image picker with clipboard and drag-n-drop capability for linux.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
755 B

3 years ago
  1. # This file is used to ignore files which are generated
  2. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. *~
  4. *.autosave
  5. *.a
  6. *.core
  7. *.moc
  8. *.o
  9. *.obj
  10. *.orig
  11. *.rej
  12. *.so
  13. *.so.*
  14. *_pch.h.cpp
  15. *_resource.rc
  16. *.qm
  17. .#*
  18. *.*#
  19. core
  20. !core/
  21. tags
  22. .DS_Store
  23. .directory
  24. *.debug
  25. Makefile*
  26. *.prl
  27. *.app
  28. moc_*.cpp
  29. ui_*.h
  30. qrc_*.cpp
  31. Thumbs.db
  32. *.res
  33. *.rc
  34. /.qmake.cache
  35. /.qmake.stash
  36. # qtcreator generated files
  37. *.pro.user*
  38. # xemacs temporary files
  39. *.flc
  40. # Vim temporary files
  41. .*.swp
  42. # Visual Studio generated files
  43. *.ib_pdb_index
  44. *.idb
  45. *.ilk
  46. *.pdb
  47. *.sln
  48. *.suo
  49. *.vcproj
  50. *vcproj.*.*.user
  51. *.ncb
  52. *.sdf
  53. *.opensdf
  54. *.vcxproj
  55. *vcxproj.*
  56. # MinGW generated files
  57. *.Debug
  58. *.Release
  59. # Python byte code
  60. *.pyc
  61. # Binaries
  62. # --------
  63. *.dll
  64. *.exe
  65. build
  66. .vscode