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open import ""
module S = import "data/"
module M = import "data/"
type expr =
| Ref of string
| App of expr * expr
| Lam of string * expr
| Case of expr * list (string * expr)
let app = curry App
let lam = curry Lam
let rec free_vars = function
| Ref v -> S.singleton v
| App (f, x) -> S.union (free_vars f) (free_vars x)
| Lam (v, x) -> v `S.delete` free_vars x
| Case (e, bs) ->
|> map (fun (_, e) -> free_vars e)
|> foldl S.union S.empty
|> S.union (free_vars e)
let rec subst m = function
| Ref v ->
match M.lookup v m with
| Some s -> s
| None -> Ref v
| App (f, x) -> App (subst m f, subst m x)
| Lam (v, x) -> Lam (v, subst (M.delete v m) x)
| Case (e, xs) -> Case (subst m e, map (second (subst m)) xs)
type hstype =
| Tycon of string
| Tyvar of string
| Tyapp of hstype * hstype
type constr = Constr of string * list hstype
type decl =
| Decl of string * list string * expr
| Data of string * list string * list constr
type prog <- list decl
let rec xs !! i =
match xs, i with
| Cons (x, _), 0 -> x
| Cons (_, xs), i when i > 0 -> xs !! (i - 1)
| _, _ -> error "empty list and/or negative index"
let ds_data (_, _, cs) =
let ncons = length cs
let alts = map (("c" ^) # show) [1..ncons]
let ds_con i (Constr (n, args)) =
let arity = length args
let alt = alts !! i
let args = map (("x" ^) # show) [1..arity]
Decl (n, args, foldr lam (foldl app (Ref alt) (map Ref args)) alts)
let rec go i = function
| [] -> []
| Cons (x, xs) -> ds_con i x :: go (i + 1) xs
go 0 cs
let ds_prog prog =
let! c = prog
match c with
| Data c -> ds_data c
| Decl (n, args, e) -> [Decl (n, args, e)]