module Set = import "data/" open import "" type update_flag = Updatable | Function type lambda_form 'a <- { name : string, free_vars : Set.t string, args : list string, update : update_flag, body : 'a } type stg_atom = | Var of string | Int of int type stg_pattern = | Con_pat of int * list string | Default type stg_primitive = | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Equ type stg_expr = | Let of list (lambda_form stg_expr) * stg_expr | Case of stg_expr * string * list (stg_pattern * stg_expr) | App of stg_atom * list stg_atom | Con of int * int * list stg_atom | Prim of stg_primitive * list stg_atom | Atom of stg_atom type stg_def = | Fun of { name : string, args : list string, body : stg_expr, is_con : option int } | Ffi_def of { name : string, fent : string, arity : int } let stg_fv = let rec go = function | Atom a -> go_atom a | Let (lfs, e) -> let fv = go e fv `Set.difference` Set.from_list (map (.name) lfs) | App (a, args) -> foldl Set.union Set.empty (map go_atom (a::args)) | Con (_, _, i) -> foldl Set.union Set.empty (map go_atom i) | Case (ex, binder, pats) -> foldl go_pat (go ex) pats |> Set.delete binder | Prim (_, args) -> foldl Set.union Set.empty (map go_atom args) and go_atom = function | Int _ -> Set.empty | Var e -> Set.singleton e and go_pat set = function | Default, e -> Set.union set (go e) | Con_pat (_, args), e -> Set.union set (go e `Set.difference` Set.from_list args) go