\begin{scope}[node distance=0.75cm] \node (DoDo4) [inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm] at (0, 0) {@}; \node (TimesAp) [xshift=0.25cm, inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm, below of=DoDo4, left of=DoDo4] {@}; \node (Times) [xshift=0.25cm, inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm, below of=TimesAp, left of=TimesAp] {$+$}; \node (Times44) [xshift=-0.5cm, inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm, below of=DoDo4, right of=DoDo4, yshift=-0.5cm, color=blue] {@}; \node (4) [xshift=-0.25cm, inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm, below of=Times44, right of=Times44, yshift=-0.75cm, color=blue] {4}; \node (Times4) [xshift=0.25cm, inner xsep=0.04cm, inner ysep=0.05cm, below of=Times44, left of=Times44, xshift=2, color=blue] {@}; \node (Times2) [xshift=0.25cm, inner xsep=0.01cm, inner ysep=0.03cm, below of=Times4, left of=Times4, color=blue] {$+$}; \draw[->] (DoDo4) to (TimesAp); \draw[->] (TimesAp) to (Times); \draw[->] (TimesAp) to (Times44); \draw[->] (DoDo4) to (Times44); \draw[->,color=blue,dashed] (Times44) to (Times4); \draw[->,color=blue,dashed] (Times4) to (Times2); \draw[->,color=blue,dashed] (Times4) |- (4); \draw[->,color=blue,dashed] (Times44) to (4); \end{scope}