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Implement parsing for foreign import declarations

Amélia Liao 2 years ago
7 changed files with 278 additions and 28 deletions
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ahc.cabal View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ executable ahc
build-tool-depends: alex:alex >= 3.2.4 && < 4.0

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src/Frontend/Autogen/Lexer.x View File

@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ tokens :-
$white_nol+ ;
\t { \_ _ -> alexError "tab character in source code" }
<0,import_> "--" .* \n
<0,import_,foreign_> "--" .* \n
{ just $ pushStartCode newline }
<0> \= { always TokEqual }
<0> \` { always TokTick }
<0> \: \: { always TokDoubleColon }
<foreign_> \: \: { \i l -> popStartCode *> always TokDoubleColon i l }
<0> \\ { \i l -> setPendingLC *> yield' (const TokLambda) i l }
<0> "->" { always TokArrow }
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ tokens :-
<0> \{ { always TokOBrace }
<0> \[ { always TokOSquare }
<0,import_> {
<0,import_,foreign_> {
\, { always TokComma }
\( { always TokOParen }
\) { always TokCParen }
@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ tokens :-
<0> \;+ { always TokSemi }
<0,import_> \n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
<0,import_,foreign_> \n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
<0> \" { startString }
<0,foreign_> \" { startString }
<string> {
\\ \" { stringAppend (T.singleton '"') }
@ -107,17 +108,12 @@ tokens :-
() { startLayout }
<import_> {
\n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
"--" .* \n { just $ pushStartCode newline }
<empty_layout> () { emptyLayout }
<pending> () { emitPendingToken }
-- identifiers and keywords
<0,import_> {
<0,import_,foreign_> {
$lower [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { variableOrKeyword }
$upper [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { yield (TokUnqual ConId) }
@ -300,7 +296,7 @@ offsideRule (Posn line col, _, _, _) _ = do
maybePopImportSC :: Alex ()
maybePopImportSC = do
startcode <- alexGetStartCode
when (startcode == import_) popStartCode
when (startcode == import_ || startcode == foreign_) popStartCode
emptyLayout :: AlexInput -> Int64 -> Alex Token
emptyLayout (Posn line col, _, _, _) _ = do
@ -402,18 +398,20 @@ finishVarKw l c text = do
-- set the "keyword" (now changed to an identifier) as pending, so
-- that it will be emitted by the next alexMonadScan.
"import" -> do
pushStartCode import_
when ((sc /= import_) && (sc /= foreign_)) $ pushStartCode import_
pure (Token TokImport l c)
| sc == import_, c > col -> pure (Token TokAs l c)
| sc == import_ -> offsideKeyword (TokUnqual VarId text) l c
| otherwise -> pure (Token (TokUnqual VarId text) l c)
"as" -> conditionalKeyword l c import_ (c > col) TokAs
"qualified" -> conditionalKeyword l c import_ (c > col) TokQualified
| sc == import_, c > col -> pure (Token TokQualified l c)
| sc == import_ -> offsideKeyword (TokUnqual VarId text) l c
| otherwise -> pure (Token (TokUnqual VarId text) l c)
"foreign" -> do
when (sc /= foreign_) $ pushStartCode foreign_
pure (Token TokForeign l c)
"export" -> conditionalKeyword l c foreign_ (c > col) TokForeign
"safe" -> conditionalKeyword l c foreign_ (c > col) TokSafe
"unsafe" -> conditionalKeyword l c foreign_ (c > col) TokUnsafe
"ccall" -> conditionalKeyword l c foreign_ (c > col) TokCCall
-- when starting a layout context for let expressions we make sure
-- that it is distinguishable from layout contexts started by
@ -456,6 +454,15 @@ finishVarKw l c text = do
[] -> error "empty keyword/identifier"
conditionalKeyword l c import_ cond kw = do
sc <- alexGetStartCode
case () of
() | sc == import_, cond -> pure (Token kw l c)
| sc == import_ -> offsideKeyword (TokUnqual VarId text) l c
| otherwise -> pure (Token (TokUnqual VarId text) l c)
where text = T.pack (show kw)
finishVar :: (IdClass -> T.Text -> TokenClass) -> (IdClass -> T.Text -> T.Text -> TokenClass) -> Int -> Int -> T.Text -> Alex Token
finishVar tokunqual tokqual l c text
| T.null text = undefined

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src/Frontend/Autogen/Parser.y View File

@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ module Frontend.Autogen.Parser where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import Frontend.Parser.Foreign
import Frontend.Lexer.Wrapper
import Frontend.Autogen.Lexer
import Frontend.Lexer.Tokens
import Frontend.Parser.Posn
import Frontend.Syntax
import Frontend.Autogen.Lexer
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (span)
@ -83,6 +84,12 @@ import Control.Monad
'import' { Token TokImport _ _ }
'as' { Token TokAs _ _ }
'qualified' { Token TokQualified _ _ }
'foreign' { Token TokForeign _ _ }
'export' { Token TokExport _ _ }
'safe' { Token TokSafe _ _ }
'unsafe' { Token TokUnsafe _ _ }
'ccall' { Token TokCCall _ _ }
@ -175,8 +182,9 @@ NSItem :: { NamespacedItem ParsedVar }
| 'module' CON { IEModule (getVar $2) }
ModItem :: { Item }
: Decl { ModDecl $1 (startPosn $1) (endPosn $1) }
| Import { ModImport $1 (startPosn $1) (endPosn $1) }
: Decl { ModDecl $1 (startPosn $1) (endPosn $1) }
| Import { ModImport $1 (startPosn $1) (endPosn $1) }
| 'foreign' FfiItem { ModFfi $2 (startPosn $1) (endPosn $2) }
Import :: { ModuleImport ParsedVar }
: 'import' modid ImportExportList
@ -191,6 +199,32 @@ Import :: { ModuleImport ParsedVar }
| 'import' 'qualified' modid ImportExportList 'as' CON
{ Import $3 (fst $4) True (Just (getVar $6)) (startPosn $1) (endPosn $6) }
FfiItem :: { FfiItem ParsedVar }
: 'import' CallConv Safety Entity VAR '::' Type
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
{% do { ffiDesc <- traverse parseForeignItem $4
; pure $ FfiImport
{ fiVarName = getVar $5
, fiType = $7
, fiCallConv = $2
, fiSafety = $3
, fiItem = ffiDesc
, fiBegin = startPosn $1
, fiEnd = endPosn $7 }
} }
Safety :: { Maybe FfiSafety }
: {-empty-} { Nothing }
| 'safe' { Just Safe }
| 'unsafe' { Just Unsafe }
CallConv :: { FfiCallConv }
: 'ccall' { CC_CCall }
Entity :: { Maybe Token }
: {-empty-} { Nothing }
| STRING { Just $1 }
: { () }
| p { () }

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src/Frontend/Lexer/Tokens.hs View File

@ -47,17 +47,23 @@ data TokenClass
| TokCase
| TokOf
| TokForeign
| TokExport
| TokSafe
| TokUnsafe
| TokCCall
| TokData
| TokSemi
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show TokenClass where
show (TokUnqual _ id) = T.unpack id
show (TokUnqual _ id) = T.unpack id
show (TokQual _ ns id) = T.unpack ns ++ '.':T.unpack id
show (TokUnqualOp _ id) = T.unpack id
show (TokUnqualOp _ id) = T.unpack id
show (TokQualOp _ ns id) = T.unpack ns ++ '.':T.unpack id
show (TokString text) = show text
show (TokString text) = show text
show TokEof = "<EOF>"
show TokLambda = "\\"
@ -95,6 +101,33 @@ instance Show TokenClass where
show TokOf = "of"
show TokData = "data"
show TokForeign = "foreign"
show TokExport = "export"
show TokSafe = "export"
show TokUnsafe = "export"
show TokCCall = "export"
isKeywordToken :: TokenClass -> Bool
isKeywordToken TokLet = True
isKeywordToken TokIn = True
isKeywordToken TokModule = True
isKeywordToken TokImport = True
isKeywordToken TokQualified = True
isKeywordToken TokAs = True
isKeywordToken TokWhere = True
isKeywordToken TokCase = True
isKeywordToken TokOf = True
isKeywordToken TokForeign = True
isKeywordToken TokExport = True
isKeywordToken TokSafe = True
isKeywordToken TokUnsafe = True
isKeywordToken TokCCall = True
isKeywordToken TokData = True
isKeywordToken _ = False
tokSize :: TokenClass -> Int
tokSize = length . show

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src/Frontend/Parser/Foreign.hs View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Frontend.Parser.Foreign where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List
import Frontend.Lexer.Wrapper
import Frontend.Lexer.Tokens
import Frontend.Syntax
import Text.Show.Pretty
import Frontend.Parser.Posn
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
parseForeignItem :: Token -> Alex FfiImpEnt
parseForeignItem token@(Token (TokString impent) line col) = go 0 impent emptyItem
pn = Posn line (col + 1)
go off xs item
| T.pack " " `T.isPrefixOf` xs =
let (run, rest) = T.span (== ' ') xs
in go (off + T.length run) rest item
go off (T.span (/= ' ') -> (x, xs)) item
| x == xs, T.null xs = pure item
| x == T.pack "static" =
if fiStatic item
then tooManyStatics pn off
else go (off + T.length x) xs item{fiStatic = True}
| T.pack ".h" `T.isSuffixOf` x =
case fiHeader item of
Nothing -> go (off + T.length x) xs item{fiHeader = Just x}
Just _ -> tooManyHeaders pn off (T.length x)
| T.singleton '&' `T.isPrefixOf` x, T.length x == 1 =
if fiIsRef item
then tooManyReferences pn off
else go (off + 1) xs item{fiIsRef = True}
| T.singleton '&' `T.isPrefixOf` x, T.length x >= 2 =
if fiIsRef item
then tooManyReferences pn off
else go (off + 1) (T.tail x <> xs) item{fiIsRef = True}
| otherwise =
case fiItemName item of
Nothing -> do
id <- parseCid pn off x
go (off + T.length x) xs item{fiItemName = id}
_ -> tooManyItemNames pn off (T.length x)
parseForeignItem _ = undefined
tooManyHeaders :: Posn -> Int -> Int -> Alex a
tooManyHeaders (Posn l c) off len =
alexThrow $ \fname ->
{ parseErrorMessage = "this foreign entity has too many header names; only one is allowed."
, parseErrorFilename = fname
, parseErrorInlineDesc = Just "repeated header name"
, parseErrorBegin = Posn l (c + off)
, parseErrorEnd = Posn l (c + off + len)
tooManyItemNames :: Posn -> Int -> Int -> Alex a
tooManyItemNames (Posn l c) off len =
alexThrow $ \fname ->
{ parseErrorMessage = "this foreign entity has too many names; only one is allowed."
, parseErrorFilename = fname
, parseErrorInlineDesc = Just "repeated name"
, parseErrorBegin = Posn l (c + off)
, parseErrorEnd = Posn l (c + off + len)
tooManyReferences :: Posn -> Int -> Alex a
tooManyReferences (Posn l c) off =
alexThrow $ \fname ->
{ parseErrorMessage = "this foreign entity has too many '&'s; only one is allowed."
, parseErrorFilename = fname
, parseErrorInlineDesc = Just "repeated '&'"
, parseErrorBegin = Posn l (c + off)
, parseErrorEnd = Posn l (c + off + 1)
tooManyStatics :: Posn -> Int -> Alex a
tooManyStatics (Posn l c) off =
alexThrow $ \fname ->
{ parseErrorMessage = "this foreign entity has too many 'static's; only one is allowed."
, parseErrorFilename = fname
, parseErrorInlineDesc = Just "repeated 'static'"
, parseErrorBegin = Posn l (c + off)
, parseErrorEnd = Posn l (c + off + length "static")
parseCid :: Posn -> Int -> T.Text -> Alex (Maybe T.Text)
parseCid (Posn l c) off id
| T.null id = pure $ Nothing
| isValidCIdent id = pure $ Just id
| otherwise =
alexThrow $ \fname ->
{ parseErrorMessage = "names for foreign entities must be valid C identifiers."
, parseErrorFilename = fname
, parseErrorInlineDesc = Just "this is not a C identifier"
, parseErrorBegin = Posn l (c + off)
, parseErrorEnd = Posn l (c + off + T.length id)
isValidCIdent :: T.Text -> Bool
isValidCIdent = go . T.unpack where
go :: String -> Bool
go [] = False
go (x:xs)
| isAlpha x = go' xs
| otherwise = False
go' :: String -> Bool
go' [] = True
go' (x:xs)
| 'a' <= x && x <= 'z' = go' xs
| 'A' <= x && x <= 'Z' = go' xs
| '0' <= x && x <= '9' = go' xs
| x == '_' = go' xs
| otherwise = False
emptyItem :: FfiImpEnt
emptyItem =
ForeignItem { fiItemName = Nothing
, fiHeader = Nothing
, fiStatic = False
, fiIsRef = False

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src/Frontend/Syntax.hs View File

@ -135,6 +135,40 @@ data NamespacedItem var
data ModuleItem var
= ModDecl { itemDecl :: FeDecl var, itemBegin :: Posn, itemEnd :: Posn }
| ModImport { itemImport :: ModuleImport var, itemBegin :: Posn, itemEnd :: Posn }
| ModFfi { itemForeign :: FfiItem var, itemBegin :: Posn, itemEnd :: Posn }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data FfiItem var
= FfiImport
{ fiVarName :: var
, fiType :: FeType var
, fiCallConv :: FfiCallConv
, fiSafety :: Maybe FfiSafety
, fiItem :: Maybe FfiImpEnt
, fiBegin :: Posn
, fiEnd :: Posn
| FfiExport
{ fiVarName :: var
, fiType :: FeType var
, fiCallConv :: FfiCallConv
, fiExpCid :: Maybe Text
, fiBegin :: Posn
, fiEnd :: Posn
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data FfiCallConv = CC_CCall deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data FfiSafety = Safe | Unsafe deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data FfiImpEnt
= ForeignItem
{ fiItemName :: Maybe Text
, fiHeader :: Maybe Text
, fiStatic :: Bool
, fiIsRef :: Bool
| Dynamic
| Wrapper
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data ParsedVar
@ -185,4 +219,10 @@ instance HasPosn (ModuleItem var) where
startPosn = itemBegin
endPosn = itemEnd
span sp ep s = s { itemBegin = startPosn sp, itemEnd = endPosn ep }
span sp ep s = s { itemBegin = startPosn sp, itemEnd = endPosn ep }
instance HasPosn (FfiItem var) where
startPosn = fiBegin
endPosn = fiEnd
span sp ep s = s { fiBegin = startPosn sp, fiEnd = endPosn ep }

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src/Main.hs View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
for_ args $ \str -> do
Main.lex str pPrint parseMod =<< Lbs.readFile str
Main.lex str (\_ -> putStrLn $ str ++ " parsed!") parseMod =<< Lbs.readFile str
testParse :: String -> IO ()
testParse s = Main.lex "<interactive>" pPrint parseMod (Lbs.fromStrict (T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack s)))
