPi1 _ _ }
'.2' { Token TokPi2 _ _ }
@ -59,6 +67,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (span)
Exp :: { Expr }
: '\\' LambdaList '->' Exp { span $1 $4 $ makeLams $2 $4 }
| '\\' '{' System '}' { span $1 $4 $ LamSystem $3 }
| '(' var ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Ex (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
| '{' var ':' Exp '}' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ Pi Im (getVar $2) $4 $6 }
| ExpApp '->' Exp { span $1 $3 $ Pi Ex (T.singleton '_') $1 $3 }
@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ Tuple :: { Expr }
Atom :: { Expr }
: var { span $1 $1 $ Var (getVar $1) }
| '(' Tuple ')' { span $1 $3 $ $2 }
| '[' Exp ']' { span $1 $3 $ Bracket $2 }
ProdTail :: { Expr }
: '(' VarList ':' Exp ')' ProdTail { span $1 $6 $ makePis Ex (thd $2) $4 $6 }
@ -119,13 +129,42 @@ ReplStatement :: { Statement }
| '{-#' Pragma '#-}' { spanSt $1 $3 $ $2 }
Program :: { [Statement] }
: Statement { [$1] }
| Statement ';' Program { $1:$3 }
: Statement { [$1] }
| Statement Semis Program { $1:$3 }
Semis :: { () }
: ';' { () }
| ';' Semis { () }
Pragma :: { Statement }
: 'PRIMITIVE' var var { Builtin (getVar $2) (getVar $3) }
| 'PRIMITIVE' var { Builtin (getVar $2) (getVar $2) }
System :: { [(Formula, Expr)] }
: {- empty system -} { [] }
| NeSystem { $1 }
NeSystem :: { [(Formula, Expr) ]}
: Formula '->' Exp { [($1, $3)] }
| Formula '->' Exp ',' NeSystem { ($1, $3):$5 }
Formula :: { Formula }
: Disjn { $1 }
| Disjn '&&' Disjn { $1 `FAnd` $3 }
Disjn :: { Formula }
: FAtom { $1 }
| FAtom '||' FAtom { $1 `FOr` $3 }
FAtom :: { Formula }
: '(' var '=' var ')' {%
case $4 of
Token (TokVar x) _ _
| x == T.pack "i0" -> pure (FIs0 (getVar $2))
| x == T.pack "i1" -> pure (FIs1 (getVar $2))
x -> parseError (x, ["i0", "i1"])
lexer cont = alexMonadScan >>= cont

+ 15
- 0
src/Presyntax/Presyntax.hs View File

@ -19,9 +19,24 @@ data Expr
| Proj1 Expr
| Proj2 Expr
-- application of IsOne primitive is written like [ φ ]
| Bracket Expr
-- System
| LamSystem [(Formula, Expr)]
| Span Expr Posn Posn
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Formula
= FIs1 Text
| FIs0 Text
| FAnd Formula Formula
| FOr Formula Formula
| FTop
| FBot
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Statement
= Decl [Text] Expr
| Defn Text Expr

+ 10
- 0
src/Presyntax/Tokens.hs View File

@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ data TokenClass
| TokOParen
| TokOBrace
| TokOSquare
| TokCParen
| TokCBrace
| TokCSquare
-- {-# #-}
| TokOPragma
@ -32,6 +35,9 @@ data TokenClass
| TokPi1
| TokPi2
| TokAnd
| TokOr
| TokSemi
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -41,8 +47,10 @@ tokSize TokEof = 0
tokSize TokLambda = 1
tokSize TokOParen = 1
tokSize TokOBrace = 1
tokSize TokOSquare = 1
tokSize TokCBrace = 1
tokSize TokCParen = 1
tokSize TokCSquare = 1
tokSize TokCPragma = 3
tokSize TokOPragma = 3
tokSize TokPrim = length "PRIMITIVE"
@ -55,6 +63,8 @@ tokSize TokArrow = 2
tokSize TokPi1 = 2
tokSize TokPi2 = 2
tokSize TokReplLet = 4
tokSize TokAnd = 2
tokSize TokOr = 2
tokSize (TokReplT s) = T.length s
data Token

+ 39
- 0
src/Syntax.hs View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
data WiredIn
= WiType
@ -22,6 +24,14 @@ data WiredIn
| WiIOr
| WiINot
| WiPathP
| WiIsOne -- Proposition associated with an element of the interval
| WiItIsOne -- 1 = 1
| WiIsOne1 -- i j -> [i] -> [ior i j]
| WiIsOne2 -- i j -> [j] -> [ior i j]
| WiPartial -- (φ : I) -> Type -> Typeω
| WiPartialP -- (φ : I) -> Partial r Type -> Typeω
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Term
@ -51,6 +61,16 @@ data Term
| PathIntro Term Term
-- ^ PathIntro : (A : I -> Type) (f : (i : I) -> A i) -> PathP A (f i0) (f i1)
-- ~~~~~~~~~ not printed at all
| IsOne Term
| IsOne1 Term
| IsOne2 Term
| ItIsOne
| Partial Term Term
| PartialP Term Term
| System (Map Term Term)
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data MV =
@ -90,6 +110,15 @@ data Value
| VPath Value Value Value
| VLine Value Value
| VIsOne Value
| VItIsOne
| VIsOne1 Value
| VIsOne2 Value
| VPartial NFEndp Value
| VPartialP NFEndp Value
| VSystem (Map Value Value)
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
pattern VVar :: Name -> Value
@ -120,6 +149,7 @@ quoteWith names (VSigma d (Closure n k)) =
quoteWith names (VPair a b) = Pair (quoteWith names a) (quoteWith names b)
quoteWith _ VType = Type
quoteWith _ VTypeω = Typeω
quoteWith _ VI = I
quoteWith _ VI0 = I0
quoteWith _ VI1 = I1
@ -130,6 +160,15 @@ quoteWith names (VINot x) = INot (quoteWith names x)
quoteWith names (VPath line x y) = PathP (quoteWith names line) (quoteWith names x) (quoteWith names y)
quoteWith names (VLine p f) = PathIntro (quoteWith names p) (quoteWith names f)
quoteWith names (VIsOne v) = IsOne (quoteWith names v)
quoteWith names (VIsOne1 v) = IsOne1 (quoteWith names v)
quoteWith names (VIsOne2 v) = IsOne2 (quoteWith names v)
quoteWith _ VItIsOne = ItIsOne
quoteWith names (VPartial x y) = Partial (quoteWith names x) (quoteWith names y)
quoteWith names (VPartialP x y) = Partial (quoteWith names x) (quoteWith names y)
quoteWith names (VSystem fs) = System (Map.fromList (map (\(x, y) -> (quoteWith names x, quoteWith names y)) (Map.toList fs)))
refresh :: Set Text -> Text -> Text
refresh s n
| T.singleton '_' == n = n

+ 24
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src/Syntax/Pretty.hs View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import Prettyprinter
import Syntax
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
instance Pretty Name where
pretty (Bound x) = pretty x
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ prettyTm (Proj2 x) = prettyTm x <> operator (pretty ".2")
prettyTm l@(Lam _ _ _) = pretty '\\' <> hsep (map prettyArgList al) <+> pretty "->" <+> prettyTm bod where
unwindLam (Lam p x y) = first ((p, x):) (unwindLam y)
unwindLam (PathIntro _ (Lam p x y)) = first ((p, x):) (unwindLam y)
unwindLam t = ([], t)
(al, bod) = unwindLam l
@ -52,14 +55,25 @@ prettyTm (Pi Ex v d r) = parens (pretty v <+> colon <+> prettyTm
prettyTm (Sigma (T.unpack -> "_") d r) = prettyDom d <+> pretty "*" <+> prettyTm r
prettyTm (Sigma v d r) = parens (pretty v <+> colon <+> prettyTm d) <+> pretty "*" <+> prettyTm r
prettyTm (IAnd x y) = prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "&&") <+> prettyTm y
prettyTm (IOr x y) = prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "||") <+> prettyTm y
prettyTm (IAnd x y) = parens $ prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "&&") <+> prettyTm y
prettyTm (IOr x y) = parens $ prettyTm x <+> operator (pretty "||") <+> prettyTm y
prettyTm (INot x) = operator (pretty '~') <> prettyTm x
prettyTm (PathP l x y) = keyword (pretty "PathP") <+> parenArg l <+> parenArg x <+> parenArg y
prettyTm (IElim _ _ _ f i) = prettyTm (App Ex f i)
prettyTm (PathIntro _ f) = prettyTm f
prettyTm (IsOne phi) = brackets (prettyTm phi)
prettyTm ItIsOne = keyword (pretty "1=1")
prettyTm (IsOne1 phi) = prettyTm (App Ex (Ref (Bound (T.pack "isOne1"))) phi)
prettyTm (IsOne2 phi) = prettyTm (App Ex (Ref (Bound (T.pack "isOne2"))) phi)
prettyTm (Partial phi a) = prettyTm $ foldl (App Ex) (Ref (Bound (T.pack "Partial"))) [phi, a]
prettyTm (PartialP phi a) = prettyTm $ foldl (App Ex) (Ref (Bound (T.pack "PartialP"))) [phi, a]
prettyTm (System xs) = braces (mempty <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map go (Map.toList xs))) <+> mempty) where
go (f, t) = prettyTm f <+> operator (pretty "=>") <+> prettyTm t
keyword :: Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle
keyword = annotate (color Magenta)
@ -69,6 +83,10 @@ operator = annotate (color Yellow)
parenArg :: Term -> Doc AnsiStyle
parenArg x@App{} = parens (prettyTm x)
parenArg x@IElim{} = parens (prettyTm x)
parenArg x@IsOne1{} = parens $ prettyTm x
parenArg x@IsOne2{} = parens $ prettyTm x
parenArg x@Partial{} = parens $ prettyTm x
parenArg x@PartialP{} = parens $ prettyTm x
parenArg x = prettyDom x
prettyDom :: Term -> Doc AnsiStyle
@ -86,3 +104,7 @@ render = L.toStrict . renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
showValue :: Value -> String
showValue = L.unpack . renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . prettyTm . quote
showFace :: Map Head Bool -> Doc AnsiStyle
showFace = hsep . map go . Map.toList where
go (h, b) = parens $ prettyTm (quote (VNe h mempty)) <+> operator (pretty "=") <+> pretty (if b then "i1" else "i0")

+ 45
- 1 View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ refl {A} {x} i = x
sym : {A : I -> Pretype} {x : A i0} {y : A i1} -> PathP A x y -> PathP (\i -> A (inot i)) y x
sym p i = p (inot i)
id : {A : Type} -> A -> A
id x = x
the : (A : Pretype) -> A -> A
the A x = x
@ -43,4 +46,45 @@ isContr : Type -> Type
isContr A = (x : A) * ((y : A) -> Path x y)
singContr : {A : Type} {a : A} -> isContr (Singl A a)
singContr {A} {a} = ((a, \i -> a), \y i -> (y.2 i, \j -> y.2 (iand i j)))
singContr {A} {a} = ((a, \i -> a), \y i -> (y.2 i, \j -> y.2 (iand i j)))
cong : {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} (f : (x : A) -> B x) {x : A} {y : A} (p : Path x y) -> PathP (\i -> B (p i)) (f x) (f y)
cong f p i = f (p i)
congComp : {A : Type} {B : Type} {C : Type}
{f : A -> B} {g : B -> C} {x : A} {y : A}
(p : Path x y)
-> Path (cong g (cong f p)) (cong (\x -> g (f x)) p)
congComp p = refl
congId : {A : Type} {x : A} {y : A}
(p : Path x y)
-> Path (cong (id {A}) p) p
congId p = refl
IsOne : I -> Type
{-# PRIMITIVE IsOne #-}
itIs1 : IsOne i1
{-# PRIMITIVE itIs1 #-}
isOneL : {i : I} {j : I} -> IsOne i -> IsOne (ior i j)
{-# PRIMITIVE isOneL #-}
isOneR : {i : I} {j : I} -> IsOne j -> IsOne (ior i j)
{-# PRIMITIVE isOneR #-}
Partial : I -> Type -> Pretype
{-# PRIMITIVE Partial #-}
PartialP : (phi : I) -> Partial phi Type -> Pretype
{-# PRIMITIVE PartialP #-}
Bool : Type
tt, ff : Bool
foo : (i : I) -> (j : I) -> Partial (ior (inot i) (ior i (iand i j))) Bool
foo i j = \ { (i = i0) -> tt, (i = i1) -> ff, (i = i1) && (j = i1) -> ff }
apPartial : {B : Type} {A : Type} -> (phi : I) -> (A -> B) -> Partial phi A -> Partial phi B
apPartial phi f p is1 = f (p is1)
