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743 B

2 years ago
  1. name: blag
  2. version:
  3. build-type: Simple
  4. cabal-version: >= 1.10
  5. executable site
  6. main-is: site.hs
  7. build-depends: base
  8. , text
  9. , hsass
  10. , aeson
  11. , hakyll
  12. , pandoc
  13. , binary
  14. , process
  15. , deepseq
  16. , hashable
  17. , directory
  18. , containers
  19. , bytestring
  20. , uri-encode
  21. , hakyll-sass
  22. , skylighting
  23. , pandoc-types
  24. , unordered-containers
  25. ghc-options: -threaded
  26. default-language: Haskell2010