module M = import "data/" module G = import "./lib/" open import "./" open import "amulet/" open import "" type tc_tyvar 'a = Tv of { name : string, level : int, var : ref (option 'a) } instance eq (tc_tyvar 'a) begin let Tv x == Tv y = == end instance ord (tc_tyvar 'a) begin let Tv x `compare` Tv y = `compare` end type tc_kappa = | K_arr of tc_kappa * tc_kappa | K_star | K_var of tc_tyvar tc_kappa type tc_rho = | T_uvar of tc_tyvar tc_rho | T_var of string | T_con of string | T_app of tc_rho * tc_rho | T_arr of tc_rho * tc_rho instance show tc_rho begin let show = let rec show_arg = function | T_app _ as x -> "(" ^ go x ^ ")" | x -> show_domain x and show_domain = function | T_arr _ as x -> "(" ^ go x ^ ")" | x -> go x and go = function | T_uvar (Tv n) -> match !n.var with | Some t -> go t | None -> | T_var v -> v | T_con v -> v | T_app (f, x) -> go f ^ " " ^ show_arg x | T_arr (a, b) -> show_domain a ^ " -> " ^ go b go end instance show tc_kappa begin let show x = let rec go = function | K_star -> "*" | K_var (Tv v) -> "?" ^ | K_arr (a, b) -> show_domain a ^ " -> " ^ go b and show_domain = function | K_arr _ as x -> "(" ^ show x ^ ")" | x -> go x go x end type tc_sigma = Forall of { vars : list string, body : tc_rho } let rec free_unif_vars = function | T_uvar v -> S.singleton v | T_var _ -> S.empty | T_con _ -> S.empty | T_app (f, x) -> S.union (free_unif_vars f) (free_unif_vars x) | T_arr (a, b) -> S.union (free_unif_vars a) (free_unif_vars b) let new_name = let c = ref 0 fun () -> c := !c + 1 "alpha" ^ show !c let new_tcvar level = let name = new_name () Tv { name, level, var = ref None } let rec zonk = function | T_uvar (Tv r) as rho -> match !r.var with | Some rho -> zonk rho | None -> rho | T_var v -> T_var v | T_con v -> T_con v | T_app (f, x) -> T_app (zonk f, zonk x) | T_arr (f, x) -> T_arr (zonk f, zonk x) let empty (Tv r) = match !r.var with | None -> true | Some (T_uvar (Tv r')) -> == r'.name | _ -> false let generalise level rho = let rho = zonk rho let vars = free_unif_vars rho |> S.filter (fun (Tv r) -> r.level > level && empty (Tv r)) |> S.members flip iter vars @@ fun (Tv r) -> r.var := Some (T_var Forall { vars = map (fun (Tv r) -> vars, body = zonk rho } let rec unify a b = let solve r s = match !r.var with | Some t -> unify t s | None -> r.var := Some s match a, b with | T_uvar (Tv r), b -> solve r b | a, T_uvar (Tv r) -> solve r a | T_var a, T_var b when a == b -> () | T_con a, T_con b when a == b -> () | T_app (f, x), T_app (f', x') -> unify f f' unify x x' | T_arr (a, b), T_arr (a', b') -> unify a a' unify b b' | a, b -> error @@ "Types " ^ show a ^ " and " ^ show b ^ " are not equal" let rec unify_kappa a b = let solve r s = match !r.var with | Some t -> unify_kappa t s | None -> r.var := Some s match a, b with | K_var (Tv r), b -> solve r b | a, K_var (Tv r) -> solve r a | K_star, K_star -> () | K_arr (a, b), K_arr (a', b') -> unify_kappa a a' unify_kappa b b' | a, b -> error @@ "Kinds " ^ show a ^ " and " ^ show b ^ " are not equal" type scheme 'a = Poly of tc_sigma | Mono of 'a instance show 'a => show (scheme 'a) begin let show = function | Poly (Forall {vars,body}) -> foldl (fun s i -> s ^ " " ^ i) "forall" vars ^ ". " ^ show body | Mono x -> show x end let mono m = function | Mono x -> x | Poly _ -> error @@ "Unexpected polytype " ^ m let get_scope map var = match M.lookup var map with | Some v -> v | None -> error @@ "Name not in scope: " ^ var let is_function_kind level tau = match tau with | K_arr (a, b) -> (a, b) | _ -> let a = new_tcvar level |> K_var let b = new_tcvar level |> K_var unify_kappa tau (K_arr (a, b)) (a, b) let rec infer_kind scope = function | Tyvar v -> let kappa = get_scope scope v |> mono "(kinds aren't ever polymorphic)" (T_var v, kappa) | Tycon v -> let kappa = get_scope scope v |> mono "(kinds aren't ever polymorphic)" (T_con v, kappa) | Tyapp (f, x) -> let (f, k_f) = infer_kind scope f let (x, k_x) = infer_kind scope x let (domain, result) = is_function_kind 0 k_f unify_kappa domain k_x (T_app (f, x), result) | Tyarr (a, b) -> let a = check_is_type scope a let b = check_is_type scope b (T_arr (a, b), K_star) | Tytup [] -> (T_con "Unit#", K_star) | _ -> error "Tuple types not supported" and check_is_type scope t = let (t, k) = infer_kind scope t unify_kappa k K_star t let rec default_to_star = function | K_var (Tv r) -> match !r.var with | Some k -> default_to_star k | None -> K_star | K_star -> K_star | K_arr (a, b) -> K_arr (default_to_star a, default_to_star b) type dt_info <- { name : string, d_args : list string, c_args : list tc_rho, c_ret : tc_rho } let mk_con_info (d_name : string) (d_args : list string) : list (string * list tc_rho) -> list dt_info = let go (name, args) = { name, c_args = args, d_args, c_ret = foldl (fun f x -> T_app (f, T_var x)) (T_con d_name) d_args } map go let infer_data_group_kind scope (group : list _) = let init_kind (group, names) (name, args, constr) = let args = args |> map (fun v -> (v, new_tcvar 0 |> K_var |> Mono)) let kind = foldl (fun t (_, r) -> K_arr (t, mono "" r)) K_star args let scope = M.from_list args ((name, kind, constr, scope, args) :: group, M.insert name (Mono kind) names) let (group, scope') = foldl init_kind ([], M.empty) group let scope = M.union scope scope' let group : list (string * tc_kappa * list string * list (string * list tc_rho)) = flip map group @@ fun (name, kind, constrs, args, args') -> let scope = M.union scope args constrs |> map (fun (Constr (name, args)) -> (name, map (check_is_type scope) args)) |> (name,kind,[x|with (x,_)<-args'],) flip map group @@ fun (name, kind, args, constrs) -> (name, default_to_star kind, constrs, mk_con_info name args constrs) let rec subst_vars f = function | T_var v as t -> match f v with | None -> t | Some t -> t | T_uvar (Tv v) as t -> match !v.var with | Some t -> subst_vars f t | None -> t | T_con v -> T_con v | T_app (a, b) -> T_app (subst_vars f a, subst_vars f b) | T_arr (a, b) -> T_arr (subst_vars f a, subst_vars f b) let instantiate level (Forall { vars, body }) = let vars = vars |> map (fun v -> (v, new_tcvar level |> T_uvar)) |> M.from_list subst_vars (flip M.lookup vars) body let lookup_ty level scope v = get_scope scope v |> function | Mono t -> t | Poly s -> instantiate level s let is_function_type level tau = match tau with | T_arr (a, b) -> (a, b) | _ -> let a = new_tcvar level |> T_uvar let b = new_tcvar level |> T_uvar unify tau (T_arr (a, b)) (a, b) (* TODO: Rank-N types *) let is_subtype = unify let rec infer dt_info level scope = function | Ref v -> lookup_ty level scope v |> (Ref v,) | App (f, x) -> let (f, arg, res) = infer dt_info level scope f |> second (is_function_type level) let x = check dt_info level scope arg x (App (f, x), res) | Lit i -> (Lit i, T_con "Int") | Let (bindings, body) -> let (bindings, scope') = infer_binding_group dt_info level scope bindings let (body, body_t) = infer dt_info level (scope `M.union` map force scope') body (Let (bindings, body), body_t) | x -> let t = new_tcvar level |> T_uvar let x = check dt_info level scope t x (x, t) and check dt_info level scope wanted = function | Lam (arg, body) -> let (arg_t, body_t) = is_function_type level wanted let body = (* TODO: Rank-N types *) check dt_info level (M.insert arg (Mono arg_t) scope) body_t body Lam (arg, body) | Case (_, []) -> error "Empty case" | Case (scrutinee, Cons ((con, _, _), _) as patterns) -> let data = match M.lookup con dt_info with | Some data -> data | None -> error @@ "Constructor " ^ con ^ " doesn't belong to a type" let (scrutinee, scrut_t) = infer dt_info level scope scrutinee let go_arm {name, d_args, c_args, c_ret} (con, args, expr) = if name <> con then error @@ "Constructors out of order: expected this pattern to match " ^ name else () if length c_args <> length args then error @@ "Constructor " ^ con ^ " has " ^ show (length c_args) ^ " but is being matched against with " ^ show (length args) ^ " variables" else () let d_args = d_args |> map (fun v -> (v, new_tcvar level |> T_uvar)) |> M.from_list let c_args = map (Mono # subst_vars (flip M.lookup d_args)) c_args let c_ret = subst_vars (flip M.lookup d_args) c_ret unify c_ret scrut_t let scope' = M.from_list (zip args c_args) `M.union` scope (con, args, check dt_info level scope' wanted expr) Case (scrutinee, zip_with go_arm data patterns) | x -> let (x, t) = infer dt_info level scope x is_subtype t wanted x and infer_binding_group dt_info level (scope : M.t string _) bindings : _ * M.t string _ = let inner = level + 1 let initial_types = bindings |> map (fun (name, _) -> (name, new_tcvar inner |> T_uvar |> Mono)) |> M.from_list let initial_types = initial_types |> M.union scope let go_binding (bindings : list _, scope' : M.t _ _) (name : string, body : expr) = let (body, body_ty) = (fun () -> infer dt_info inner initial_types body) `catch` fun (e : some exception) -> error (describe_exception e ^ "\nwhen type checking " ^ name) M.lookup name scope |> function | Some (Mono t) -> unify t body_ty | _ -> () ( (name, body) :: bindings, M.insert name (lazy (generalise level body_ty |> Poly)) scope' ) foldl go_binding ([], M.empty) bindings let dependency_graph defs = let rec free_vars_of_cons t m (Constr (name, args)) = let cons = foldl (fun s t -> S.union s (free_cons t)) (S.singleton t) args M.insert name cons m let define n x m = M.alter (function | Some _ -> error @@ "Redefinition of value " ^ n | None -> Some x) n m let go (graph, defs) = function | Foreign (Fimport { var }) as x -> (M.insert var S.empty graph, define var x defs) | Decl (name, args, expr) as x -> let fvs = free_vars expr |> flip S.difference (S.from_list args) |> S.delete name (M.insert name fvs graph, define name x defs) | Data (name, _, cons) as x -> M.union graph (foldl (free_vars_of_cons name) M.empty cons) |> M.insert name S.empty |> (, define name x defs) let (graph, defs) = foldl go (M.empty, M.empty) defs (G.groups_of_sccs graph, defs) let mk_lam args body = foldr (curry Lam) body args let rec unlambda = function | Lam (v, x) -> let (args, x) = unlambda x (v :: args, x) | e -> ([], e) let rec replicate n x = if n <= 0 then [] else x :: replicate (n - 1) x let rec add_missing_vars scope = function | Tyvar v -> match M.lookup v scope with | Some _ -> scope | None -> let k = new_tcvar 0 |> K_var M.insert v (Mono k) scope | Tycon _ -> scope | Tyapp (a, b) -> add_missing_vars (add_missing_vars scope b) a | Tyarr (a, b) -> add_missing_vars (add_missing_vars scope b) a | Tytup xs -> foldl add_missing_vars scope xs let tc_program (prog : list decl) = let (plan, defs) = dependency_graph prog let tc_one (dt_info, val_scope, ty_scope, out) group = let defs = [ x | with name <- S.members group, with Some x <- [M.lookup name defs] ] match defs with | [] -> (dt_info, val_scope, ty_scope, defs) | [Foreign (Fimport {var, ftype}) as def] -> let ty_scope' = add_missing_vars M.empty ftype let t = check_is_type (M.union ty_scope' ty_scope) ftype (dt_info, M.insert var (Forall { vars = M.keys ty_scope', body = t } |> Poly) val_scope, ty_scope, def :: out) | Cons (Foreign (Fimport {var}), _) -> error @@ "Foreign definition " ^ var ^ " is part of a group. How?" | Cons (Decl (name, args, body), ds) -> let bindings = (name, mk_lam args body) :: [ (name, mk_lam args body) | with Decl (name, args, body) <- ds ] let (bindings, scope') = infer_binding_group dt_info -1 val_scope bindings let decs = [ Decl (name, unlambda expr) | with (name, expr) <- bindings ] (dt_info, M.union (map force scope') val_scope, ty_scope, decs ++ defs) | Cons (Data d, ds) -> let datas = d :: [ d | with Data d <- ds ] let r = infer_data_group_kind ty_scope datas let fix_constr (name, rhos : list tc_rho) = Constr (name, replicate (length rhos) (Tycon "#")) let rec go dt ty (vl : M.t string (scheme tc_rho)) ds = function | [] -> (dt, vl, ty, reverse ds ++ out) | Cons ((name, kind, constrs, info : list dt_info), rest) -> go (foldl (fun i {name} -> M.insert name info i) dt info) (M.insert name (Mono kind) ty) (foldl (fun s {name,d_args,c_args,c_ret} -> M.insert name (Forall { vars = d_args, body = foldr (curry T_arr) c_ret c_args} |> Poly) s) vl info) (Data (name, [], fix_constr <$> constrs) :: ds) rest go dt_info ty_scope val_scope [] r let (_, _, _, p) = foldl tc_one (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, []) plan p