open import ""
module S = import "data/"
module M = import "data/"
type expr =
| Ref of string
| App of expr * expr
| Lam of string * expr
| Case of expr * list (string * list string * expr)
| Lit of int
| Let of list (string * expr) * expr
let app = curry App
let lam = curry Lam
let rec free_vars = function
| Ref v -> S.singleton v
| App (f, x) -> S.union (free_vars f) (free_vars x)
| Lam (v, x) -> v `S.delete` free_vars x
| Case (e, bs) ->
|> map (fun (_, a, e) -> free_vars e `S.difference` S.from_list a)
|> foldl S.union S.empty
|> S.union (free_vars e)
| Let (vs, b) ->
let bound = S.from_list (map (fun (x, _) -> x) vs)
|> map (fun (_, e) -> free_vars e)
|> foldl S.union S.empty
|> S.union (free_vars b)
|> flip S.difference bound
| Lit _ -> S.empty
type hstype =
| Tycon of string
| Tyvar of string
| Tyapp of hstype * hstype
| Tyarr of hstype * hstype
| Tytup of list hstype
let rec free_cons = function
| Tycon v -> S.singleton v
| Tyvar _ -> S.empty
| Tyapp (f, x) -> S.union (free_cons f) (free_cons x)
| Tyarr (f, x) -> S.union (free_cons f) (free_cons x)
| Tytup xs -> foldl (fun s x -> S.union s (free_cons x)) S.empty xs
let rec arity = function
| Tyarr (_, i) -> 1 + arity i
| _ -> 0
type constr = Constr of string * list hstype
type call_conv = Lua | Prim
type fdecl =
Fimport of {
cc : call_conv,
fent : string,
ftype : hstype,
var : string
type decl =
| Decl of string * list string * expr
| Data of string * list string * list constr
| Foreign of fdecl
type prog <- list decl