# agda-reference-filter A Pandoc filter for linking Agda identifiers in inline code blocks. ## Usage The filter operates on Markdown files generated by Agda's built-in literate programming support (use `--html-highlight=auto` to keep the Markdown), then call Pandoc with the filter: ```bash agda --html-highlight=auto --html example.lagda.md pandoc --filter agda-reference-filter -i example.md -o example.html ``` The input file will be scanned, in source order, to build a variable name - HTML element association. Only the first reference is counted: if you have two identifiers called `go`, then `` `go` `` in Markdown will link to the first. ### Controlling whether spans are linked Code spans in Markdown are only linked if they have the `agda` - **case insensitive** - class. In Pandoc syntax, you can attach a class to a code span like so: ``` `List`{.agda} ``` If you want a span to have the `agda` class but for it not to be linked, add the `nolink` class. ### Controlling what spans are linked to If a span has the `ident` attribute, then the value of that attribute will be used as the identifier to link to instead of the span text.