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Typing (GHC) Haskell in Haskell The OutsideIn(X) Elaboration Algorithm September 5th, 2021 false

Typing Haskell in Haskell, in addition to being a solved problem, is the name of a paper by Mark P. Jones that constructs, in detail, a solution to that problem. The goal of that paper is noble: a complete specification of Haskell's type system as an executable Haskell program. And, indeed, in 2000, when that paper was published, it was a complete specification of Haskell's type system, depending on what you mean by Haskell. However, most people do not mean "Haskell 2010" when they say Haskell, let alone Haskell 98 - what the paper implements. Further, it's been 21 years!

When I say Haskell, personally, I mean "GHC's default language", and possibly throw in some 20 extensions on top anyway. Here's a small list of conveniences 2021 Haskell programmers are used to, but were implemented in the two decades since Typing Haskell in Haskell was first published - or, in the case of FunDeps, were simply not standardised:

  • Rank-N types, a limited implementation of first-class polymorphism, let a Haskell programmer write foralls to the left of as many arrows as she wants. For a motivating example, take the ST monad, from which a value can be extracted using runST:

    runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a

    Since the type of the state token - s - is universally quantified, it's not "chosen" by the ST computation, but rather by runST itself, making sure that the computation can't adversarially "choose" an instantiation of s that violates referential transparency.

    Rank-N types were first implemented in GHC in November 2001, in this commit.

  • Generalised algebraic data types (GADTs), which let us introduce local equational constraints between types by means of pattern matching. I'm a big fan of GADTs, so much so that I paid 20 bucks to register the domain The classic example of GADTs is a well-typed interpreter, where the type of each constructor constrains the return type of the interpreter:

    data Exp a where
      Add :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int
      IsZ :: Exp Int -> Exp Bool
      If  :: Exp Bool -> Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
      Lit :: Int -> Exp Int
    eval :: Exp a -> a
    eval (Lit i) = i
    {- most cases omitted for brevity -}

    GADTs were first implemented in GHC in September 2004, in this commit.

  • Functional dependencies, inspired by database theory, let a programmer specify that some of the arguments to one of their type classes is entirely determined by the value of some other argument. If that's a bit abstract, a more operational reading is that functional dependencies improve inferred types by adding new equalities. The classic example is this:

    class Collects c e | c -> e where
      singleton :: e -> c
      union :: c -> c -> c

    Without the functional dependency, the inferred type for the function bagTwo below would be (Collects c e1, Collects c e2) => e1 -> e2 -> c{.haskell}, implying that bagTwo is capable of placing two values of different types in the same collection c.

    bagTwo x y = singleton x `union` singleton y

    With the functional dependency c -> e in place, the two inferered constraints (Collects c e1, Collects c e2) interact to introduce an equality e1 ~ e2, improving the inferred type of the function to

    bagTwo :: Collects c a => a -> a -> c

    Functional dependencies were first implemented in GHC in December 1999, in this commit. The connection between database theory and type systems, integral in the design of functional dependencies for Haskell type classes, is made clear in the original paper, section 5.

  • Type families, originally introduced as associated types, are, as Richard Eisenberg put it, "non-generative, non-injective symbols whose equational theory is given by GHC". Put another way, they're almost-but-not-quite functions between types. Type families are weird, and complicate type checking massively. For instance, consider the following program, taken from Storalek et al.'s "Injective Type Families for Haskell":

    class Manifold a where
      type Base a
      project :: a -> Base a
      unproject :: Base a -> a
      id :: Manifold a => Base a -> Base a
      id = project . unproject

    Does this program type check? Surprisingly, the answer is no! The reason is that the type variable a only appears under type families, and in the set of constraints, so GHC reports the function's type as ambiguous.

    To understand why this is problematic, imagine that we have two types X{.haskell} and Y{.haskell} such that Base X = Base Y = [Double]{.haskell}. Given a vec :: [Double], what instance of Manifold should the call id vec use? We can't choose - we can only guess, and runtime behaviour that depends on a compiler guess is very much frowned upon!

    Type families were originally implemented ca. 2006, but I've been unable to track down the precise commit. I believe it was done as part of the patch which changed GHC's intermediate representation to System $F_C$ (we'll get to it) - this is backed up by this sentence from the conclusion of the $F_C$ paper: "At the same time, we re-implemented GHC’s support for newtypes and GADTs to work as outlined in §2 and added support for associated (data) types".

All of these features interact with eachother in entirely non-trivial ways, creating a powerful source of GHC infelicities with $n^2$ magnitude. The interaction between GADTs and type families, for instance, mandates an elaboration algorithm which can cope with local assumptions in a principled way, since GADTs can introduce equalities between existentials which interact with type family axioms non-trivially. Wobbly types just won't cut it.

That's where $\operatorname{OutsideIn}$ comes in - or, more specifically, $\operatorname{OutsideIn}(X)$, since the elaboration algorithm is parametrised over the constraint domain $X$. This post is intended as a companion to the JFP paper introducing OutsideIn, not as a replacement. The core idea is that we can record where the local assumptions are introduced in a tree of implication constraints, built out of the constraints in our domain $X$, and these can be reduced - outside-in - to an $X$-specific solver.

Diverging from the paper slightly, I'll implement the elaborator as a bidirectional algorithm, which lets us take advantage of programmer-written type signatures. The signatures are there for a reason! It's silly to use type signatures as a source of complication (infer a type for the binding, then match it against the signature) rather than as a source of simplification. Plus - bidirectional type checking makes higher-rank types almost trivial - I think we can all agree that's a good thing, yeah?

The Problem Statement

We're given a Haskell program - well, a program written in a proper subset of a proper superset of Haskell - and we want to tell whether it's type correct. Our superset extends Haskell 2010 to feature type families, GADTs, rank-N types and functional dependencies, but our subset doesn't contain most of Haskell's niceties, like definitions by equations, guards, or even if{.haskell}: you get case{.haskell}, and you're going to like it.

Well, more than just telling whether or not the program is type correct, we want to produce an elaborated program in a simpler language - GHC calls this "Core" - if and only if the program is correct, and report a (set of) good type errors otherwise. The elaborated program also has to be type correct, and, ideally, we have a second, much smaller type checker over the Core language that calls the big, complicated elaborator out on its bullshit. Because of this, the elaborator has to produce evidence justifying its wilder claims.

There are two kinds of evidence we need to produce: coercions are inserted where the expected type of an expression is equal to its actual type in a non-trivial way. Consider the program below, and its elaboration to the right:

data T1 a where
  TI :: T1 Int
  TB :: T1 Bool

foo :: T1 a -> a
foo x = case x of
  TI -> 123
  TB -> True
data T1 a where
  TI :: (a ~# Int) => T1 a
  TB :: (a ~# Bool) => T1 a

foo :: T1 a -> a
foo x = case x of
  TI phi -> 123 |> Sym phi
  TB phi -> True |> Sym phi

This program, which uses GADTs (see data ... where{.haskell}), has two non-trivial equalities between types. In the TI -> 123{.haskell} case, we used an Int{.haskell}1 literal where a value of type a was expected. But in that branch, a is equal to Int{.haskell}! In the elaborated output, this non-trivial local equality is explicitly witnessed by a coercion variable phi :: a ~# Int{.haskell}, and the use of 123 :: Int{.haskell} at type a has to be mediated by a cast.

The other kind of evidence is not specific to GADTs, type families, or any other type fanciness: dictionaries witness the existence of a type class instance{.haskell}, but, unlike coercions (which only exist to make the second type checker happy), exist at runtime. Consider the program below and its elaboration:

class S a where
  s :: a -> String

instance S Int where
  s = show

foo :: Int -> String
foo x = s (x + 123)
data $S a =
  $MkS { s :: a -> String }

$dSInt :: S Int
$dSInt = $MkS @Int (show @Int $dShowInt)

foo :: Int -> String
foo x = s @Int $dSInt ((+) @Int $dNumInt x 123)

Type class{.haskell}es are elaborated to data{.haskell} types, and instance{.haskell}s are compiled to actual proper values of those data types. When you apply a function with overloaded type - like s, show and (+) - the compiler inserts the value corresponding to the instance{.haskell} that was selected to satisfy the class constraint. Further, instance{.haskell}s with superclass constraints become functions from dictionaries to dictionaries, and superclasses on class{.haskell}es become values embedded in the dictionary, just like class methods.

You'll also notice another artifact of elaboration here: the use of s at type Int{.haskell} became a visible type application s @Int{.haskell}. This is, again, to satisfy the second type checker, but it can in principle be used as an actual implementation of polymorphism - one that doesn't box. See Sixten for a language that exploits this type passing to implement polymorphism without monomorphisation. Type applications are used in every polymorphic function application, not just those with class constraints.

Why it's hard

GADTs complicate the problem of type inference in a way that's become rather famous: GADTs destroy the principal types property. Recall: A principal type for a function $f$ is a type $\tau$ such that, $\Gamma \vdash f : \tau$ and, if $\Gamma \vdash f : \sigma$, then $\sigma$ is a substitution instance of $\tau$. Using less KaTeX, a principal type for a function is a most general type for a type. For instance, the functions below are annotated with their principal types:

id :: a -> a
id x = x

const :: a -> b -> a
const x _ = x

But now consider this program using GADTs:

data T a where
  T1 :: Int -> T Bool
  T2 :: T a

test x y = case x of
  T1 n -> n > 0
  T2   -> y

One can verify - and we will - that the function test types as either test :: forall a. T a -> Bool -> Bool{.haskell} or as forall a. T a -> a -> a{.haskell}, but neither of these types is an instance of the other! Let's look at why test checks with either of those types, with a lot of detail - mimicking by hand the execution of the algorithm. Don't worry about all the terms I'll be throwing around: they'll all be explained later, I promise!

**`test :: forall a. T a -> Bool -> Bool`{.haskell}**

The algorithm is in checking mode, since we have a type signature.

  1. Introduce a binding x :: T a{.haskell} into scope. We must check the body of the function against the type Bool -> Bool{.haskell}

  2. Introduce a binding y :: Bool into scope. We must check the body of the function against the type Bool{.haskell}.

  3. Check the case{.haskell} expression against the type Bool{.haskell}. There are two branches.

    • T1 n -> n > 0{.haskell}:

      • Instantiate the type of the constructor T1 :: forall a. (a ~ Bool) => Int -> T a{.haskell} with a := X{.haskell} to get the type T1 :: a ~ Bool => Int -> T a{.haskell}, where a is a skolem type variable. The type variable a becomes a skolem and not a unification variable because it is an existential of T1.

      • Introduce the local equality assumption phi :: a ~ Bool{.haskell} and the variable n :: Int{.haskell}.

      • Check that n > 0 :: Bool{.haskell}. For brevity, we'll take this to be one atomic step, which succeeds, but the real algorithm must treat all of those subexpressions independently.

    • T2 -> y{.haskell}. We must check that y :: Bool{.haskell}, which succeeds.

Since all of these steps succeed (most of them are introducing variables and can't fail) - the program is type-correct. Note that in the branch with a local equality, our assumption that a ~ Bool{.haskell} wasn't used.

**`test :: forall a. T a -> a -> a`{.haskell}**

The algorithm is in checking mode, since we have a type signature.

  1. Introduce a binding x :: T a{.haskell} into scope. We must check the body of the function against the type a -> a{.haskell}

  2. Introduce a binding y :: a into scope. We must check the body of the function against the type a{.haskell}.

  3. Check the case{.haskell} expression against the type Bool{.haskell}. There are two branches.

    • T1 n -> n > 0{.haskell}:

      • Instantiate the type of the constructor T1 :: forall a. (a ~ Bool) => Int -> T a{.haskell} with a := X{.haskell} to get the type T1 :: a ~ Bool => Int -> T a{.haskell}, where a is a skolem type variable. The type variable a becomes a skolem and not a unification variable because it is an existential of T1.

      • Introduce the local equality assumption phi :: a ~ Bool{.haskell} and the variable n :: Int{.haskell}.

      • Check that n > 0 :: a{.haskell}. We infer that n > 0 :: Bool{.haskell}, and we must unify Bool ~ a{.haskell}. This unification succeeds because of the given equality phi :: a ~ Bool{.haskell}, which we are free to invert.

    • T2 -> y{.haskell}. We must check that y :: a{.haskell}, which succeeds.

Since all of these steps succeed (most of them are introducing variables and can't fail) - the program is type-correct. In this typing, compared with the previous, we made use of the assumption phi :: a ~ Bool brought into scope by the match against the constructor T1 n.

The execution trace for both cases is remarkably similar - the only difference is in that if the function is typed as T a -> a -> a{.haskell}, we must make use of the local equality brought into scope to justify that we're allowed to use a value nominally of type Bool{.haskell} as one of type a. We are free to do this, but it's not obvious if, without a type annotation to guide us, we should. Consider now the following very minor alteration to test:

test x y = case x of
  T1 n -> n > 0
  T2   -> not y

The only possible type for this program is T a -> Bool -> Bool{.haskell}, and so, we can decide without any major complications that the GADT equality should not be used.

How To Check Types

In this section we'll solve the infinitely simpler problem of elaborating a language with rank-N types and type classes - including functional dependencies - but crucially, no GADTs. To do this we'll use a bidirectional, constraint-based elaboration algorithm.

First, bidirectional means that, unlike in a type inference system, type information flows both in and out of the algorithm. Practically speaking, we have two functions to implement the case where type information is an input to the algorithm (check{.haskell}) and one where type information is a return from the algorithm (infer{.haskell}).

infer :: Raw.Expr -> Elab (Core.Term, Core.Type)
check :: Raw.Expr -> Core.Type -> Elab Core.Term

If you know how to infer a type for an expression e but you need to check it against a known type wanted_type, you can do it by unification, whereas if you know how to check an expression f against a type but you need to infer a type for it, you can do it by inventing a new metavariable and checking against that2:

check e wanted_type = do
  (elab, actual_type) <- infer x
  unify wanted_type actual_type
  pure elab
infer f = do
  ty <- newMeta
  elab <- check f ty
  pure (elab, ty)

Constraint-based means that, at least conceptually, the algorithm works by first generating constraints by walking through the AST (we do this bidirectionally), and only later solving the generated constraints. But, as a very fruitful optimisation, there are cases where the constraints need not be stashed away for later: If we want to solve a unification problem, for instance, where a metavariable is being compared against a concrete type, and we're free to solve the variable with that type, we might as well do it inline.

Elaboration is a natural extension of "type checking" in which the program is both checked and transformed into a simpler intermediate representation in the same step. The name "type checker" sort-of implies that the output is a boolean (or, more realistically, a list of errors): this is rarely true in practice, but I still prefer the use of the name "elaborator" to make clear that the output is a different language from the input, and not merely a type-annotated version of the input.

I'm going to start by talking about the intermediate language we'll elaborate into, _System $F_C$, first. This is because of an assumption I'm making: I'm assuming most of my readers are familiar with Haskell - at least in passing - but not very familiar with GHC's intermediate language. That's why we start there!

Our Target Language

System $F_C$, as the name kind-of sort-of implies, is a superset of System $F$, the second-order lambda calculus. For those not in the loop, System F has all the same features of a normal typed lambda calculus (variables, lambda abstraction, application, algebraic data types, and pattern matching3), but additionally features first class polymorphism. Roughly, this means that in System F, a forall{.haskell} type can appear everywhere a "normal" type can appear - you could form the type [forall a. a -> a]{.haskell} of "lists of identity functions", for instance.

Now, this doesn't mean that first class polymorphism is available to languages that elaborate into System $F_C$ - GHC, for instance, struggled with what they call "impredicative polymorphism" for years, up until very recently. Amulet did a slightly better job because, being a research toy and not a production compiler (that happens to be also be a research toy), there was less code to move around by implementing support for first-class polymorphism.

Since forall{.haskell} is a new type former, it also has a corresponding introduction form and elimination form. The introduction rule says that if you can build a term e : t in a context where a is a type variable of kind k, then the term Λ (a :: k). e has type forall (a :: k). σ{.haskell}. To stick with ASCII for "control" symbols, I'm going to write Λ (a :: k) as \ @(a :: k){.haskell}, omitting κ if it is obvious - Also, I'm sticking with Haskell notation, even if :: should really mean cons.

Similarly, the elimination rule says that to consume an expression e :: forall (a :: k). t{.haskell}, what we need to do is come up with a type s :: k{.haskell}. Then we can instantiate (using a different word so as to not overload "apply") e{.haskell} at s{.haskell} to get a term e @s :: t[s/a]{.haskell} - where t[s/a] denotes the substitution of s for a in t, avoiding capture.

Here's a simple Haskell program, and its translation into the notation I'll use for $F_C$. We'll go over it afterwards.

data List a
  = Nil
  | Cons a (List a)

map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List a
-- this line intentionally left blank
map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs)
map f Nil = Nil
data List :: * -> * where
  Nil  :: forall a. List a
  Cons :: forall a. a -> List a -> List a

map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List a
map @a @b f x = case x of
  Cons x xs -> Cons @b (f x) (map @a @b f xs)
  Nil -> Nil @b

Let's go over the differences:

  • In Haskell, we allow datatype declarations using the Haskell 98 syntax, but in $F_C$ all data types are given in GADT syntax. Furthermore, List{.haskell} was given a kind annotation when it was elaborated - the kind of List{.haskell} says it maps ground types to ground types. By "ground type" I mean something that's potentially inhabited, e.g. Int{.haskell} or Void{.haskell}, but not Maybe.

    Where does the kind annotation come from? Well, we know List will have a function kind since it has one argument, and we know its return kind will be *{.haskell} since all data types are in *{.haskell}. That means we kind-check the constructors with List :: κ -> a{.haskell} in scope, where κ is a fresh metavariable. The type of Nil{.haskell} doesn't fix κ, but the type of Cons{.haskell} - a is used on the left of an arrow, so it must have kind *.

  • Haskell has definition by equations, but in $F_C$ we simply have type signatures and definitions. We can translate the equations into a case tree using a rather involved - but mechanical - process, and, to avoid that complication, the subset of Haskell our elaborator works will not support equations. It's mostly immaterial to elaboration, anyway.

  • In Haskell, the type signature map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b{.haskell} is written with implicit binders for the type variables a and b, so that they're seemingly free. This is not the case, of course, and so in $F_C$ we must write out what forall{.haskell}s we mean. This is less relevant in this case, where there are no free type variables in the environment, but specifying forall{.haskell}s is essential when we have ScopedTypeVariables.

  • Finally, all of the polymorphism implicit in the Haskell version of the program was made explicit in its elaboration into $F_C$. For instance, the type of the map{.haskell} function has two forall{.haskell}s, so its definition must begin with a corresponding number of \@{.haskell}s (which I moved onto the RHS for presentation purposes - don't want lines getting too wide).

    Similarly, the list Cons{.haskell}tructors were used as expressions of type List a in Haskell, but their $F_C$ types start with a forall{.haskell}, meaning we have to instantiate them - Nil @b{.haskell}, Cons @b{.haskell} - at the return type of the map function.

We represent the language using a data type. Syntax productions in the language become constructors of our data type. For clarity of presentation, I'll use Text{.haskell}s for variable names. This is a bad idea, and it'll make a lot of you very angry - for good reason! Dealing with binders is hard, and using strings for identifiers is quite possibly the worst solution. It'd be more principled to use de Bruijn indices, or locally nameless, or something. But - that's a needless complication, so, in the interest of clarity, I'll just use strings.

Since our language contains type applications, we "need" to define types before expressions. Well, this is a Haskell program, so we don't need to - Haskell programs are not lists of definitions, but rather directed graphs of definitions, so that source order doesn't matter - but for clarity, we define the type of types before the type of expressions.

module Core where

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)

data Kind
  = TypeKi
  -- ^ The kind '*'
  | ConstraintKi
  -- ^ The kind 'Constraint'
  | FunKi Kind Kind
  -- ^ κ → κ
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Type
  = VarTy Text Kind
  -- ^ Type variables α
  | AppTy Type Type
  -- ^ The type being applied is never a constructor,
  -- always another AppTy or a VarTy.
  | ConTy Text [Type]
  -- ^ Type constructor applied to some arguments.
  | ForAllTy Text Kind Type
  -- ^ Polymorphic types
  | FunTy Type Type
  -- ^ Function types
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Throughout the language, variables (resp. type variables) are annotated with the type (resp. kind) with which they are introduced. More, our type of expressions unifies \ @a{.haskell} and \ x{.haskell}, as well as both application forms, by delegating to Binder{.haskell} and Arg{.haskell} types.

data Binder = TypeBinder Text | ExprBinder Text
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Arg = TypeArg Type | ExprArg Expr
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Expr
  = Var Text Type
  | App Expr Arg
  | Lam Binder Expr
-- continues

For Let{.haskell}, we introduce yet another auxiliary type. A Bind{.haskell} represents a binding group, a group of mutually recursive definitions. Binding groups do not correspond 1:1 with let{.haskell}s in Haskell, for instance, the Haskell program on the left is elaborated into the Core expression on the right:

let quux x = bar (x - 1)
    foo = 1
    bar x = quux x + foo
in foo
Let (NonRec "foo" (Lit 1)) $
  Let (Rec [ ("quux", Lam (ExprBinder ...) ...
           , ("bar", Lam (ExprBinder ...) ...) ] $
    Var "foo"

As you can probably imagine, the way I arrived at this definition involves.. Graphs. Yes, it's unfortunate, but it's the only way to correctly describe how Haskell declaration blocks - that includes the top level - are type checked. The Haskell report mandates that declaration groups - in the top level, a let{.haskell} expression or a where{.haskell} clause - should be sorted into strongly connected components, and type-checked in dependency order. Each of these connected components becomes a Rec{.haskell} binding!

We define the auxiliary Bind{.haskell} type.. somewhere else, since we still have cases to add to the Expr{.haskell}. It's either a connected graph of mutually recursive binders, containing a list of pairs of names and expressions, or a single binder - in which case we unpack the pair.

-- continued
  | Let [Bind] Expr

data Bind
  = NonRec Text Expr
  | Rec [(Text, Expr)]
  deriving (Eq, Show)
-- continues

  1. Actually, if you know how numeric literals desugar, you might know the actual elaboration produced here is different: 123 becomes fromInteger @a ($NumInt |> Num (Sym phi)) (123 :: Integer){.haskell}. This is because it's totally legit to cast the Num Int{.haskell} dictionary to a Num a{.haskell} dictionary using the local equality, and, since 123{.haskell} is sugar for fromInteger @α (123 :: Integer){.haskell}, α gets solved to a, not Int{.haskell}. ↩︎

  2. In the OutsideIn(X) paper, metavariables are known as unification variables. The term metavariable is common in the dependently-typed world, whereas unification variable is more common among Haskell and ML researchers. ↩︎

  3. If you disagree with the inclusion of algebraic data types and pattern matching in the list of features of a "normal typed lambda calculus"---there's nothing you can do about it, this is my blog, lol. ↩︎