my blog lives here now
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
9.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Kate syntax highlighting for Objective Caml version 4.02 in the standard and revised syntaxes, with Ocamldoc comments. -->
<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
<!-- Regular expresion constants: -->
<!ENTITY LOWER "a-z\300-\326\330-\337"> <!-- Lowercase Latin-1 letters. -->
<!ENTITY UPPER "A-Z\340-\366\370-\377"> <!-- Uppercase Latin-1 letters. -->
<!ENTITY LETTER "&LOWER;&UPPER;"> <!-- All Latin-1 letters. -->
<!ENTITY LIDENT "[&LOWER;_][&LETTER;0-9_']*"> <!-- Lowercase OCaml identifiers. -->
<!ENTITY UIDENT "`?[&UPPER;][&LETTER;0-9_']*"> <!-- Uppercase OCaml identifiers. -->
<!ENTITY IDENT "`?[&LETTER;][&LETTER;0-9_']*"> <!-- All OCaml identifiers. -->
<!ENTITY ESC "(\\[ntbr'&quot;\\]|\\[0-9]{3}|\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})"> <!-- OCaml character code escapes. -->
<!ENTITY DEC "[0-9][0-9_]*"> <!-- Decimal digits with underscores. -->
<!ENTITY INFIX "[:!#$%&amp;*+\\/<=>?@^|-~][:!#$%&amp;*+\\/<=>?@^|-~\.]*">
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author="Abigail Magalhães ([email protected])"
license="LGPL" >
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<list name="Standard Library Modules">
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<!-- ] and ]} close code samples in Ocamldoc, so -->
<!-- nested [ ] and { } brackets have to be allowed for: -->
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<!-- A (** begins a special comment with Ocamldoc documentation markup. -->
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<!-- Interpreter directives. -->
<!-- (These are lines where the first symbol is a '#' followed by an identifier. -->
<!-- Such lines could also be part of a method call split over two lines but -->
<!-- it's unlikey anyone would code like that.) -->
<!-- String, character and Camlp4 "quotation" constants. -->
<!-- Note: If you must modify the pattern for characters be precise: -->
<!-- single quotes have several meanings in Ocaml. -->
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<!-- Identifiers and keywords. -->
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context="#stay" attribute="Infix Operator" />
<!-- Numeric constants. -->
<!-- Note that they may contain underscores. -->
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<!-- that the string will continue on the next line: -->
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<!-- Support for nested comments: -->
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<!-- Strings in Ocaml comments must be well-formed: -->
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<!-- Unmatched closing brackets- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
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<!-- Lowercase pervasive identifiers: -->
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<!-- Type variables -->
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<!-- Uppercase pervasive identifiers: -->
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