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small improvements to compilation

* don't eval the root of the updated graph when building a
* fix type-checking order resolution
Amélia Liao 3 years ago
5 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions
  1. +13
  2. +7
  3. +3
  4. +10
  5. +9

+ 13
- 3 View File

@ -194,13 +194,24 @@ and compile_strict (env : M.t string slot) = function
| App (App (Ref f, x), y) as e ->
match M.lookup f !prim_scs with
| Some op when is_arith_op op ->
print ("compiling", f, "specially")
compile_strict env x
# compile_strict (incr <$> env) y
# (op ::)
| _ -> compile_lazy env e # (Eval ::)
| e -> compile_lazy env e # (Eval ::)
and compile_tail (env : M.t string slot) = function
| Ref v ->
match M.lookup v env with
| Some (As i) -> (Push (Arg i) ::)
| Some (Ls i) -> (Push (Local i) ::)
| None -> (Push (Combinator v) ::)
| App (f, x) ->
let f = compile_tail env f
let x = compile_lazy (map incr env) x
f # x # (Mkap ::)
| e -> compile_strict env e
and compile_let cont env vs e =
let n = length vs
let env =
@ -218,7 +229,7 @@ and compile_let cont env vs e =
let supercomb (_, args, exp) =
let env = M.from_list (zip args [0..length args])
let k = compile_strict (M.from_list (zip args (As <$> [0..length args]))) exp
let k = compile_tail (M.from_list (zip args (As <$> [0..length args]))) exp
k [Update (length env), Pop (length env), Unwind]
let compile_cons =
@ -267,7 +278,6 @@ let program decs =
| Foreign (Fimport { cc = Prim, var } as fi) ->
define var (
let (code, h) = cg_prim fi
print h
prim_scs := M.insert var h !prim_scs
pure [code]

+ 7
- 2 View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ let go infile outfile =
match lex prog str with
| Right (ds, _) ->
|> T.tc_program
|> T.tc_program [] []
|> fun (_, _, z) -> z
|> C.program
|> A.assm_program
|> write_bytes outfile
@ -35,7 +36,11 @@ let go' infile outfile =
let test str =
match lex prog str with
| Right (ds, _) ->
let code = ds |> T.tc_program |> C.program
let code =
|> T.tc_program [] []
|> fun (_, _, z) -> z
|> C.program
let lua = code |> A.assm_program
print code
put_line lua

+ 3
- 0 View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type expr =
| App of expr * expr
| Lam of string * expr
| Case of expr * list (string * list string * expr)
| If of expr * expr * expr
| Lit of int
| Let of list (string * expr) * expr
@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ let rec free_vars = function
|> foldl S.union S.empty
|> S.union (free_vars b)
|> flip S.difference bound
| If (f, x, y) ->
S.union (free_vars f) (S.union (free_vars x) (free_vars y))
| Lit _ -> S.empty
type hstype =

+ 10
- 1
lib/ View File

@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ let toposort (graph : t 'a) : list 'a =
iter visit nodes
reverse !l
let dot_of_graph (graph : t 'a) =
let mk node =
S.foldr (fun edge r -> show node ^ " -> " ^ show edge ^ "\n" ^ r) "\n"
"strict digraph {"
^ M.foldr_with_key (fun node edges r -> mk node edges ^ r) "" graph
^ "}"
let groups_of_sccs (graph : t 'a) =
let sccs = sccs graph
let edges_of n =
@ -72,10 +79,12 @@ let groups_of_sccs (graph : t 'a) =
|> M.assocs
|> map (fun (k, s) -> M.singleton s (S.singleton k))
|> foldl (M.union_by (fun _ -> S.union)) M.empty
let atd nodes =
S.foldr (fun n -> S.union (edges_of n)) S.empty nodes `S.difference` nodes
let comp_deps =
|> M.assocs
|> map (fun (node, edges) -> (node, edges_of node `S.difference` edges))
|> map (fun (node, edges) -> (node, atd edges))
|> M.from_list
let ordering = toposort comp_deps
[ x | with k <- ordering, with Some x <- [M.lookup k components] ]

+ 9
- 7 View File

@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ let dependency_graph defs =
|> M.insert name S.empty
|> (, define name x defs)
let (graph, defs) = foldl go (M.empty, M.empty) defs
G.dot_of_graph graph |> put_line
(G.groups_of_sccs graph, defs)
let mk_lam args body = foldr (curry Lam) body args
@ -410,17 +411,16 @@ let rec add_missing_vars scope = function
| Tyarr (a, b) -> add_missing_vars (add_missing_vars scope b) a
| Tytup xs -> foldl add_missing_vars scope xs
let tc_program (prog : list decl) =
let tc_program value_exports type_exports (prog : list decl) =
let (plan, defs) = dependency_graph prog
let tc_one (dt_info, val_scope, ty_scope, out) group =
print (length out, length (S.members group))
let defs = [ x | with name <- S.members group, with Some x <- [M.lookup name defs] ]
match defs with
| [] -> (dt_info, val_scope, ty_scope, out)
| [Foreign (Fimport {var, ftype}) as def] ->
let ty_scope' = add_missing_vars M.empty ftype
let t = check_is_type (M.union ty_scope' ty_scope) ftype
print var
(dt_info, M.insert var (Forall { vars = M.keys ty_scope', body = t } |> Poly) val_scope, ty_scope, def :: out)
| Cons (Foreign (Fimport {var}), _) ->
error @@ "Foreign definition " ^ var ^ " is part of a group. How?"
@ -431,13 +431,11 @@ let tc_program (prog : list decl) =
let (bindings, scope') = infer_binding_group dt_info -1 val_scope bindings
let decs =
[ Decl (name, unlambda expr) | with (name, expr) <- bindings ]
print name
(dt_info, M.union (map force scope') val_scope, ty_scope, foldr (::) decs out)
| Cons (Data d, ds) ->
let datas = d :: [ d | with Data d <- ds ]
let r = infer_data_group_kind ty_scope datas
let fix_constr (name, rhos : list tc_rho) =
print name
Constr (name, replicate (length rhos) (Tycon "#"))
let rec go dt ty (vl : M.t string (scheme tc_rho)) ds = function
| [] -> (dt, vl, ty, ds)
@ -452,5 +450,9 @@ let tc_program (prog : list decl) =
(Data (name, [], fix_constr <$> constrs) :: ds)
go dt_info ty_scope val_scope out r
let (_, _, _, p) = foldl tc_one (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, []) plan
let (_, vals, types, p) = foldl tc_one (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, []) plan
[x | with k <- value_exports, with Some x <- [M.lookup k vals]],
[x | with k <- type_exports, with Some x <- [M.lookup k types]],
