Prototype, extremely bad code implementation of CCHM Cubical Type Theory
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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module Systems where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List
import Presyntax
newtype Face = Face { getFace :: Map String Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
evalFormula :: Formula -> Face -> Bool
evalFormula (Is0 x) f =
case Map.lookup x (getFace f) of
Just x -> not x
Nothing -> error $ "dimension not bound in formula: " ++ show x
evalFormula (Is1 x) f =
case Map.lookup x (getFace f) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "dimension not bound in formula: " ++ show x
evalFormula (And a b) f = evalFormula a f && evalFormula b f
evalFormula (Or a b) f = evalFormula a f || evalFormula b f
evalFormula Top _ = True
evalFormula Bot _ = False
freeVarsFormula :: Formula -> Set String
freeVarsFormula (Is0 x) = Set.singleton x
freeVarsFormula (Is1 x) = Set.singleton x
freeVarsFormula (And a b) = Set.union (freeVarsFormula a) (freeVarsFormula b)
freeVarsFormula (Or a b) = Set.union (freeVarsFormula a) (freeVarsFormula b)
freeVarsFormula Top = mempty
freeVarsFormula Bot = mempty
faces :: Formula -> ([Face], [Face])
faces formula = partition (evalFormula formula) allPossible where
truths [] = [mempty]
truths (x:xs) = uncurry Map.insert <$> [(x, True), (x, False)] <*> truths xs
allPossible = Face <$> truths (Set.toList (freeVarsFormula formula))
impossible, possible, tautological :: Formula -> Bool
impossible = null . fst . faces
possible = not . null . fst . faces
tautological = not . null . snd . faces
toDNF :: Formula -> Formula
toDNF = orFormula . map formulaOfFace . fst . faces
formulaOfFace :: Face -> Formula
formulaOfFace = andFormula . map (\(x, i) -> if i then Is1 x else Is0 x) . Map.toDescList . getFace
andFormula :: [Formula] -> Formula
andFormula = foldr and Top where
and x y =
case x of
Top -> case y of
Bot -> Bot
_ -> y
Bot -> Bot
_ -> case y of
Top -> x
_ -> And x y
orFormula :: [Formula] -> Formula
orFormula [] = Bot
orFormula (x:xs) = or x (orFormula xs) where
or x y =
case x of
Top -> Top
Bot -> case y of
Top -> Top
_ -> y
_ -> case y of
Bot -> x
_ -> Or x y
notFormula :: Formula -> Formula
notFormula Top = Bot
notFormula Bot = Top
notFormula (Is0 x) = Is1 x
notFormula (Is1 x) = Is0 x
notFormula (And x y) = Or (notFormula x) (notFormula y)
notFormula (Or x y) = And (notFormula x) (notFormula y)
newtype System a = FMap { getSystem :: Map Formula a }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
emptySystem :: System a
emptySystem = FMap mempty
mapSystem :: System a -> (a -> b) -> System b
mapSystem (FMap x) f = FMap (Map.filterWithKey (\f _ -> f /= Bot) (fmap f x))