Abbie's Haskell compiler
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Errors where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Frontend.Parser.Posn
import qualified GHC.IO.Handle.FD
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.IO.FD
import GHC.Stack
import System.Posix.Internals (c_isatty)
data AhcError
= AhcError { errorMessage :: String
, errorFilename :: String
, errorInlineDesc :: Maybe String
, errorBegin :: Posn
, errorEnd :: Posn
, errorPointers :: [ErrorPointer]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary, Hashable, NFData, Typeable, Exception)
emptyError :: HasCallStack => AhcError
emptyError =
AhcError (error "errors must have a message")
(error "errors must have a filename")
(error "errors must have a start pos")
(error "errors must have an end pos")
data ErrorPointer
= ErrorPointer { errorPointerBegin :: Posn
, errorPointerEnd :: Posn
, errorPointerNote :: Maybe String
, errorPointerDrawSquiggle :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Binary, Hashable, NFData)
showAhcError :: Bool -> [String] -> AhcError -> String
showAhcError color code pe = do
unlines $
[ bold
++ errorFilename pe
++ ":" ++ show linum ++ ":" ++ show startcol ++ ": "
++ red ++ "error:" ++ reset
] ++ map (render bold red sep reset) (mainPointer:errorPointers pe) ++
[ padToMax "" ++ " " ++ errorMessage pe
linum = posnLine (errorBegin pe)
startcol = posnColm (errorBegin pe)
maxln = maximum [ length (show (posnLine e)) | e <- errorEnd pe:map errorPointerEnd (errorPointers pe)]
(red, bold, reset, sep)
| color = ("\x1b[31m", "\x1b[1m", "\x1b[0m", "\x1b[1;34m \9474 \x1b[0m")
| otherwise = ("", "", "", "")
padToMax x
| length x < maxln = replicate (maxln - length x) ' ' ++ x
| otherwise = x
mainPointer = ErrorPointer (errorBegin pe) (errorEnd pe) (errorInlineDesc pe) True
render bold red sep reset (ErrorPointer start end note squig) = do
linum = posnLine start
startcol = posnColm start
multiline = linum /= posnLine end
| multiline = 0
| otherwise = max 0 (posnColm end - startcol - 1)
linum' = padToMax $ show linum
line = [ show linum ++ sep ++ code !! (linum - 1) | linum <- [ linum .. posnLine end ] ]
padding = replicate (length linum') ' ' ++ sep
padding' = replicate (length linum') ' ' ++ " "
caret = replicate (startcol - 1) ' ' ++ red ++ "^"
| squig = replicate width '~'
| otherwise = ""
init $ unlines
[ padding
, init (unlines line)
, padding ++ caret ++ squiggle ++ reset ++ fromMaybe "" ((" " ++) <$> note)
printAhcError :: AhcError -> IO ()
printAhcError pe = do
code <- lines <$> readFile (errorFilename pe)
color <- fmap (1 ==) . c_isatty . fdFD =<< GHC.IO.Handle.FD.handleToFd GHC.IO.Handle.FD.stdout
putStr $ showAhcError color code pe
pointTo :: HasPosn x => x -> x -> String -> [ErrorPointer]
pointTo s e msg = [ErrorPointer (startPosn s) (endPosn e) (Just msg) False]